
Inuyasha the Pokegirl tamer

Pokegirl x Inuyasha lemon fic based on Pokegirl, where Pokemon are humanoid females. Inuyasha is transported to the Pokegirl world when he enters the well, half a year after defeating Naraku. On his quest to find a way back home he comes across many various Pokegirls and becomes a successful tamer.

Grimm48 · 漫画同人
53 Chs

arriving in the Pokegirl world

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or anything from Pokemon/ Pokegirl.

AN: I'm not very knowledgeable of the Pokegirl world and can't find any well sorted site for it, so I'm going to be making up my own stuff additionally to whatever I know from the few stories I have read of this category.

This story starts shortly after Inuyasha enters the well to try and visit Kagome, who has been gone for half a year, ever since the defeat of Naraku.

"And, let's turn it on." A man in his sixties says, standing in front of a device, looking like an overpowered antenna.

A few seconds after pressing the machine's button, which made the device humm, a black circle opens up over it, a red and white figure falling out of it moments later, landing on the machine which falls apart at the crash.

"This is not quite what I expected." The man says, raking a hand through his grey hair, looking down at a red cloaked teen with a katana on his waist and white hair with two dog like ears in it.

"A male pokegirl? No maybe he has a blood gift." The older man murmurs, his free hand digging through his lab coat, pulling out a scanning device and runs it over the teen.

"No match." The modified pokedex says in an electronic voice.

"Looks like it's about to rain. I better bring him inside." The man says, hefting the teen onto his back with some difficulty and walks towards the building behind him, a large stone building in a similar shape of a lighthouse but with a large addition in front of it, where a wooden plate says, 'Prof. Woodlands laboratory/ Tamer registration'

A few hours later

Inuyasha wakes up with his head pounding. He opens his golden eyes, scanning his surroundings while sitting up, seeing stone walls with a few screens on them in the spacious room he is in and sees a man lying face down on his table, snoring away peacefully.

"Professor Woodland. Our guest has awakened." A beautiful voice says and Inuyasha sees a girl, with a large curl in her pink hair, two slick bangs framing her round face. The girl is easily a head shorter than Inuyasha himself and has a bright pink skin color, being a little more vibrant than her hair. What throws off the hanyou is the fact that the girl appears to be unclothed with her body visible for everyone.

"What?" Professor Woodland asks, waking up, his eyes landing on the stunned Inuyasha, who has never seen such a unique yokai as the girl in front of him before.

"Where am I?" Inuyasha asks, getting off from the hospital bed he was lying on.

"You are in the Pokegirl world my friend. A device I created brought you to this world through a dimensional portal." The professor says.

"Then send me back." Inuyasha requests threateningly.

"I'm afraid I can't." The professor tells him, going towards him with the girl at his side.

"Bring me back or you will pay for it." Inuyasha growls, jumping towards the man, his sharp fingernails ready to slash him to pieces.

"Careful. You shouldn't stress yourself too much." The woman says sweetly, her arms stretching and pulling him down, making him sit on the bed again.

"I would if I had the materials, but I'm afraid I only had one dimensional crystal piece." The professor informs him.

"Then get more." Inuyasha demands.

"I'm afraid I'm too old for such a quest. My body wouldn't be able to handle the journey." The professor says.

"Then send your yokai. She seems loyal to you." Inuyasha growls, glaring at the pink woman next to the professor.

"Demon? No Mary here is a Pokegirl. You see in this world aren't a lot of human girls remaining. A long time ago there was a war during which a scientist turned most of the human female population into Pokegirls. Pokegirls are women with many different abilities, but they are greatly influenced by their instincts and urges. Especially their sex drive." The professor explains, making Inuyasha blush embarrassed.

"What?" He asks with a red face.

"They need to have sex, for their mind to not become feral and aggressive." Professor Woodland explains.

"Anyways. If you really wish to return to your world there is no other choice but for you to go search for the crystal yourself." He adds.

"And where is such a crystal?" Inuyasha grumbles annoyed.

"It can be anywhere in the world. Only few have been found and no one has yet determined a common factor of the sites." The Professor informs him.

"Great. Just great. Why did you use that damn thing then and leave me stranded here?" Inuyasha complains.

