
Chapter 7 Into the flames

Aaron's POV

We walk out of the bathroom. I'm all discombobulated from what just happened. Sam I can't thank you enough I say. He takes my hand to steady me and there is what feels like a bolt of electricity running through our hands. I look at him wondering if he felt it too. If he did feel it he gives nothing away. He let's go of my hand like it's on fire or something. Clears his through and says this is Aaron. I hid behind him not sure how to act or what to say. I take a deep breath and step out from behind Sam. Hello is all I get out before a man with a British accent cuts me off. Is this small girl really what we were summarized here for. I would not taunt the girl if I was you says the vampire alpha in a lazy tone. Castiel interrupts what would be a argument I'm sure. If I may start things please. He says the prophecy again. I'm just staring at him open mouthed wide eyed. So who is from what clan. Crowley says I'm a demon love. Cherry says I'm a witch not the bad kind I can assure you. The man with the lazy tone says he is a vampire alpha. The woman that hasn't talked yet says she is a shifter alpha. The other woman about my size with a pixe hair cut says her name is Kate and she was bitten by a werewolf so that makes her a werewolf. Castiel says I'm a angel of the lord. My head is spinning with so many questions about all of this. So why are you all here exactly I ask. They all say in unison (which sounds really creepy by the way) we are here for the transformation and to witness the Phoenix rising. Okay then Dean says. Well as much fun as all this (I say with my hand) is I am tired and want to sleep. The alphas are the first to leave. Then Cherry says I'll keep The Underground running for you sugar as she walks out the door. Crowley just vanishes in a puff of black smoke. Cas leaves without a word good bye. that's his thing Sam says in my ear. This gives me goosebumps. The only ones left are the boys and Kate. You can stay if you want Kate I say. The boys are staying here anyways. She looks at me odd and says you don't look powerful. I reply with and you don't look like a heart eating monster. She laughs and says touché. Got any raw meat I'm starving. Yeah I have some deer in the fridge if you want it I say.

Sam's POV

Wow she is taking all this way to easy. I wonder when she will start freaking out I whisper to Dean. What was up with the hand thing. It felt like a bold of electricity went through my hand when we touched. Hey Sam could you stay with me until I fall asleep Aaron asked. Um sure I guess I say. I'll sit on the floor. I'm use to sleeping on the floor half the time. Dean says with another mouth full of pie we need to leave tomorrow guys. I head Kate giggling in the kitchen with him. She says I'm a monster but you have no manners and I hear a thud. I peek in the kitchen and Kate has fallen on the floor from laughing. I shake my head and head to Aaron's room with the book that has her moms name on it. She has a queen size bed that had a camo blanket on it. You know you can sit on the bed I do have a lamp that you can read with she says. I sit on the bed and start reading. She falls asleep as her head hits the pillow. It reads like a story. Taylor was one of the first witches daughter to who they call mother. Apparently mother is the mother of all monsters. Taylor was a warrior and for hundreds of year she would find a mortal and bear him a child. That child would always be a normal child, who would be killed by her own half blood sister Sharait. Sharait was half demon half witch. Mother found pleasure in tormenting her but loves Taylor or Sekhmet as she was named so long ago. Mother foretold a prophecy about a child being born of fire and bearing the mark of the Phoenix. When Sharait heard of this prophecy she went mad with anger, for she could not bear a child. That was her mother's last cruel act before being imprisoned in Purgatory by god. I stopped reading and looked at the clock it's almost 4 In the morning and I started reading at 8:30 oh wow I say. I put the book down and lay my head on the pillow. I'm out like a light.

This one took a little longer then planes to write. With the holiday and everything coming up. I will try to put more chapters up but can promise right now. Family is everything. Hope you enjoy my book so far. Please leave a comment as to how you like it or if you think I need to change anything. I look forward to your input. ?

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