
Into the Deep

In the future Humans have gained technology to where they can travel in a blink of an eye, they designed star gates and also found that they were not alone in the galaxies that they was billions of different life forms and planets to where humanoid Aliens are and also creatures that are more animalistic. In the year 4021 humans and other races could choose how their children would look like, sex or even the DNA with special functions to make soldiers that was deadlier than a normal person no matter their race. A genius was in charge of collecting DNA even from planets that was wiped out because of the galactic alliance that condemned different races and planets that doesn't bow down or align with what they want just like one planet out of thousands with a race that would remind you of stories of demons. Their strength was better than even the clones or births that the alliance allows their higher ups to create, one of the strongest ones throughout the galaxies that layed down their lives for their royal family that the alliance got a hold of the twins making their people give up to just protect them. The alliance did not keep their words killing the majority of the planets races even killing the twins to collect their D.N.A, their parents layed their lives down leaving a elder who collected the royal ones bodies and laying them to rest. One woman who was made to marry a top general of the alliance who has the highest I.Q. was able to use the D.N.A from the twins for her own child which she snuck the twins DNA to use a long with hers and only 3% of the man she was forced to marry so she gave her his special eyes that was his families secret that gave them a certain power, when she only found 3% of the genome of that special trait she chose to only allow that from his blood line which happened to be another race the alliance wiped out just to take that property from them.

Michele_Mays_7238 · LGBT+
29 Chs

Chapter 4

Tai arrives along with Drake and Lillian after they travel through the Star gate, she is looking out the crafts window at the red soiled planet that has tall white crystals that make up the rocks and mountains on this planet.

" Beautiful isn't it " Lillian said walking next to Tai who smiles at her then looks back out at the terrain where they pass a few bodies of water that has a red tint to it.

( Landing soon take your seats) The computers voice went over a speaker, even though it was a A.I. voice it had its own personality that you really thought it was a live person speaking to them and actually is a living A.I..

" come on since she said to take our seats, she likes to pick on us fleshies if we stand she'll make us fall on our butts with a hasty landing " Lillian said as they walk up next to the cock pit where Tai seen a girl in the pilot seat with long light pink hair flying the craft.

" who is she " Tai said looking at the beautiful girl who is piloting their ship, Lillian smiles then looks back at Tai.

" well you've heard of that one planet that's made up of living machines " Lillian said with a smirk and Tais eyes go wide with astonishment as she looks back to the girl who turns around winking at her which made Tai blush and the others who started laughing at her.

( the girl has long light pink hair with sky blue eyes, Tai develops a quick crush on her )

Lillian notices how Tai looks at Taki and she actually felt herself get jealous but quickly shakes it off, she also stays far away from relationships and only hooks up with people once in a while.

" her name is Taki....Taki this is Tai she will be our bunk mate" Lillian said making the girl turn around with a pleasant smile then giving a ok sign with her hand, Tai was curious about this girl named Taki especially her mind and body considering she's only heard of Takis race.

The craft lands and all of them exit the craft while Drake and a assistant helps pack their bags on a hover craft, Taki shakes Tais hand when they exit. Tai was amazed at how the girl skin feels real like any other living person's and her interactions are the same as theirs.

" alot of people wouldn't know about Taki since alot of people have not met her kind, she can love, hate and feel the same things we all do " Lillian said, Taki takes ahold of Tais hand along with Lillian's as they board a hover craft going to the building they'll be staying in.

All of the buildings are giant cubes for housing, facilities, training so no one could target one knowing it looked like a residence or lab to confuse anyone attacking.

They show Tai the out door V.R. training on a field that was seven football fields long, they could even make the field change to any environment like mountains, desert, water or even swamp like areas.

They show her where all the training room, mess halls, stores, weapon lockers are and even the different labs where she'll be going to get certain things done also where they get their upgrades and exo skeletons are given and upgrades for them.

Lillian pulls up a screen in front of her moving her hands in the air glancing through her orders for Tai, she also sees that they don't need to take her to have any samples taken since her mother is in charge of those things anyway.

" well from what I see you have all your gear already so we don't need to get those or do we need to go to the lab for your work up " Lillian said with a tight smile glancing at Taki holding Tais hands which she mentally scolds herself for letting it bother her.

" oh you'll be in our bunker Tai~" Taki said making Tais name sound sweet at the end which made Tai blush while Taki pulls her along with them until they come to a large cube that has the number 13 on the side.

" Well your luggage is in the room which are like apartments but your roommate is already assigned...yeah she'll return in a day or two, go unpack then we'll go to the mess hall" Lillian said leading her to a door with 003 on the wall beside the door.

" Lillian the others left a note ( gone to dinner ) on a screen that pops up in the large sitting room beside the entrance, Tai went to her room where Taki shows her which bedroom is hers.

The apartment was larger than she thought with a kitchen, living room, a guest bath also two bedrooms that each had its own bathroom as well. There is a Queen size bed, desk, dressers and large walk-in closet, it also had a safe that Tai had to use her hand to imprint on a scanner to a safe that was similar to a walk-in closet that only she can get into to store her weapons, exo skeleton suit along with other items she wants to keep inside.

