
Intragalactic Frontier Chapters 26 to 30 The beginning...


Final preparation

It was much easier to come back from the cavern... Re was in a hurry to get back, so he left them in the walkway and disappeared.

Frank said, 'How strange that we had the gadgets but we did not recognise them...! Well...now we need to find them the coordinate and few more details for them to leave us permanently '

Redim was excited and confident about getting the necessary details, 'Frank all they need is a planet. We need to check if the planet is fit for human habitation because they are living here without any problems... Once we find a planet, we needn't do anything...their technology will take over... They don't have the equipment to search the space but they have the knowledge....'

Richard was curious, 'what do you mean by fit for human habitation? '

Frank replied, 'The planet must have atmosphere with oxygen and water... If these are there, it will be easier to settle... we should find everything including the gravity of the exoplanet'

'What is an Exoplanet?' Richard wanted to know everything.

Frank once again explained, 'planets that orbit around other stars or the suns are Exoplanets...we will try to find one in our Galaxy'

Richard's curiosity was not satisfied, 'I know our Galaxy is the Milky Way...are there any other earth like ours..?

Redim smiled and said, 'you see the stars in the night. Every star is a sun and around them planets may orbit...just like our solar system....'

Richard said finally, 'I think I will Google all these otherwise I will not let you all sleep... Come let us go and sleep...It is already four past....'

They walked fast and entered through the backdoor. No one was there so quietly they went to their room to have few hours of sleep.

The next day only Redim came out for the breakfast... There was no sign of Frank or Richard. Francis and Philomena had not returned from the function they attended in the previous day...

Redim had her breakfast and thought of calling Dr. Ashwin Vasudevan, She went out of the house and called in the number that he gave her.. She knew it would be evening there and he could have left his office.

The call got connected and Dr Ashwin's voice came through clear .Redim introduced herself and he remembered her. He asked if she had decided on any Exoplanet, so that he could give her the details... She was very happy that he remembered her query.

She asked him, 'Is the Proxima Centauri B fit for human habitation?'

The scientist laughed, 'Doctor, I could give you an Exoplanet which is not yet known to the general public... And completely inhabitable, with gravity almost similar to ours ...'

Redim had goosebumps listening to the scientist, 'Doctor, is it in Proxima Centauri, because it should not be further than that....'

The scientist said, 'Yes doctor, It is also part of Proxima system we haven't named it yet. You can call it Proxima Earth...believe me it is an apt name because it is so similar to ours... We are all very excited and very close to Proxima B… I will send the details to your mail now... Best of luck doctor'

Before she could thank him the phone went dead... She sent her mail ID to him. She went back to tell Frank the good news. Proxima Earth sounded as the perfect place for these lovely beings to settle...

Frank was still sleeping when she went... She woke him up and asked him to get ready and she would tell him the good news. While Frank was getting ready, she called Richard in the intercom and asked him to come to Frank's room.

Richard came within minutes and Frank joined them after asking Mary for coffee.

Redim told them what the scientist informed! ' you know the name of the planet ..It is Proxima Earth and it is not yet known to the public…'

Frank asked, 'did you get the coordinates and other details?'

She said that she was waiting for that...

Richard asked, 'how is it possible for anything to move nearly hundred times faster than light?

Frank told him, 'as Re tells very often, we are primitive people. They use some superior science that is not known to us still... They mainly use superluminal particles of some unknown elements...to travel in that kind of speed '

'How long it would take for them to reach this Proxima Earth? Redim asked and Frank said, 'It is 4.2 light years away from us?'

Redim nodded and he calculated and said approximately it will take 16 days to reach there!

Richard whistled, 'Just 16 days ... I never thought so... I tried to calculate one light year in kilometres and I was shocked to see the distance.'

'But remember, the speed is hundred times more so naturally the distance will be covered easily... Light reaches there after 1533 days or 4.2 light years' Frank reminded him

Redim said,' the numbers make me dizzy... so according to your calculation they can go to Proxima Earth within 16 days'

'I am not really sure... Just check your mail.'

Redim saw the notification and opened the mail eagerly

There was an only a short message in which the details of Proxima Earth were given.

Name: Proxima Earth

Distance to Earth: 4.24 light years

Temperature: 274 K (13 °C; 55.4 °F)

Mean radius: 1.07+0.38; −0.31R⊕, 1.30+1.20; −0.62R⊕

Surface gravity: 9.6 g, 9.1 g

Coordinates: RA 14h 29m 43s | Dec -62° 40′

Redim couldn't decipher the meaning but Frank was elated... he knew this would be enough for Re and group to relocate...

'Redim, you have done what you have promised ... Excellent work... Now our work is over... we have to only pass this knowledge to them...they will do the rest'

Richard could understand that the location of the destination was now with them and then Re and group would be gone forever...

He was sad, 'we will never see them again....'

Frank was amused at his devotion to the extraterrestrials,

'Not necessarily we can go too if they allow or they can come and see us later'

But it was so farfetched that all the three ended up laughing...

Richard was little anxious about them leaving the earth. Ever since he had heard about the talking animals from the old man he had a fixation about them and he came to know that they really existed he became totally obsessed with them... It did not help that those aliens were very friendly with him as they had seen him growing...