"I didn't expect someone to get stranded here. Opening a dimensional portal was only a theory of mine and I intended to go through, not for someone to come to this world. As you can see I'm not the youngest one around and I needed to see if my theory is correct. I sincerely apologize for the trouble I have caused you." The man apologizes, bowing towards Inuyasha.

"Hmpf. Fine, how do I go about finding that crystal then if you don't know where one is?" Inuyasha grumbles, accepting that the man didn't intentionally bring him here.

"The best way would be for you to become a tamer." Professor Woodland suggests.

"What's that?" Inuyasha asks.

"A tamer is a warrior of kinds. He fights with Pokegirls, either fighting side by side with them or having them fight for him." The professor explains.

"Why would I want a girl to fight for me? I'm a proud hanyou." Inuyasha boasts.

"You don't have to make them fight. Some tamers use Pokegirls for daily things, like making meals, as transport or simply to have sex." The professor explains.

"Why would they agree to that?" Inuyasha asks surprised.

"Pokegirls can be tamed, as the professions name suggests. Taming is basically the method of bonding with a Pokegirl through sexual intercourse. Like I said sexual intercourse is important for Pokegirls, so they don't go feral or mad. Pokegirls can then be stored in Pokeballs, a device in which the girls will have a home, safe from danger and threats." The Professor says.

"I don't know how I feel about all that." Inuyasha says, thinking back to his past as a freak, alone without a soul to care for him.

"But I'm willing to see what this is about." He agrees, his eyes dimmed in sadness, something the professor and his Pokegirl notice.

"Follow us then. I will introduce you to some girls who will be eager to make your acquaintance." Woodland says, leading the group of three into a large hall, with many separate small rooms in it, most of which are empty, while three of them have a light shining on them, with one girl each inside the room, looking through the see-through door curiously at their arrival.

Here, take this. Professor Woodland says, handing him a pokedex.

Inuyasha looks at the device in wonder and points it accidentally towards the girl to his left, a blue skinned girl with a brown shell on her back.

"Squirt-titty. The water tortoise Pokegirl." The machine says, with Inuyasha dropping it surprised.

Looking at the device warily the hanyou sees a picture of a girl like the one in front of her with some text about her kind and a graph showing her strengths and weaknesses.

"What is this thing?" Inuyasha asks, looking at the red handheld device, before looking at the girl in front of him, noticing her being naked, just like the two other girls behind him.

Looking behind himself he sees a tan woman about the same size as him, with a tail behind her, a flame burning on its tip, large breasts and red wavy hair reaching to her shoulders.

"Glumira. Fire, dragoness Pokegirl." The pokedex says, displaying her information, just like it did with the other girl.

Pointing his device to the last girl, a smaller girl, only half his size, with mouse ears and a mouse tail, the machine displays her information, saying "Titmouse. The mouse pokegirl."

"So, this displays their information?" Inuyasha asks curiously, turning to the Professor.

"That is correct. These girls are all untamed and are looking for a tamer to take care of them. You should pick one to be your partner. I'm sure whoever it will be can help guide you in this world." The professor suggests.

"Pick one?" Inuyasha asks shocked.

"Yes. She can be your starter Pokegirl. And once you have tamed her the two of you could start your journey, looking for another crystal." Woodland informs him.

"But I don't know them. Why would I have sex with them beforehand? I'm not like the yokais." Inuyasha says confused about this world's customs.

"You can talk to them beforehand, but they can't talk with you until they've been tamed. But they aren't so feral that they won't understand you." Woodland offers.

"My name is Inuyasha. I am a Hanyou from another dimension. Is any of you willing to help me?" Inuyasha asks the three girls. The Titmouse hides herself in the room at the mention of Hanyou. The squirt-titty looks at him with an unreadable impression and when Inuyasha looks towards the Glumira he feels his stomach tightening and his heart racing. The redhead has her hand flat against her door, beckoning him over with her other hands finger, her tail waving from side to side behind her as the girl licks her lips, her eyes fixated on him and his twitching dog ears on the top of his head.

Inuyasha walks towards the woman as if caught in a trance and the Professor pulls a lever, opening the door to the room.

"Looks like you have made your choice." The Professor says with a smile.

"Will you help me on my journey to find a dimension crystal?" Inuyasha asks the woman, offering her his hand.

