
Invincible's: SUPERMAN

what if Kal-el was born in the invincible universe? will follow the comics and will deviate at certain points. there maybe a harem depending on feed back, however for now main ship is Kal and Anissa.

Thomas_Hodge · 漫画同人
46 Chs

The first!

" Hey, john what's wrong? Are you scared?"

Clark asked as he craddled his crying in his arms.

" He's probably hungry. Hand him to me, Clark."

Anissa said as she took the baby from the man.

Anissa pulled the straps to her dress down and allowed Johnathan to suck on her breast.

" See, I told you."

Anissa said to the man.

" Look at him go."

Clark said as he watched his young son eating.

Clark sat down next to Anissa and wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to him.

" I love you Anissa."

Clark said as he gave the woman a kiss on her cheek.

" Where did that come from?"

Anissa asked.

" Every time I look at you and our child, I just think about all of the things we've been through. Tha pain and suffering, the Happiness. And I can't help but be grateful for everyone I have in my life. And no one means more to me than you two. I love you, Anissa."

Clark explained to the woman as he gave her another kiss.

" I love you too Clark."

Anissa smiled back at the man.

" And I love you too john. My precious son. There isn't a thing daddy wouldn't do to keep you safe."

Clark said as he leaned down and kissed his son's head.

" I can't wai...."

Clark was saying before he suddenly vanished.

" Clark? Clark? CLARK?!"

Anissa yelled in terror as she looked around for the man.

Anissa frantically began searching the house with Johnathan in her arms.

" Wait until he grows up... What the?"

Clark asked as he looked around at the white void.

" What is happening right now? Where the fuck am I?!"

Clark yelled in anger.

" Settle down Clark. I'll explain everything I can. I just need you to keep your cool."

A voice explained.

" Who are you? What happened to my family?"

Clark asked.

" You'll see them again once everyone has arrived until then settle down. I must warn you of a coming threat. To all of reality."

The voice explained to the angry kryptonian.

" If you've hurt my family, I swear I will tear you apart piece by piece."

Clark declared as his eyes burned with rage.

" They are fine, here look."

The voice said as an Image of Clarks family appeared.

" See they are fine. But they will not stay that way if you don't listen to what I have to say."

The voice explained.

" Speak."

Clark demanded.

" Clark you are the first of your brothers. But you are not the first in all of reality. There are infinite universes out there and yours is just one of those many. These universes are teeming with life. However, there is a being coming that will seek to extinguish that life. I need your help to ensure that this being doesn't succeed in his conquest. I won't lie to you the chances that you survive this encounter are next to none. But if you do not fight then you will die regardless. Will you fight Clark kent?"

The voice asked.

" I will. For my family."

Clark declared.

" I see, well done my son. You as the first of your brothers must lead them when the time comes. Until then, do what you must to get stronger. As for me, I must go and seek aid from others."

The voice explained.

" Wait! You said I was the first of my brothers yes?"

Clark asked.

" Yes, you are."

The voice answered.

" I want to meet them all!"

Clark stated.

" Very well, I shall leave them to you."

The voice explained.

" But know this, once you leave here you will not remember the events that took place. It will be as if nothing had happened at all. Farewell my boy. The fate of us rests in your hands."

The voice said before leaving the man behind.