Frank had to call him twice before he acknowledged him...

'Richard, I am going to inform the good news to our guests'

Redim said, 'I am sure, they are here...they know this already'

Frank waited for sometime but nothing happened... He closed his eyes and concentrated. He repeated Re's name and his Link started glowing. He said loudly, 'Re we need to meet you... come to my room'

There was no reply the connection went dead. He was puzzled and told them that this was the first time it happened...

Even before he finished his sentence, two eagles and a raven appeared...

The eagle, obviously Re asked, 'we were celebrating as our spacecraft is travel ready. The magnet and the superluminal particles are in perfect condition...and the same thing with our survival kit....'

Richard asked, 'what is the use of the survival kit?'

Zo the raven replied, 'Richard, our spacecraft runs on auto mode. And the travellers will be in stupor or coma and the number of hours the travellers remains in that condition will be set ... Only minimum oxygen, nutrients and electrolytes are supplied to the body. The one survival kit has all these essentials needed for a year for one person...we need 32 as we are 32 in numbers...but we have 100 survival kits with us that is an added advantage'

Redim was impressed, 'we, humans may need at least ten of them I think!'

'No Redim you are wrong... Only the number of days will change... If the survival kit is enough to keep us in stupor for a year but for you perhaps only hundred days it will work then one needs to replace it'

Frank was in awe .., ' you are really superior to us...I agree! I have very good news. The NASA scientist has sent the details of your destination Exoplanet'

Redim showed them the message from her cell phone...

All the three came closer to see the message.

Name: Proxima Earth

Distance to Earth: 4.24 light years

Temperature: 274 K (13 °C; 55.4 °F)

Mean radius: 1.07+0.38; −0.31R⊕, 1.30+1.20; −0.62R⊕

Surface gravity: 9.6 g, 9.1 g

Coordinates: RA 14h 29m 43s | Dec -62° 40′

Zo's beak was almost touching the phone then he moved .All the three were very quiet and Richard was the first one to break the silence.., 'why are you silent? Is there some problem?'

Ro the eagle said, 'we have been doing a lot of research on Alpha Centauri's solar system. The Proxima Centauri b is our target but lately we came to know that the radiation level is high. But this Exoplanet Proxima Earth as you call is orbiting around one of the stars in Alpha Centauri and a surprise for us!

Frank replied, 'Yes ... that is why it is habitable ...The radiation level will be less.'

Re said , ' We are excited but we have to study a little more on this option … It will be easy as the coordinates are known ,we will feed it to our location finder and we will get all the necessary details about the planet'

Ro the eagle moved towards where Frank was seated and perched on the nearby armrest, 'We will never forget your help Frank. When I saw the first day I thought of you as the saviour and you will remain our saviour as long as our race continues ...'

Redim was delighted and said, 'wow, you don't have any sentiments like us you said but you people more human than most'

Re said, yes we have become like the humans when it comes to the emotions. The acquired traits not found in our genome... we have to yet to see if our next generations inherit this traits!

Redim, her doctor's instinct was fully aroused, 'you mean, you are capable of propagation?

Re laughed, 'Of course yes... But we have not attained the puberty yet... We reach the age after two thousand years... we have to wait for another four to five hundred years for starting a family....'

Richard said, 'I wish I could see your babies'

Redim and Frank laughed and the birds flapped their wings in pure joy...

Re said, 'we will find the technique to keep you for five hundred years Richard ... Now we have this lead... we will investigate ... Frank you have kept your bargain ... It is only fitting that we keep the bargain. We will show you where the treasure is... the treasure that is more valuable than your countries reserve. Your dad can create media frenzy as he likes. But you must see that our presence remains a secret.'

Frank just blinked,' more valuable than our country's reserve!'

Yes...we know exactly how much... So you should thank us for making you all rich... We had collected it from all over the world for the past one thousand years....'

Richard asked, 'are you going to show us now! I think you must wait and check your destination is fixed, and then you tell us!'

Frank smiled, 'you will not find a better champion than Richard for you... But yes, your departure and the discovery of the treasure should be on the same day... Let us know your date of departure '

Redim could see that the birds were emotional as they came and rubbed against them all in an affectionate manner and flew away…

Redim was emotional too! , 'so we wait! It is a good plan to make a Russian circus for the public and behind the commotion send them off to their destination..! Oh I forgot to ask them whether the link will work from such a distance!

Richard replied eagerly, 'oh yes ... I asked them, they said it depends on the concentration level and disturbance around...in this part of the world the disturbance is almost nil'

Frank laughed sensing his friend's enthusiasm.., 'Richard the Champion of the Proxima Earth ... sounds good!

Richard said, 'I dropped school so that I would know the truth about the old man's talking animals... I was obsessed with the possibility of finding something like this... Do I sound like the old man?' he was concerned as the old man was considered as not normal...

Frank felt sorry, 'no Richard you are more human than most... I respect you much more than before... You are highly intelligent as well as loveable... Don't ever feel inferior to anyone'

Richard hugged him and walked out of the room to hide his feelings...

Redim was delighted to see Frank making an effort to hide his emotion... It is rare to see him like this and she loved him all the more...

Redim wanted to divert him, 'Frank, better you learn how these spacecraft works and what they use it as fuel.'