The girl, who looks like she's in her early twenties takes his hand, placing it flat against her cheek, nuzzling against it with a warm smile.

"Mary. Take them to one of the guestrooms. I will get started on your Tamer license Inuyasha." The Professor says, taking his leave, while his pokegirl tells Inuyasha and the Glumira to follow her, bringing them to an empty room, giving them the key to it with a wink.

"Right. Before I go, the Professor didn't tell you yet. After the first taming Pokegirls fall into taming shock. Which usually lasts from one day to three days. It's nothing to worry about, it's actually a very nice experience for us." Mary says, before leaving them in the room, closing the door behind her.


"So, Looks like it's just us now." Inuyasha says awkwardly, his face flushed, he had sex before but not only minutes after meeting the person.

"Mhhm." The Glumira purrs, taking the key from his hand and locks the door to their room.

She then walks back over to him, her hands playing with his fluffy dog ears, before she grasps his head, pulling herself in for a kiss.

Inuyasha quickly responds to the kiss, his arms wrapping around her shoulders, pulling her against him, feeling her large breasts even through his baggy clothes.

"Do you have a name?" Inuyasha asks the girl, who shakes her heaf no, poking him before pointing back at her.

"You want me to name you?" Inuyasha asks, getting a happy nod in reply.

"Hmmm Glumira... how about Mirajane?" He suggests, getting a happy hug from her in reply, with her pulling his head in between her large breasts.

"I guess that means yes." Inuyasha mumbles against her hot, tan skin before prying her hands off his neck and puts one hand behind her neck, his other resting on the side of her hip, pulling her in for another kiss.

"I promise to protect you and to always be there for you. I know loneliness and heartbreak better than anyone." He promises the girl, resting his forehead against hers.

The girl grins widely, opening her mouth to try and say something, but only a few muffled sounds escape her pink lips, with Inuyasha noticing the two sharp fangs from her top teeth.

"And I thought I have sharp teeth." He says jokingly, showing her his small fangs from the top and bottom of her teeth.

The girl blushes embarrassedly, turning her head to her side.

"Don't worry. I don't mind, as long as you promise not to bite me." He says, caressing her cheek.

The girl nods happily, hugging him tightly. During the hug she presses her lips against his cheek, kissing him along his neck.

"Right. Taming. Are you sure you don't mind? I mean we only just met." Inuyasha asks concerned.

The girl steps out from the hug and presses his hand against one of her large breasts, keeping it there to feel her racing heart.

Her other hand slides down to her pussy, pulling apart the lips for him.

Inuyasha's sensitive nose picks up the sweet smell from her entrance and nods at her, taking off his clothes with her watching him intensely.

Inuyasha has removed his clothes soon after, laying his sword aside worried.

"If I change, give me the sword, it keeps my demonic energies under control. But strangely ever since coming to this world, I feel more in control than ever." Inuyasha tells the newly named Mirajane, offering her his sheathed sword.

The girl looks at the weapon curiously, propping it up against the wall next to the bed in the small room, offering her hand to him invitingly, with Inuyasha closing the distance between them, wrapping his arms around the Glumira and kissing her lovingly.

Inuyasha then lowers his arms, picking up the girl by her toned butt, holding her in the air while he turns around, sitting down on the beds edge with her on his lap.

"I will start now." Inuyasha says warmly, getting a eager nod in reply.

Inuyasha runs one of his hands up to one of her breasts, squeezing the tan orb in amazement, with his palm not covering it completely due to its size.

Mirajane starts to rock her hip back and forth, rubbing her wet pussy over her lovers leg, her hands dragging over his neck.

Inuyasha squeezes her fleshy orb more intensely, his other hand also joining it, caressing her other boob.

Lost in a trance he doesn't notice his sharp nails piercing Mirajane's skin just over her right breast, drawing a tiny bit of blood.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry." Inuyasha apologizes worried, but Mirajane only smiles at him, placing both hands on her breasts again making them squeeze the orbs again while her hips speed up.

"I will be more careful with my fingernails." He promises and Mirajane takes his hand which pierced her skin, raising it to her mouth, licking her blood off it and holds it against her cheek, her eyes shining with desire and love.

Inuyasha then grabs her by her ass again, turning them over and places her with her back on the bed.

