
Invading Your World

I left everything on my own. I attended school and tried to live a normal life. I put a safe distance at people but... The most generous and adored gentleman in the class continues approaching me... The friendliest guy in school who smiles a lot, but why does his smile looks scary? Then the most distant student starts paying attention to me... Around me, the cold and arrogant young master was reduced into a fool... And the girl who is the target of envy keeps following me... 'Why are you doing this? I'm not someone you can handle.' They are the people who is always in the spotlight, whereas I'm someone who should quietly watch in the sidelines. The filler. The observer but irrelevant. But once they break in on my small, bordered world and shed a light in the darkness where I was... They saw the wrong person. I am not someone who they thought I was.

Mj_Ferret · 青春言情
36 Chs

Chapter 35: Letter Part 2

Knoxx avoided them without any attempt to conceal his disgust. "May I remind you all the things that you did? First, you threatened us to stop filling a case against your son. If not, you would sue us for physical assault. Then, you keep asking for money as a compensation. We didn't agree and your family made up things to delay us from taking a legal action. You even made the first move to sue us in court. Did you think that since you were able to sue us first, you will win? Now look at you, this is what happens when you're too ignorant."

"But it was just an attempted rape? My son didn't even do the deed! How could he be put in a prison for such a trivial reason while he almost died?! We couldn't even recognize our son anymore! This is unfair!"

The woman pointed his son who is sitting in the wheelchair while staring dumbly in the air. His son just underwent into several surgeries. Knoxx only cocked his head, looking annoyed, he said, "Madam, this is not my problem now, right? And about the unfairness thing you are talking about- only the court gets to decide about that. Am I right?"

"Don't play with me! How could I not know how it works when you have plenty of dirty money?!"

"Ah! Ah! Aaaaahhhhhh!"

The woman stopped talking hearing the ear piercing scream. Then she saw his son struggling out of his wheelchair as if he wants to run. He keeps screaming with bulging eyes, and his body is full of tremors.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" She asked but her son didn't give anything aside from his rasping breath. She knew that her son hasn't been acting like himself since then. However, even when he stopped talking, he would still answer simply when asked. This is the first time she saw him covering his face, curled up on his knees. Aside from that, he is grabbing into her as if he saw a ghost and are asking them to leave the place immediately.

"Did you see him? He's like a scared animal. I heard he has a trauma. Looking at it now, it seems true."

Dani knew that Knoxx had done it on purpose. She knew that he doesn't want to deal with the woman anymore. So he purse his lips before stepping aside, bluntly revealing her appearance. As a result, there was a commotion. Dani didn't want to pay attention about it anymore and only focus her eyes at a group who are looking at them in confusion.


"How could you plan something like this without saying anything!?" Dani interrupted Belle. Her head has been a mess and right now, she wanted more than anything to know how everything turned out like this. Eugene and David have a rigid posture while Belle is nervously fiddling the strap of her bag.

"I---" Belle made an attempt to get closer, but Dani made a step back, avoiding her blatantly.

Seeing it, David couldn't take it and wanted to do something but Knoxx prevented him by doing so. David didn't know how, but seeing how his brother brought Dani out, he knew that his brother finally figured out the truth.

"David, We're done here. We need to talk at home."

It's just one sentence but David knew himself the severity of those words. His brother is very strict. But when he would asked for his help, his brother would always give him his unconditional support. This is the first time that he lied to him and he was caught. Eugene gave him a reassuring look.

"I'll call you later." David said to Dani after turning hesitantly to go after his brother.

"This case is dismissed. And now, we can sue them in a different lawsuit. They're doomed from the beginning anyway." Eugene explained simply but he keep clenching his hands.

Dani didn't reply and Belle who is biting her lips, tried to add, "Dani, please don't misunderstand. You didn't mention it again so we thought that you don't like to deal with it anymore. It's fine anyway since Eugene and David took care of it. Look, it was fine now, right?"

"That's what I don't like! Why do you have to clean my mess?"

"But still, I can't say I am not responsible for this either. And the guys want to help you no matter what."

"You call this help?! You just made it worst!"

"Dani, you're still a minor. You know what it means. Since you're under age, they will ask for your guardian."

"Eugene is right. We tried to keep you out of this because we're also selfish. We're afraid that if your guardian showed up and learned of this, they might take you back. I'm so sorry."

"How...? How can you?!" Dani didn't know what else to say. It was at this time that she understood that she really has no right to blame the others.

"Then what should I do now?!" She muttered. Her face buried in her hands.

Eugene is concerned that she might do something at her state. So he warned her to avoid doing things that could result in backfire. "You can't do anything now. Even if you want to clean our names by saying the truth, it will just make the matter worse since we will be found guilty for lying against the court."

Belle licked her lips. And it sunk to her that they really involved themselves in something serious more than she imagine. She thought that everything would go smoothly but unfortunately, Dani and her father showed up which was never in her plan. She remembered the look her father gave her before he was summoned in her auntie's office. But she couldn't think of it right now seeing how Dani is upset.

"I told you everything's fine. After I sue him, he would be sent in jail for years, ending this problem." Her voice was steady and she sounded so calm. However, it looks like Dani wasn't paying attention anymore to anything she was saying. When she called her name repeatedly, Dani unexpectedly asked a question she couldn't understand. There was a twisted smile on her face.

"Ah, right. By the way, did you see a letter?"