Frank came out of his thoughts, 'I have already asked them, but I don't think we have that material they use to get the atomic power... They start and keep all the gadgets working with Magnets but the main energy comes from superluminal particles... Perhaps like positrons... Not sure... they are technologically so superior to us... We are just in the monkey stage whereas they are like superhuman according to our evolution stage....'

Redim was satisfied she brought him out of his rare emotion and she went back to her room to do some research on Alpha Centauri's solar system.

Frank was left alone. He was sure that this Exoplanet Proxima Earth was the best choice. Re would find no stones unturned to take them to safety away from human race...It is only just hours before their departure. But keeping the news undercover world ne a herculean task... Their cavern could be exposed later because people should know about them sometime in the future... But if they come to know of their involvement, would it affect them! He was not sure...

Once Re decided the day of travel, he would talk to his dad about the treasure and he was sure the treasure would go to the exchequer so government would give full support and dad's addiction of media would be satisfied...

It was almost night, when Re appeared again .He startled them with his sudden appearance...

Re as the eagle appeared there in the middle of Frank's front room where his friend were debating on how to inform the treasure to the media and how much should be revealed to Francis..

Re hopped near Richard, 'we thought we would leave day after tomorrow before noon. We would not be detected by your Rader'

Frank was happy to know that as he was thinking of the possibility but with the speed like the shark, nothing on earth could detect them ...

Re continued, 'we have fed the coordinates to the location finder... it gave a flawless programme and we have fixed the time of departure and it shows 15 days and 8 hours as the travel time'

Redim said, 'when you have 100 times the speed of light ...why not!'

Re, 'We tried to send a signal to Proxima Earth, but no one received it... So some primitive beings are inhabited or it has no life so far...we can be sure only when we reach there'

Frank asked, 'Will we able to communicate like now using your Link?'

Re replied, 'I don't see why it should not work..? We couldn't connect to our race mostly because they had all perished in an unknown calamity. So our people saved the selected few and brought us here, secured our safety and went back to face the calamity with others... They could have stayed with us and saved themselves but they went back! That is more like your human race isn't it?'

Redim said 'True all the evidences confirm the story'

Re said, 'tomorrow early morning I will take you to the treasure and you plan how it should be made public... But you can keep it and for all generations to come you need not work you know'

Frank said, 'it sounds tempting but not our way. Our family would never keep something that belonged to others... My dad was interested in finding the treasure but not to keep it... He wanted the thrill of hunting not the trophy... exactly a hunter's instinct...But if madam Redim gives permission, we may keep something as a souvenir... Richard already has'

Redim laughed, 'of course madam will give permission. That would be only thing to remember Re and group ...'

Re replied, 'No madam, the link will be there with you, three and once we connect with you, you can keep in touch for generations to come....'

Everything sounded so thrilling! Re left as he needed to collect certain things to take to the new settlement;

In olden days the pioneer settlers had done the same thing now these settlers too must prepare to face the hardship...

Redim, 'Oh let us take one at a time. Tomorrow we will go and see the treasure. We will slowly plan from there... what do you think Frank?'

Richard, 'Frank, handling your dad and bringing the media here will not be easy.'

Frank smiled, 'that would be the easiest task according to me ... Dad may invite all the international media too... I expect the international reporters who are here in the capital will land here by day after tomorrow afternoon and we need to know when dad wants to take them to the treasure so that we can prepare Re's departure at the same time ..'

Redim, 'we will be missed and it will look very suspicious if we are not, especially, if you are not there with your dad. Remember your sensational news... The reporters may ask to see you too!'

Richard looked worried, 'Yes Frank, we cannot do it '

Frank, 'let us discuss this with Re and even dad... we will come to know only after seeing the treasure. If the treasure is miniscule then we cannot make a big splash... The bigger the treasure...the bigger the diversion.'

'Yes our absence will be noticed and later they may create a problem if they come to know that we are very much present here... We will go first thing in the morning'

Mary was already annoyed and left their dinner on the table with the note...

They did not do justice to the dinner, just had very little... Frank knew dad would be expecting him to explain... But he couldn't tell him anything... He had to be sure about the treasure!

They said goodnight to each other and went to their respective rooms. They tried to sleep with the all their thoughts heavy on them...



The Treasure

The next day dawned as usual but for the three friends...All the three were not particularly money minded but at the same time, if they were not excited to see a trillion dollar worth treasure, then they would not be human....

Richard was the first one to knock at Frank's room and Frank was already ready and it was only ten minutes past six... Redim entered within five minutes and asked if she made them wait...

Both the men gave her an endearing smile and wisely did not say anything...

Frank connected with Re and Re came on immediately... he told them to come to the first cave that was to the eastern side of the house.

When Frank told the location, Richard was taken aback... Such a vast treasure had been so close... The old man never knew where he was taken .They had gone there several times and, he always had a peculiar fascination to anything old...

Redim was glad that the cave that she had missed would be seen...

They set off to the cave and last time they had cleared the vegetation a little but to their surprise once again the vegetation was thick and they had to find the way once again.

But Richard walked fast clearing the way for others to follow. Once they had entered the thick, dark and silent wood, Richard stopped and could see Zo sitting on the same branch where they had seen the first time... Zo flew down and perched on his shoulder and now they could see few more strange birds flying. Redim called one beautiful rainbow coloured bird and it perched on her stretched hand...

