
Chapter One

She could hear the wind whispering through the branches of the old oak tree, just on the other side of her bedroom window. It was almost ominous. She sat up in her bed and opened her eyes, turning her head to catch the slightest movement. Nothing.

Slowly, her movements almost meticulous, she pushed her covers down to her feet, and twisted herself around so that her legs swung off of the bed. She pushed herself off, and landed somewhat clumsily onto her feet, then she slowly tip-toed her way to the bedroom door. Reaching out with her left hand, she brushed her fingertips against the knob, wrapped her slim fingers around it, and -

The door swung into the room, too fast. The terrified girl stumbled backward, a cry of fear tearing from her throat as a shadowy figure filled her door frame. It was a creature of pure malevolence, and as he-it-stepped over the threshold of her sanctuary, her heart seemed to leap into her throat. It fluttered there, and her mouth became dry. She barely managed to force small puffs of air from her lungs.

She could see the shimmer of it's sharp canine teeth in the fleeting light as it grinned and stepped toward her. Air filled her lungs as she took another step backwards, coming to a rest between her desk and her book case, the latter filled with volumes of lore and rhymes. The creature gave a deep-throated laugh, and then covered it's ears as she shrieked.

No more than twenty feet away, she heard a startled gasp, followed by a voice that sounded like a roar of fury and a snarl, combined. Movement, like footsteps, and the sound of her Father's voice. "Annalesia!"The malevolent being stopped, jerking back in surprise, and then it's eyes seemed to glow red as it turned back to face her. It's arm seemingly came out of nowhere, and the creature's hand closed around her throat, trying to crush her windpipe and cutting off her supply of air. The child raised her hands and dug her fingernails into it's hands, gouging as she tried to free herself as tears leaked from the corners of her eyes. Her ears picked up a high-pitched ringing as her vision began to fade.

The creature grunted, as if it had been violently struck, and the floor rushed up toward her. But the pain of the fall never came. Instead, a pair of warm, loving arms wrapped around her, protecting her. A curtain of white-blond hair fell over her face as she heard the sound of her Mother's voice near her ear; her breath was warm against her cheek. She turned in her Mother's arms and clung tightly to her, burying her face into her shoulder. Around them, the sounds of flesh meeting flesh could be heard, and then the crash of her desk breaking in two. Quickly, they drifted back toward the door as splinters of wood flew through the air, falling around the fighting figures. But the sound drew her attention, and now the small child could not help but to turn her gaze toward the fight.

The sound of her Father's warrior yell made her jump; she had turned her head just in time to watch him slam into the creature that had attacked her, slamming into it's sternum. She watched the massive tangle of their bodies as they smashed through her second story window, only to tumble down the slanted roof to the ground below.

"Daddy!" she heard herself scream, her voice shrill with panic. Her Mother set her down and ran toward the window, placing her hands on either side of the frame. Her voice filled the room as she cried out his name. "Andre'!" There was a loud cracking noise which was quickly followed by a pregnant silence.

"Nicole, grab our child and head further into the house." Her Father called out a few moments later. Her Mother seemed to come to life then as she pushed herself away from the window and twisted around, only to flash-step to the small child and scoop her up. She nestled the child's chin against her right shoulder, using her left arm to hold her up, the right arm to support her back, and protect her if need be. She quickly and deftly opened the door with her foot and darted down the hallway with her precious cargo, not bothering to look back.

Annalesia clung tightly to her Mother, her eyes wide and unblinking. Her Father appeared through her bedroom doorway, and then quickly turned to follow them, and only then did the child release the pocket of air she hadn't even noticed she'd been holding. Her Father had welts forming across his jaw, and blood dribbling from his split lip, but otherwise, he seemed whole and hearty. He caught up easily and took the stairs down two at a time.

"Head toward the pantry, Nicole." he instructed softly. "Remember the trap door? Beneath the bottom-right shelf?" Her Mother followed the instructions perfectly, and within seconds, she had the door open and the ladder set. Carefully, she set her precious burden onto her feet, placed her left foot onto the first rung, and slowly disappeared into the abyss. The sound of her feet shuffling across the floor could be heard, and then a small light-candle-flickered on.

More candles flickered on, until the hidden cellar seemed to be bathed in light. Annalesia moved forward and peeked downward, catching a glimpse of her Mother moving toward the ladder. Her Father lifted her and pulled her close, so that her chin rested against his left shoulder. He quickly dropped down into the cellar, and then placed his little girl onto her feet. Slowly, he knelt down and placed his hands onto her shoulders. "My dear Annalesia; I have to stay behind while you and your Mama leave." Andre' said, slowly, his deep Irish tones bouncing around the small cellar.

"But why, Daddy?" Annalesia shot at him, her tone inquisitive. "Why can't you stay with me and Mama? Why do you have to go?"

The sound of her Father's chuckle bounced around them. "I think you mean 'with Mama and I', " he corrected. And then his voice became stern as the sound of glass breaking could be heard from above. "Because, I must protect you the way that I know best. You and your Mama have to leave now, and I have to stay so that you may live." He quickly leaned forward and kissed his child on the forehead, then stood and pulled Nicole into his embrace. He gazed into her eyes, communicating silently with her.

"Of course," Nicole said softly, though her voice hinted that she was affronted. "I love you, Andre' Cihera." Leaning forward, she lifted her chin and gently touched her lips to his, and as she did, a soft sigh fell out.

"And I love you. Take care of our daughter. And know that as soon as I am able, I will come to find you both." He said in answer as he turned to begin climbing the ladder, before closing the trap door. As the sound of his footsteps retreated, she felt her Mother scoop her up once more and watched as the first candle was snuffed out

I have actually been working on this story for several years, but finally - after seven years - I’ve decided to pick it up once more. I can’t wait for you to meet my ML and FL. I hope you find them as enchanting and powerful as I did!

Amanda_J_Egertoncreators' thoughts