
Chapter 14

The next day after the golem attack incident, the students readied to go on their study tour. Last night's incidents did not delay or stop the activities that had been scheduled for that morning.

The study tour on their first day was to a weapon forge located not far from the castle of the Dwarven Kingdom. Even though inside the castle there was a forge, but it was only a private forge and wasn't that big. The one they were going to this time was the biggest and best in the Dwarven Kingdom.

The students were taken to a large building in the shape of a cube. The walls of the building are made of steel so that it looks like a fortress or a shelter from disaster.

The place has a very strict level of security. Many soldiers and golems were stationed to guard there. What they felt for the first time when they entered the building was the heat coming from the forging furnace and the noise from the clash of metals.

"It is very hot here!"