Frank was thinking to shoot them in his cell phone and then thought better of it... He would not be able to give an explanation to these strange birds...The eagle flew near him and said, 'Frank, the first time when you came we closed the underground entrance ...You come to the cave I will wait for you there' he flew away.

Another red bird sat on his shoulder, 'follow Richard ...It is very close now'

Frank was looking for the rock which had a mark like lightening...The devil's house as he called it was here behind the curtain of vegetation. Then he saw the fallen rock that was resting on the mountain wall. Before they could move the rock, the rock was moved to one side to reveal the dark hole... Redim was surprised to see the small opening and said so...

Frank smiled, 'the woman with little faith..! Wait and follow us... '

The birds, many in numbers now flew in ahead of them...Richard and frank crawled through the small opening until they reached the high ceilinged cave and then stood up...

Richard remembered the weird experience and now understood he was deliberately made to sleep during the previous visit. Redim came behind them and slowly got up... She had heard about this cave in detail from Frank, even then she was astonished to see the size of cave...It was dark but suddenly the maglev lights flared up ,lighting the entire cave . She went near the wall to have a closer look to see the drawings... She immediately recognised the round objects to be the round gold blocks that she had seen in Frank's room.

Richard thought that the same person who had drawn on the stone tablets must have done this work... or perhaps someone like him. The style of the drawings was similar. When he saw the floating round objects, he knew them to be the gold wedge. Re's voice could be heard..., 'Move to the right side of the cave '

Frank reached there first and looked down searching for some holes but he was called from above. He could see a narrow passage going up. There were steps carved roughly on either side and it was lit brightly. He looked behind to see Redim and Richard who were eagerly waiting with anticipation and behind them the cave entrance was closed...

As Redim and Richard couldn't see as they were not able to accommodate the corner area he told them, 'The passage is going up...Very narrow passage but steps are there on either side... Not sure how far the passage goes up... But prepare to climb up...now I am going....'

Redim, 'Let me go first, if I fall both can catch me... if it is not dark, I have no problem....'

Frank laughed and moved away so that she could climb first... Redim climbed effortlessly as the steps were strategically placed... but it was suffocating and she couldn't see where the passage ended... They were climbing for some time and Re's voice reached them, 'Redim, you can see another passage branching off from the main passage to your right ... just few feet only .crawl through the passage now'

She could see another passage but she felt confident as the passage was lit brightly. She bent into the opening, pulled herself into it and crawled slowly and then the passage opened into an enormous cave...

She would never forget the sight. It was so bright and the beauty of the sight was enhanced by the light... There were many small and big rocks like tables and every table had gold blocks!! .innumerable gold blocks arranged neatly in all the available space on the rock tables... Each table had hundreds of gold blocks in various sizes and there were thousands of tables all around...She remained speechless .and behind her Frank asked her to move.

Redim slowly as if she was in a trance moved around the entire cave. The size of the cave was almost as big as a football field and very narrow space was left between the rows of rock tables. She bent down to check whether the tables were natural or not... But they were carved roughly as low elevation from the rock bed...

Frank and Richard looked at each other... Re said clearly, 'we have clearly kept our bargain, now it is up to you to maintain the secret until we depart from this beautiful globe... This is our present to these people who had put up with us. We had killed to keep this secret...we had toiled all around the world to collect this yellow metal... We wanted to keep it as our freedom price but now it is not a price... It is a beautiful gift to our dear friends, all my dear people here will vouch for it.' All the birds in all different shades flew around them to show their approval...

The three humans were moved, Redim had tears and she caught the nearby bird and kissed it... An eagle flew near her and gave a small pouch to her and said, 'your gift'

She took it and opened the pouch to see glittering diamonds in different colours...She didn't know what to do and looked at Frank, he nodded his head. She thanked Re but the eagle said, 'I am Ro but you deserve it....'

Frank was given another bigger pouch and it contained only white diamonds each one was as big as small eggs!

Richard was given another pouch which had chunks of platinum and assortment of priceless gems...He smiled and thanked them...

Re told them to go back and plan...has some contingency plan too! Tonight is our last night here if everything goes according to your plan... See you all tomorrow morning'

Once again they looked at the vast wealth that was there... such a wealth so close to the house...Perhaps it remained undetected because it was a private property. The gold blocks were shining in the weird lighting... The big and small round gold blocks were there as far as they could see...The dull shine was more attractive than anything that they have seen!

Redim gave a last look and asked permission to Re to take a photograph of this site...

Re, 'There is no need to ask, you will not harm us in anyway... we may harm you but you three are incapable of harming us. After being with you, we have changed the opinion of the humans. The old man acted so selflessly but he was branded as abnormal. But in your case, we fail to understand your purity of thoughts to help others without expecting anything....'

Ro, 'we have come to trust you…so go ahead and take as many shots as you want... Moreover Frank needs them to convince his father... So make it look impressive'

Frank was amused, 'Quick thinking Ro... Nothing on earth will be more impressive than this! But thank you....'

Redim was already clicking away from every angle using her cell phone and she asked one of the birds to take a shot from the bird's eye view...The bird was a female Ka and it was too happy to take shots.

