
Invincible's: SUPERMAN

what if Kal-el was born in the invincible universe? will follow the comics and will deviate at certain points. there maybe a harem depending on feed back, however for now main ship is Kal and Anissa.

Thomas_Hodge · 漫画同人
46 Chs


Narrators pov

The trio of Kregg, Anissa, and Superman all end up going through a portal landing on an unknown island leaving the three unconscious.

back to clark

(clark)" Ugh what the hell happened? My head is killing me."

(Anissa)" What the hell did you do to us?!"

(clark)" hey I told you already I didn't do this. Someone must of saw this opportunity to get rid of all of us at the same time. Damn it." I use my x ray vision to check our surroundings or at least that was the plan. " What the hell!"

(Kregg)" What is it?"

(clark)" My powers I can't use my x-ray vision." I then try to use my heat vision. Nothing. " What the hell."

(Anissa)" x-ray vision?"

(clark)" I can see through objects down to a molecular level."

(Anissa)" you better not look under my clothes."

(clark)" We got sucked into a portal, landed in a place where my powers don't work and being seen naked is what you're concerned about?! really? let me try something else." I jump off the ground trying to fly, and I land back down on the ground. " Nothing Damn it! what about you two?" I watch as they fail to use their powers as well.

(Kregg)" No."

(Anissa)" Nothing Damn it how do we get out of here?"

(clark)" Hold up let me try something. Fortress can you hear me?"

[fortress] Yes Kal-el how can I be of assistance?

(clark)" Glad to hear ya fortress can you tell us where we are?"

[fortress] calculating...... unkown."

(clark)" Ok can you tell us how to get back?"

[fortress] fortress can create a portal transporting everyone back, however this process will take time."

(clark)" Ok guys some good news and some bad news. Which do you want first?"

(Kregg)" let's hear the bad news first."

(clark)" Ok we're trapped in an unknown I wanna say dimension without our powers."

(Anissa)" we already KNEW THAT!"

(clark)" Ok jeez I was just summarizing our situation damn."

(kregg)" And the good news is?"

(clark)" I know of a way to get us back, but it's going to take awhile so Until then we're stuck with each other."

(Anissa)" How do we get back tell us Now!"

(clark)" Or what you'll kill the one guy who can get you back. Look I get it you're a strong woman don't get me wrong I'm not doubting that, but sometimes even the strongest of us need help and right now we need to help each other survive."

(kregg)" Agreed."

(Anissa)" Fine."

(clark)" ok well now that we agree on that how about getting to know each. I figure it will be easier for us to work together if we build at least a little bit of friendship. I'll go first. My name is Clark Kent or superman which ever you want to call me is fine."

(kregg)" very well my name is General kregg of the viltrum empire."

(Anissa)" Anissa of the viltrum empire."

(clark)" kregg and anissa huh. Well It's nice to meet you guys. Now that introductions are out of the way why don't we try finding clean water. We are by a forest so there should be something nearby we can use as a source of water. We'll also need weapons, and to set up a base, And figure out what we can and can't eat. Oh man this is going to be great." I said the sarcasm not going unnoticed. The two of them just nodded and followed thus beginning our long journey of survival.