
Introverts Lifeguide in Apocalypse

General life guidance from an introvert for other introverts in an apocalypse : If you are in a large group of extroverts, make sure to leave immediately. In this kind of situation, you will get noticed almost directly and then survival won't be easy... Then you should escape to a smaller group and pretend to be an extrovert, but remember you should follow four rules: - Don't grieve past   - Don't overthink the present - Don't count on the future - LAST BUT NOT LEAST DON'T FORGET THAT YOU ARE NOT !! AN EXTROVERT!! The story follows a self-proclaimed introverted influencer's life as the world changes drastically.  #INTROVERT #extrovert #survival

AngelsCompanion · 奇幻言情
21 Chs

People who shouldn't be here.

New post from "The extrovert introvert":

[ Are you bad at talking?

Then just don't talk ..

Act instead, believe me it will talk for itself.

#action #talking #advice #quite #introvert 20xx/ ]

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Let's see. We got our marriage registration, grandpa kim aka Eun-Woo's maternal grandfather called and said tonight is the funeral and sent me the location.

We went back to my place so I could change into a formal black attire. I ride him to the hospital so he could take off his casts. Also ride him to his apartment so he could change a into black suit too. Now we are in front of the funeral location.

"Wait a minute? why did you tag along?"

"Caaause.. hmm. Aha cause we are school friends of course I should attend Theodores fathers funeral!"

"Like I buy it!"

"Like I care if you buy it or not! Don't forget it's my car that brought us here!"

Petty bastard. I really should have bought a car earlier.

"Aren't you getting off the car? I know my car is pretty comfortable but you shouldn't be attached to other people's darling!" 

Fuxxing weirdo. I had got my bad habit of naming my belongings from him. His weirdness pretty much was hacked all over my childhood. He had even named our desc in elementary. What did he name it again? No way! I looked at him with a half opened mouth.

"Did you really name that desc after your grandfather? Senile Kim.."

"pffft! Cough! Cough! I don't know what your talking about!" He pretended not know what I am talking about. After all that cough really?

"Ah, what should I do? I really think he needs to know what you named that desc! After all you used to scratch it, doodle on it, and spark it all while shouting Senile kim, you xxxx xxx." 

"Cut the chase! What do you want???" he said while looking at me as he was looking at the most childish yet vicious thing ever..

"You know? I should probably take him in from today! And as you could see, since I'm moving and all, my house is a mess. Please let him stay at your place for the night and I'm taking him tomorrow afternoon! Hmm?" I tried to be as polite as possible. That picky thing wouldn't do a favor if he felt the slightest disrespect. 

"For the night or for a whole day??? I'm not good with strangers."

"First of all, I think we had a trade here! Your secret and my request! Second of all, shouldn't he feel uncomfortable not you? A grown ass man?"

Well, I guess the man talk made him unable refuse since he reluctantly nodded.

"We will see.." 

As we entered the building Eun-Woo offred his arm to me, which I refused. He, in his customized suite and on his long legs, with freshly shaved face and drowned in his cold perfume was too much for my pitiful heart to take. The less I am with him, the less memories that damned curse will have to remind me of.

First ones to see us were the boys I saw yesterday. Did I mention that despite not having any major injuries, I was out for a whole day? 

"That bastard is here!!!" Shouted the boy who seemed to hate me even in the elevator. The one who looked like a mini version of Theodore. 

Everyone's heads turned our way.

It was indeed my fault for not fixing the misunderstanding but I really didn't expect him to react this badly to my presence.

"So, it is you?" said a familiar female voice with visible hate. It was a newly requited intern who was under my supervision for a few months. Now that I think about it her name was Melissa King.

Looking at the man beside me she became even more furious as she walked towards me. She was a hard die fan of this annoyingly handsome guy beside me.

"How dare you set your feet in my grandfathers funeral? You bastard bitxx?" she said as she raised her hand to slap me.

Before hr hand could reach me, it was griped by Eun-Woo's hand. 

[Slap] a loud slapping sound echoed in the hall.

I slapped her so hard that even my own hand hurt. Now both Eun-Woo and Melissa were looking at me with widened eyes meanwhile the hall become empty of all the the whispers. 

Then I grabbed the hand Eun-Woo was still holding and pushed her to the ground. Taking out a wet wipe from my designer bag, I wiped off my hands as I went through the hall. In front of the chairman's coffin I lighted a candle, proud and tall.

If there is one thing that I learnt from grandfather Bright that is to be proud and show it in my actions. After all, actions talk more loudly than empty words. 

After I lighted the candle I heard Mr. Kim's voice.

"Dear child, you came.."

"Gulp. Hello.."A bit shocked becuse of his sudden arrival, I respond awkwardly. Thankfully he didn't seem to know about what I did earlier..

"Come here, I should introduce you to Jame's children."

He offered his arm. This time I took it, feeling Eun-Woo's dagger casting glares on my back..

Well, he could have been as loving and gentleman as his grandpa, then I would perhaps accept his offers too. Who knows?

Grandpa Kim, escorted me to a group of people sitting on the first road of the hall. 

"Hello uncle Tomas!" a middle aged man stood up as he shook hands with grandpa kim.

"Hello, Timothy. I'm here to introduce someone!" 

The man looked my way with an unreadable glare as he stretched his hand towards me. 

"I'm chairman King's eledest son! Thank you for coming to be a part of his departure ceremony"

I shook his hand.

"I am Dawn Bright. My utmost condolence." I said trying not to look at the hateful stares of Melissa.

"She is the legal guardian of Lucas that chairman appointed before his death. "

"What? Why would grandfather give his guardianship to her instead of one of the family members?"Melissa almost shouted.

"I know her from hospital she is a poor thing who clings to the rich! How can we trust Lucas assets to her? What if she embezzles late uncle and aunts inheritance?"

"Didn't you just answer yourself?!" came grandfathers voice from behind me. 

"You shouldn't worry since she's got more money than you have and will inherit a lot more than you will ever! Why? Cause unlike you she entered my hospital with her own capabilities and showed her worth to the professors. Because she's my favorit granddaughter and cause I'm richer than Jame's was! And lastly cause I'm a pettier person than James was and I will not tolerate your awful behaviors towards my Dawn and based on the apology Dawn receives from Timothy I might decide if you will ever find a jobb in this country or not!" Grandfather's voice was very neutral and even had a hushed tone. However I'm sure everyone here heard his voice clearly. 

After he finished talking, he dragged me to the other side of the hall and we sited there until end of the ceremony. 

On the way out as I saw Diana and Theodore, mother's sms came to mind..

"Don't come to Theodors father's funeral. Diana has the right to be peaceful at his Fiance's fathers funeral."

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