Frank was amazed at Redim's ability to adapt and accept any situation...

Frank checked once again the time of departure. Richard was listening intently and asked Re, 'Your spacecraft, by the way what do you call your spacecraft?'

Zo replied, 'the sound is similar to your Ave ...But Frank's name the shark is perfect as it resembles the aquatic animal... But Richard, what is that you wanted to know?

'Your Ave is inside the cavern ...Are you planning to bring it out and take off? Do you need any runway for Ave to take off?

Frank was very impressed as he was about to ask the same...and he smiled at Richard in appreciation... But Richard looked really worried!

Zo replied, ' We don't need a runway , as we fly for few seconds using maglev then we switch over to what you call as atomic power..We use superluminal particles to power Ave. It automatically changes the power after a predetermined time... Normally ,we give just 5 minutes for the maglev to check if all are in life supply and the last person who checks needs 2 minutes to go in to partial consciousness and connect himself to life support'

Re said, 'Richard, we slowly bring it out to the entry point using maglev. You will be there to see all these'

Frank, 'very useful information though... now let us go back .Need to invite the media here and make it biggest news ever seen '

Redim turned back and went through the way she came and others followed her...

They came out and waited for the birds to come and once they came out, they closed the rocky opening and the covered it with the vegetation as before.

Frank assured them, 'I will inform you today about the finalised plan as soon as possible. Are you ready to take off? It is not so easy after thousand years to relocate...

Ro replied confidently, we have been preparing ourselves for this eventuality... we have collected the seeds, and collected enough oocytes and somatic cells so that few animals can be cloned..'

Redim was so excited, 'My God you people are really superior beings ... We thought you may have to take few animals! Brilliant idea... '

Her excitement was felt by all the birds and they all flew around her and flew in different directions. Finally Re, Zo and Ro left...

Richard was very pensive and Frank told him not to worry everything would be alright...

When they came back to the house Francis was surrounded by his subordinates who had come to discuss about his empire.

Frank tried to get his dad's attention but he was busy looking at some files. He was standing there and thinking what to do... he had never disturbed his father when he was with his key people. But Redim had no inhibitions, so she went near him and sat beside him, He looked up and she said, 'Good morning uncle'. 'Good morning Redim...' He saw his son standing there near the doorway and their eyes met... He excused himself and asked all the officers to wait and have some refreshments.

Francis followed his son to his suite and the other two followed him inside. Frank closed the door behind them.

, 'Dad, I need your help. Are you still interested in becoming world famous?

Francis was puzzled, 'Son are you going to reveal the world about the aliens? I thought they trusted you!'

Redim was so happy to hear, 'Uncle you are great ... You see this,' she showed him the photos of the treasure...

He went on looking at each photo keenly and finally looked up without any change of expression, 'Gold'

Frank admired his father's expressionless face but he knew his father was too excited as his face was flushed and his fingers were drumming on the desk... 'Dad gold ... piles of gold blocks... each blocks weighing one kg to five kg…It is more gold than all the reserve that we have in our country!'

Francis couldn't believe anything, 'is it the price for silence!'

Frank smiled, 'No dad, this is the camouflage to be used and also farewell gift. If you make this news as biggest breaking news we will see that the aliens depart from here without getting noticed '

Richard was worried...he thought Frank's father was not happy, 'Sir, we must protect them please.'

Francis, 'Richard, I don't like the plan. Recently, Frank was the centre of attention and his absence will be noticed, the treasure is too big for the local officials to handle. I must call either the President or the Prime minister because military will take over the disposal of the treasure to the safe place.'

Frank, 'They have programmed their time of departure to noon tomorrow. Tell me what should be done then?'

Francis drew himself to his full height, 'I will call both the president and Prime minister and see that the international media arrive here in the afternoon. You people go there and see them then depart quietly but you should be here when the media arrives as you three had discovered the treasure. So questions will be directed at you and keep some feasible explanation ready''

Redim looked very pleased and she looked at Frank and Richard. Frank agreed and said, 'Dad now it is your show ... Because it will not be over in one day... So prepare yourself for a week of entertainment'

Francis laughed and to his surprise an eagle came and sat on his desk in front of him. He was taken aback... Even though Frank had told him about the colonists' ability to transform he had not expected them to trust him.

It spoke to him in a clear metallic voice

'I am Re of the colony. We have been using your land for the past thousand years without your family's knowledge. But I must say your family had been here longer than us. You do not know how much you had helped us by keeping your land as it is. You give so much importance to the environment and we have learnt it from you... Wherever we go we will follow this...I came to thank you and your plan is the best. So tomorrow by noon we will be off...Please accept this'

Zo flew in with the pouch and gave to him...Francis accepted it. Re told him to open it and the pouch had the diamond chunks, each one bigger than eggs. Francis took one out and it glittered in the artificial light and threw rainbow colours around the room.

Francis asked cautiously, 'if they are stolen from elsewhere, it will not be correct to keep it...diamonds are easily identified!'

Frank did not think of it!

Re said, 'you are not given gold as gift because we took them from many countries... even from reserves. That is why we melted and made them into the round blocks... But the gems were dug by our people as we have the technology to find the hardest substance on earth. So all these are the fruit of out hard work '

Francis was impressed and he knew the value of these would place him within the richest hundred. He thanked him and Frank brought out his gift and the others too kept it on the table. Francis was speechless for once!

