
Introverts Lifeguide in Apocalypse

General life guidance from an introvert for other introverts in an apocalypse : If you are in a large group of extroverts, make sure to leave immediately. In this kind of situation, you will get noticed almost directly and then survival won't be easy... Then you should escape to a smaller group and pretend to be an extrovert, but remember you should follow four rules: - Don't grieve past   - Don't overthink the present - Don't count on the future - LAST BUT NOT LEAST DON'T FORGET THAT YOU ARE NOT !! AN EXTROVERT!! The story follows a self-proclaimed introverted influencer's life as the world changes drastically.  #INTROVERT #extrovert #survival

AngelsCompanion · 奇幻言情
21 Chs

The very small world.

"I heard you where the first to.. Ah.. You most be in shock, but you should attend the funeral.. And take Lucas with you.." He continued unaware of the situation I was in!

"Who has died?" Eun-woo said asked the person on the phone as if knowing who he was.

"Who.."replied mr kim.

"I'm really sorry grandpa I have a friend here who is a bit out of his mind!, if you don't mind can I call you later?" I horridly answered as I griped eunwos har and his head off my phone. 

"Old senile why are you Dawn's grandpa? And just who the hell died???" He shouted as he struggled to get his hair out of my grip.

It looked like he knew mr kim.

"Dawn is that Eun-Woo there? Why would a perfectly fine young lady like yourself be friends with a lost cause like my grandson? Don't tell me you are the poor fiance he was talking about?"



As I was about to deny it eunwoo stretched his hand and ended the call with hoof.

"What was that?"I said as I tightened my grip on his hair!

" You piece of xxx, that was my grandfathers friend! Now he thinks we are something!! "

"So what if he thinks we are something? At this rate we should get married!" he rebuked.

Taking me off guard, he freed his hair and got away from me.

"I booked us a time to register our marriage! It's about two hour's later." he bombarded me as he looked at his watch.

"What are you talking about? Were you not the one talking about not loving me and hate you crap?"I asked with a dumbfounded face.

"Well, since that contract is a valid contract that somehow binds us to the terms, with.. something. I figured I prefer abiding by it than dying! I don't know how you are unscratched but I barely survived after booking the time for marriage registration!"

Well, seemed like the Fairys lucky charm did work..

But it is still too hasty to make a decision..

"I understand what you mean but don't you think we should first try other means, like visiting the fairy?" I tried to reason with him with a calm voice.

"Pfft, you know what? Why do you think I didn't call you until now? I have tried many means. From prayers to talismans and shamans. But the only thing that happened was things getting worse by each second. Now you can try leaving that door with an intension other than marriage and take the risk but I'm not gonna it!" He said almost as talk actively and explanative as he was in middle school. Showing me the door as he took out the needle from the finished IV.

One hour later I'm driving his car to the location he booked us to register our marriage. I had tested it as he told me to and the results were quite scary. The moment I took a step out I was almost burned by acid.. If it wasn't for Eun-Woo dragging me in immediately I don't know what would have happened to me..

Parking the car in the busy parkering, I got off and took out his wheelchair too sit on. Then I pushed him all the way to the long queue.

Whoever passed by us looked at us with curiosity. After all we looked more like war casualties than people going to register their marriage. 

"How do you know my maternal grandfather? As much as I knew he doesn't have business with Brights."Eun-Woo suddenly asked as we were signing never ending papperworks.

"None of your business!" I replied as I pressed the pen hardly on the papper giving a [tud] sound.

"Who died?"He asked again, this time with a hint of hesitation and worry.

"Theodore's father."

"Theodore???" he shouted out.

"Shhhh" I said as I hold his mouth while looking around with embarrassment.

"Can you be any more embarrassing? are you done being surprised?"

He nodded his head, so I took my hands off his somewhat moist lips, feeling my face heating up.

"Are you still in contact with him after that? Why the hell should you attend his father's funeral?" he asked again with a voice full of disgust and anger.

Well, being Divine's friend, there was no question how he know about that cliche between us.

"Yea, no, kind of.. But I'm attending the funeral because of Lucas!" I replied.

"And who is Lucas?" He asked again in a somewhat furious tone.

" Ah, Lucas is chairman Kings grandson!" I said somewhat tired as I gestured him to continue signing. 

"And why should you attend because of him may I ask?" 

"Because his my son!?" I blurted out as I massaged my hurting wrist and looked at him signing.

With the word son he dropped his pen and lifted his head so suddenly it gave off a funny sound. His mouth opened and closed without a sound.

"I only wasn't around the year after graduation and you ruined your life?" He said with disbelieving tone.

"What the fuxx are you thinking? You sick piece of shit? "This time it was me losing control as I shouted at him.

" Is reality that painful-!" he said with disgust and some other emotions that I couldn't read.


When I com to myself. My hand was burning and one side of Eun-Woo's face was red. 

Everyone in the room were looking at us. Taking a deep breath I stood up and went to the water cooler and drank a glass of water to cool down my head.

After some thinking, I come to the conclusion that my words might have been a bit diverting, so I also poured him a cup of water and went back.

"I meant adopted son!"I said as I placed the cup in front of him.

"I'm sorry!" He murmured.

"I didn't hear? You what?"I teased him with a raised brow.

"I said you are an idiot, who, as per usual, put yourself in trouble somehow !"He remarked sarcastically as he downed the entire cup of water in one goo.


He knew me too well..

Surprisingly when the person in charge asked us to exchange rings, Eun-Woo took out a blue velvet ring box out of his pocket. A pair of rose quarts rings in platinum..

'Who did he buy this ring for? ' was the only thing on my mind the rest of the day.

Was this my punishment for consequently rejecting him for years?

When I come to myself we were on our way to the chairman's funeral location..

Hope you enjoyed reading:)

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