Mirajane looks a bit uncomfortable and Inuyasha notices her tail struggling underneath her.

"Sorry. Is this better?" He asks, turning her to her stomach.

Mirajane looks at him over her shoulder and nods her head happily.

Inuyasha grabs his semi erect cock, rubbing the hot member in between her tight ass cheeks, with Mirajane's legs rubbing against each other, pleasuring her clit with the friction.

Inuyasha's hardening cock has trouble fitting between the girl's ass cheeks, due to the long tail sprouting from above the ass.

"Hngn." Mirajane huffs, beckoning him closer with her finger. Inuyasha gets up from the bed and comes over to the head of the bed, standing beside her, his face full of concern.

"What's wrong? Did that hurt?" Inuyasha questions.

Mira shakes her head negative, looking at the fit hanyou next to her, biting on her finger seductively, before reaching towards him with that arm, wrapping her hand around his cock gently, jerking him off slowly, with Inuyasha getting closer to her, his knees up against the bed.

Mira slides towards him slightly, her hot breath tickling his now rock-hard member.

She looks at the cock in delight, her hand not reaching completely around it due to its girth, making her pussy shudder in anticipation.

She slowly leans towards the almost 20 cm long member, opening her mouth invitingly, careful not to hurt him with her two fangs when she starts to give him a blowjob.

This action lasts for about 2 minutes, before Inuyasha comes back down to earth from his pleasure high.

"You are amazing, but I think we should finalize our bond now, shouldn't we?" Inuyasha asks, taking his cock out from her warm mouth and lips, his hard cock springing up, ready for action.

Inuyasha moves behind the girl, his hands massaging her ass for a moment, while leaning down and pushing his tongue into her wet, waiting pussy.

"Ahuag." Mirajane moans, her back arching in pleasure and her tail becomes as straight as a stick, before limping down, swinging side to side enthusiastically.

Inuyasha removes his mouth from her pussy and pushes two fingers inside careful, because of his sharp fingernails.

"Sorry, I don't think I can pleasure you like that. My fingers are too sharp." He says and positions his cock at her entrance. Acting on instinct Mirajane pushes back against him, his cock filling her up completely, while Mirajane takes his hand, pulling him on top of her back, her tail moving to the side to make room and she stuffs the two fingers he fingered her with into her mouth, licking around them entranced, the pleasure in her lower lips having her in a trance with her eyes half closed.

"Looks like I made you endure too much, waiting so long. I am very sorry. Let me make it up to you." Inuyasha says and starts to fuck her with powerful thrusts, one foot on the side of her hips, his other on the floor next to the bed.

Inuyasha pulls his hand away from her mouth, his other hand grabbing her hip tightly, to assist in fucking her intensely, the bed creaking from the power of his thrusts.

His other hand he drags over her arm, before grabbing one of her E-cup breasts, his fingers quick in seeking out the nipple, to pleasure his lover.

"Ohh, you are so hot and tight." He moans, his thrusts gradually increasing in speed, with his hand joining the other on her hip, while Mirajane's hands massage her own breasts, getting lost in pleasure.

"You are so beautiful Mira. I'm not going to last much longer." He groans, seeing her tail shiver and twitch and grabs it with one hand, rubbing the tip of the tail, just out of reach from its flame.

Only moments after rubbing the tail, Mirajane's body convulses in pleasure, the flame increasing in size, now being the size of a head, almost burning his hand, but he pulls his hand further down, extending her pleasure unknowingly, the woman beneath him still shaking in pleasure, with his member still buried inside her, driving him over the edge with ease and his release shoots inside her, causing her to drool in pleasure, her breath racked with her tail and hips twitching and her eyes rolled backwards in the afterglow of her massive orgasm.

Inuyasha pulls himself out of her, kneeling down next to the girl, who smiles at him, with love he has never seen before, easily more than either Kagome or Kikyo ever dared to show him, before the redhead passes out, her wavy hair clinging to her body with sweat, her breasts heaving with every breath she takes.

Inuyasha lies down in the bed, gently lying her down beside him and covers both their bodies with a blanket, safe for the girls burning tail, brushing through her hair relaxed.

"I admit, coming here wasn't all bad." Inuyasha says, before lying down to sleep next to Mirajane.