Re and Zo said good bye to everyone and reminded about the next day's timing and left…just disappeared.

Francis immediately took charge..., 'Keep these entire valuable in the locker...These are too precious that it would tempt even a saint. Richard, you must keep them in a bank's locker '

Richard laughed, 'Frank will keep it for me ... sir you must call the President.'

They all laughed... Francis said, 'the highlight of my life I will call him son and I will make it the most sensational news ever Now let me do my work ... Frank take all these valuables and keep them safe . Redim pass one of the best shot of the treasure to me...it will be easy to convince with some visuals'

Frank took her cell and immediately sent to his dad's number.

Redim and Frank placed all the gems in the three pouches and gave Richard's to him. He told them to keep it along with other pouches...

Taking the cue, they left from there. They secured the gems in Frank's suite...



Tim's Land celebrates

They went to the dining room and ate ravenously and sat there talking about all the events that happened! Frank was thinking if Re had checked their Ave the spacecraft... Everything depends on it!

Redim wondered aloud, 'what would happen to the colony! If we show that to the public, questions will be asked about who lived there! On the other hand such a beautiful relic should be preserved. What do you think Frank? '

Richard answered, 'It should happen naturally...If someone finds it... Well! It would be another wonder of the world!'

Frank was thinking for some time, 'I don't think anybody would find it, unless we allow the public inside the property and that will not happen…'

Francis came there, 'all are taken care off! The president and Prime minister appreciated our honesty and gave us 10% of the treasure! The military will be coming by tomorrow afternoon and I made arrangements for them to stay in the village community hall. The international media also expected at the same time and they will be staying in our guest houses here. I asked all the physically fit villagers to come here. I will use them as the security around Tim's Land so that no one will go wandering around the place... Anything else?'

They laughed... Frank, 'dad we can't think of a single thing to add! We will go to the colony in the morning and send them off by noon and be here for the breaking news ...'

Redim asked, 'if the photos of treasure was shared with the media...'

Francis assured her it would be given only tomorrow...during the briefing before their guided tour to the caves of the treasure.

'.Now gets ready to meet the villagers. We need to tell them only a little not anything about the treasure as we do not have proper security for guarding the treasure. There are so many treasure hunters like The Seekers in the world. We don't have the resources to protect it. '

Francis left them there to brief his various department heads to take care of the tasks ahead!

The rest of the day was spent in whirlwind of activities!

Re and group was intimated about all their plans and was appreciated by Re.

The next day dawned as usual but nothing was usual .The villagers were told something would happen that would place the small village on the world map prominently forever.

The village was decorated overnight, the three guest houses were cleaned and the community hall and nearby houses were made ready to accommodate the guests.

The villagers were working the whole night and were paid so handsomely that there was jubilation all around...



The farewell

Richard and Frank were talking the whole night. Frank understood that Richard was scared and worried about his alien friends. He had seen how those little ones were following him around and it would melt anyone!

Redim came there and they had breakfast in the room itself. It was ten minutes to ten when Richard told them that it was time to go to the colony. They all had dressed for the occasion.

Redim wore a red colour top with her usual blue jeans and she had a top knot and her perfect face was beautifully framed by the wisps of curls .She had her dark matte lipstick and her face was devoid of any makeup.

Richard had his best black shirt, black jeans and black shoes . He wore a gold choker which was given to him by his mother and he looked attractive. His inferiority complex that came out of his loneliness had gone in these few days of association with Frank's family. He looked as if he was ready to face the world.

Frank had his favourite electric blue formal shirt and same colour jeans. He had his Link around his neck because Re might connect at any time... He knew that he would be seen by the whole world today. He knew he looked smart.

They could see many villagers in their FT group uniform around the front yard and near the guest houses. They thought of going through the exit point from the other side of the mountain where the spacecraft was expected to come. The ledge leading to the cavern was difficult to walk but not impossible.

They got in the car and Richard said he would use the underground tunnel to reach the cavern and left without looking at them.

Redim wanted to go and call him but Frank stopped her, 'let him go. He is very much disturbed. He is very rich now with the gold he found in the old man's house and the gift he got from the colonists. But he did not seem to realise it... he was only worried about Re and group... It was like the owner and the pet syndrome'.

Redim agreed, 'such a selfless sweet guy...good we found him as the friend'

Frank drove fast and came behind the mountain. He remembered the small cave where the exit was there. He parked the car and climbed up to the cave and the exit was left open! Frank could see the ramp that led down to the cavern.

He held Redim's hand and walked down. It was not as difficult as they thought as the ramp was cleared off all the fallen rocks and debris. They must have walked some hundred metres or so, when they came to the barrier. It looked like a dead end... Frank connected to Re and within seconds, the barrier was removed.

They could see the cavern now! The space craft Ave was shining at the centre and Richard was standing and looking at Ave...

All the colonists were in human form as Frank had seen them first. All of them looked so adorable and Redim was thrilled to see them all. She walked fast and went near the group of the colonists and squatted near them and started chatting with them.

They were very excited and it could be seen in the way they all answered...