Tai puts up all of her weapons which consisted of five large cases and also a case that held dozens of different currency along with jewels, gold and other prescious metals that are similar to gold on other planets.

" mom went overboard with the weapons and money " Tai said looking at eight drawers fully loaded with the currency, she also looks over at the twelve different guns along with ten different hand held weapons.

" she said this suit is one of a kind that she made " Tai said to herself looking at the black suit that had dark red lines on different spots of it, she picks up one of the metal balls that are sizes from a bowling ball to a small marble.

(" I'm glad she gave me detailed instructions on my comm to read or I'd kill myself or my group on accident") Tai thought to herself when a buzzer went off at her door, she walks over letting the door slide up showing Lillian and Taki smiling at her.

" let's go eat and meet your new bunk mates " Lillian said quickly grabbing Tais hand before Taki could but it still did not stop the cute girl from holding onto Tais other arm pressing it between her large breast.

Tai looks around noticing that each bunker has assigned tables, she notices Drake at a table with seven other men so she waves at him and he smiles waving back while the man next to him frowns at her or maybe at one of the girls as she looks over noticing Lillian sending the frowning boy a glare.

" Lillian we ordered you three the specials already " a girl with blue hair and dark grey eyes said looking at Tai while biting her bottom lip, she didn't even notice when a boy who had two others standing behind him was at her side.

" Len " A boy with red hair said several times when the girl seated beside Len elbows her, she scowls at the girl then does the same to the boy before she looks back at Tai with a smirk.

Len ignores the boy and he still didn't take the hint while the other girls at the table snickered at him, he takes Lens hand into his.

" Len I'd like to take you for a date " Owen said, Len pulls her hand away then wipes it off on his uniform shirt and looks back at Tai not breaking eye contact.

" I'm sorry Owen but I have my eyes on someone else and I've told you before your not my type" Len said, Lillian rolls her eyes knowing that none of them really commit since they could lose their life anytime. Lillian pulls Tai to the seat where there is seven girls sitting at the table since her roommate isn't here right now so each table has eight to twelve people so does each bunker that's a large cube. This one mess hall has over a hundred tables and all together there is close to a hundred mess halls to handle the large number of cadets, Len looks up at the boy whose face turns ugly with anger at what the girl said.

" Owen leave now " Lillian demanded as his friends pull him away making some of the other tables laugh at him, Tai starts eating the steak and veggies that was in front of her right after they sit down by a hover bot.

" ok let's start with Len then go around with introductions " Lillian said starting on her fish dinner that was placed in front of her and Taki had the same dinner as Tai did.

" I'm Len and I'm very, very happy to meet you Tai~ " Len said with a flirty look and a sultry voice making Tai swallow hard looking at Lens cleavage that was on full view in front of her, Len knows what she's looking at when she leans forward with a smirk.

" stop Len....Hi Tai my name is Olivia " Olivia said holding her hand out for Tai to shake, she scratches Tai on purpose with her nail but Tai ignores it and smiles at the girl.

" I'm Sylvia " A girl with white hair and amber eyes that looks just like Jessica's said, all of these girls are probably the most beautiful women she's ever seen and she can feel her body warming up just by looking at them.

" I'm Fina " a blonde girl with green eyes said, she surprises Tai when she gets up pulling Tai into a tight hug and kisses her hand where Olivia scratched her.

Olivia couldn't understand why her poison had no effect on the new girl even if she doesn't use her venom it can make people sick by scratch, kiss or other intimate things she does.

(" well Tai it seems like you'll be helping me out since I've not found anyone else who can yet") Olivia glares at Fina since the girl is like a walking miracle since she comes from a planet that's located near Hell 01 where people would call them angels to Hell 01 people who was referred as Demons. When she fully turns her powers on it makes her look different than she does now, Lillian seen what Fina did healing Tais hand making her glare at Olivia who shrugs her shoulders.

" you will meet our last member in a day or two " Lillian said when Tai suddenly turns around when she felt a object coming toward them, everyone gasps when she catches the apple that someone threw at the back of Lillian's head. Tai squeezes the apple easily turning it into mush letting it drop on the floor glaring at the men who was sitting at Table 016 since she's certain it came from there.

" who did that! " Len said smacking the table making a dent appear when several robots came out cleaning the apple up and repairing the table, Lillian looks at the table where her step brother had his brows furrowed when he never expected one of the girls could catch his throw which normally would knock a person out cold when it hit.

" let's go those idiots are to scared to admit it " Taki said as all the girls leave the table, when the boys heard what she said they was about to react but Drake holds his hand up scowling at all of his team.

" two hundred push ups and ten mile run...NOW !!! " Drake said, he walks over to Lillian who pats his shoulder with a reassuring smile.

" it's fine Drake but I think you should add a hundred pull ups" Lillian said when Drake gives her a knowing smile knowing her brother hates pull ups so he adds that to them as well but gives them a 150 instead.