Frank was with Re, Ro and Zo... He asked them how they were planning to establish their colony in the unknown Proxima Earth.

Re replied, 'we have no idea whether it was occupied or not... all our data tells us it is uninhabited but some building structures are seen too! We have to see if some rock formation is seen like buildings....'

Zo continued, 'our location finder has accepted the data that we fed ... So we have no worry about travel and reaching the destination... but we do not have much weapons to defend ourselves.. That worries me....'

Frank, 'But you have the best weapon..!' he paused...

Ro asked immediately, 'weapon? We don't have anything to the level of intergalactic beings... What we have here may tackle you as you are too primitive but other being are not like you!'

'But you can change form and become invisible at any given time! Do you think you will be detected by the intergalactic systems?' Frank asked them, looking from one to another.

He was squatting on the ground so that he could talk to them comfortably. He could see now slowly their expression becoming bright...

Re said, 'Excellent Frank... we did not think our ability could be used as a weapon... but in retrospect we can see, we survived here for so long by using this ability...Frank you have cleared a very big worry..Nothing on the universe can detect us when we are invisible'

Frank was glad that he motivated them in their long journey, 'but you need not worry too much as long as you have your spacecraft intact... Do you have the technology to manufacture this spacecraft? I am an aerospace engineering graduate... so naturally I am interested....'

Zo smiled, 'I attended most of your classes with you! You people think of using what is available... never think how to convert one to another... Especially metals... If you have done this, this craze for gold wouldn't be there to this extent!'

Frank was thunderstruck... He was too shocked to react!

Re was apologetic, 'Sorry Frank, we have been following you since your birth as we had followed all your ancestors. I could come to you for help so confidently because I knew how you would react.'

Frank laughed after sometime! , 'That is ok I think! You said you have taken some essentials like seeds and oocytes, somatic cells and so on. But did you take some food stuff?'

Ro replied, 'we need to keep Ave very light ...but we have taken few stuff from your pantry only... Mary will shriek as usual!'

Frank really laughed so loudly that both Richard and Redim came near them... When they heard it they too laughed...

Richard asked Re, 'how much maximum load Ave can take?'

Frank appreciated him for that question.

Zo replied, 'one ton roughly slightly higher. But we have kept it now at seven hundred kilograms... The entire thing is made of a kind of a metal that is not found here. It is the toughest but the lightest non-flammable metal. '

Frank and Redim moved closer to the spacecraft to see .It looked like a toy .When he saw it first time the entrance was the doorway in the underbelly. But now the entire sides of the spacecraft were opened to the outside like big wings. The interior was open... They could see the tiny double decker beds and all the gadgets fixed all over the inner walls and more so near the nose area.

It really looked like a scene from a sci-fi movie. The eerie light made the whole spacecraft so unreal.

Richard was talking to Re and Zo. Ro went near him where he was seated and kissed his hand. Redim was so moved by the sight that she mentioned it to Frank.

Re called all his beings and told them to board the spacecraft. They took a life supporter cylinder and went in one by one. Only Re, Zo and Ro were left. They came near where Frank and Redim were squatted down and gave the link to Redim and asked her to use it to connect with them...

Frank lifted gently Re to his knee, 'Re, promise me if you have any problems there in Proxima Earth, if you think you wouldn't survive there, you must get back here. This place is a private property and you can use it as your own... Hope you understand this!'

Re nodded his head, 'we all understand, actually that is our plan B. But we need to have a place of our own and raise our progenies. This is the correct time for us to fly away from the nest... Yes we consider this as the nest... we will always be obliged to your family, especially you and your friends... We are not sure if the Link will function from Proxima Earth but its reach is limitless so we are hopeful of keeping you all in contact. '

Richard came there and sat beside them, 'but are you sure you people can come back here if there is any problems there?'

Zo assured him, 'yes Richard. All of us will miss you more than anyone...because we have seen you wandering around this place since your childhood... But one day when we have crossed the new frontier and settled in the Proxima Earth, we are going to take you there....'

Richard looked pleased, 'but how a human can survive this speed?'

Zo replied, 'No one can survive as we are! That is why we use life supporter to keep us alive. The spacecraft is automatic once the power is transferred to particle power...we will only wake up in Proxima Earth after fifteen days and 7 hours... Don't worry Richard we will contact you as soon as we come out of the induced stupor'

Richard seemed to be relieved.

Now Zo and Ro entered the spacecraft. Richard helped them to take the remaining life supporters inside the spacecraft! Redim counted the occupied beds to thirty one and including Re it would be thirty two!

Re said, 'once I go in, the wings come down slowly. The entire spacecraft will be sealed completely with the double layer. We move it manually using Maglev technology to the entrance. We move very slowly so you can follow us...When the spacecraft comes out to the open we connect ourselves to the life supporter and start the autopilot .I hope to see all one day'

Frank lifted him gently placed him inside the spacecraft. The steps and the landing gear started retracting and the wings slowly moved downwards...

When the wings were about to close, the unthinkable happened!

Richard squeezed himself head first into the spacecraft in the aisle and before anyone could react the wings came down!

Redim tried to open the wing but the second layer came down and covered it completely. The spacecraft floated slowly towards the entrance and Frank and Redim ran behind it... Once it came out in the open, for a second they thought it would open... but it floated above them for few minutes. Suddenly it glowed and vibrated.

Then it shot off and disappeared …just like that.

Redim started crying...Frank was stunned and couldn't give her any consoling words. He never thought Richard would do something like this! Richard was asking too many probing questions about the space travel and the survival techniques to him as well as to Re... But he thought he was asking those questions out of concern for these beings!

He didn't know what he would tell If someone asked about his whereabouts... If a search is made, he would be held responsible for his disappearance!

His phone rang... His father was calling him to come as the media, the military as well a Minister had arrived. He said he would be there shortly.

When they arrived, it was like a festival... The crowd was more than anything he had ever seen in Tim's Land...

Francis had already showed them the photos taken in the cave of the treasure and they were shared. Francis was enjoying the sensation as his phone was ringing continuously... All his key personnel could be seen running around while talking over the phone.

Mary had set up her food corner and the international people were seen drinking and eating...

Frank asked Redim to put up a brave face. She pulled herself together and both of them got down from the car...

The media came alive and started photographing them in all angles... The military personnel came around and escorted them to where Francis was waiting.

Francis came forward to hug his son... Frank didn't want to bother him about Richard at this time. Francis couldn't ask anything as he was surrounded by the minister and some key media persons.

Francis introduced both of them. , 'Where is Richard?'

Frank was anticipating the question, 'He had some personal work. He would meet us later dad'

Francis wanted to know how to take them to the treasure.

Redim, 'I don't think all these could be taken there at once as the passage is very narrow'

So it was decided batch by batch they would be taken and then the military would take over...

Frank and Redim together gave an interview to the media explaining to them how they found the treasure and took the first batch which included Francis to the lower cave where the cave drawings were seen and then through the narrow passage to the cave of the treasure.

Francis would remember the first site of the treasure forever... In the photos, the enormity of the wealth was not felt! But seeing the vast treasure he was too overwhelmed to speak.

The military took over and the world went berserk as the live news was broadcasted in every channels of the world...

It took more than ten days to remove the gold safely. Frank and Redim were constantly on air as they had been getting invitations to appear in the television shows. They had both rehearsed well so carried out the tasks flawlessly!

But behind all these façade, they were concerned about Richard. It was impossible for them to be as happy as the rest of the Tim's household!

Only very few people had asked about Richard. But when Francis heard it, he advised him to tell that he had no idea. Frank understood the implications, moreover he could never tell them without revealing about the extraterrestrial colonists!



The amazing news

Frank and Redim wore the Link at all the time, hoping to get connected from Re. Their spirit was down as they did not think it was possible to get a message from a planet that was 4.2 light years away, but they had to hope!

Frank was worried and felt guilty about introducing him to the colonists.

Sixteenth day dawned on earth as usual. The birds were chirping and all the normal functions were going on. Frank was standing on the terrace, looking at the rising sun. He knew he would never be in peace if no news comes from Proxima Earth!

He knew he had to wait another eight hours and the travelling time was 15 days and 8 hours... He had never prayed but he prayed that day.

Redim came in search of him and she knew what Frank was thinking. So she stood silently beside him. She thought the suspense was too much for them...

She told him to get ready for breakfast. Frank did not speak anything as he thought nothing could bring his guilt down.

Redim understood his line of thoughts, 'Frank, it was Richard's decision to go with them...he is an adult and no way you would be responsible for his action!'

Frank looked at her sadly, 'Moral responsibility is heavier... I should have realised his intention much earlier and should have tried to stop him!'

Redim, 'Come down, Mary is waiting... Time will heal or reveal. Let the time take its course ...'

She made him go to his room to refresh and prayed as she had never prayed for some message or Frank would fret as long as he was alive...

Frank went to his room and sat down. He looked at his cell phone for the time. It showed five minutes past eight.

Redim came and sat beside him and she knew if everything had gone as planned they must have reached safely.

Both waited silently. Even the birds stopped chirping it seemed. Such a deadened silence enveloped them as their focus was totally on the link...

Nothing happened... Time was ticking away slowly… As the seconds turned to minutes and the minutes were passing by without any incidents... Redim lost faith and tears were flowing in reflex...

Frank sat like a statue... It was twenty five minutes past eight, when he felt a slight vibration on the Link... It slowly glowed and he closed his eyes...

Re came on, 'Frank we reached safely...found our perfect home... only I came out of the stupor others or in various stages of consciousness. The loveable fool survived... Yes Richard survived... I have done everything to keep him alive and as soon as he recovers he will connect with you... Thanks for everything....'

The Link went dead! Frank jumped and shouted... Redim silenced him as her Link was active... Re conveyed the same message to her too...

Good deeds always bring good results...

Frank knew this was not over but only the beginning. The new settlers have crossed the intragalactic frontier.

Milky Way Galaxy has one more planet Proxima Earth which would be thriving just like Earth.

Let us wait to for more news from them!

Who knows we may go there one day!

If Richard could go there...why not?

The day ,we visit Proxima Earth will come soon!!!


Thank you for travelling with me! Let us travel together again shortly to see what happens to the settlers in Proxima Earth in the next series

Intragalactic Frontier Crossed ...

Thank you so much ! A.R.Felcita