
Into the Deep

In the future Humans have gained technology to where they can travel in a blink of an eye, they designed star gates and also found that they were not alone in the galaxies that they was billions of different life forms and planets to where humanoid Aliens are and also creatures that are more animalistic. In the year 4021 humans and other races could choose how their children would look like, sex or even the DNA with special functions to make soldiers that was deadlier than a normal person no matter their race. A genius was in charge of collecting DNA even from planets that was wiped out because of the galactic alliance that condemned different races and planets that doesn't bow down or align with what they want just like one planet out of thousands with a race that would remind you of stories of demons. Their strength was better than even the clones or births that the alliance allows their higher ups to create, one of the strongest ones throughout the galaxies that layed down their lives for their royal family that the alliance got a hold of the twins making their people give up to just protect them. The alliance did not keep their words killing the majority of the planets races even killing the twins to collect their D.N.A, their parents layed their lives down leaving a elder who collected the royal ones bodies and laying them to rest. One woman who was made to marry a top general of the alliance who has the highest I.Q. was able to use the D.N.A from the twins for her own child which she snuck the twins DNA to use a long with hers and only 3% of the man she was forced to marry so she gave her his special eyes that was his families secret that gave them a certain power, when she only found 3% of the genome of that special trait she chose to only allow that from his blood line which happened to be another race the alliance wiped out just to take that property from them.

Michele_Mays_7238 · LGBT+
29 Chs

chapter 25

Rock grabbed Jessie's hand using a serum to heal her wrist before she passed out or died from too much blood loss he looked at the knife wound in Tais chest seeing her heart wasn't punctured and black veins covering it. Rock slit his wrist and started pouring his blood inside the wound and could tell she was still alive, he started to get dizzy almost collapsing when Jessie healed his wrist while the other five men kept the other men back by firing at them.

Helena walked over slitting her wrist doing the same thing, Jessie gave a potion to Rock that reenergized him while using a healing salve on his wound.

" ok keep giving her blood... her heart is gaining color " Rock said trading places with Ter who did the same thing giving blood then using the salve , Larissa healed enough and crawled over to Tai holding her body and looked down at the stab wound that looked like the fibers was mending back together in the wound while kissing her forehead.

" yes baby come back please " Larissa said slitting her wrist pouring the blood inside the wound which she thought she saw her heart beat and she kept giving more blood and this time she saw it beat twice.

" Jessie come over pour some blood quickly" Larissa said as Jessie slits her wrist pouring her blood into the wound as they watch it close so Jessie brought her wrist to Tais mouth letting it fill and this time it went down.

" we're running out of ammo. ...twenty to fifteen minutes and the EMPs will wear off and I only have a pistol with one extra clip on me what about you guys " Rock said looking over at all the men and sighed then looked over at Raine not knowing what's going on with her, if she was awake she could settle the rest with her ice and wind.

" three pistols that's it " Rock said as Helena pulled Larissa and Jennie away from Tai making them use the salve and rest, she quickly slit her wrist letting the blood fill Tai's mouth then a few moments later.

A loud explosion went off making the others look over at the ship seeing Dagger and some of his men get inside as a fire fight went off inside the ship, Tais amber eyes opened up then closed again.

Tai bit into Helena's wrist moaning while drinking her blood making Helena blush and the rest of the group never has seen her blush before and she glared at them making Rock laugh at her taking a few head shots killing the men trying to get closer.

" ahh Shit it hurts....mmm actually it feels good ahhh" Helena said closing her eyes as Larissas eyes go wide as she tries to pry Tais mouth off of Helena's wrist as she continues to suck growling at Larissa who smacked the back of her head.

" Tai let go you're taking too much " Larissa said as Tais eyes opened showing the red eyes with the black rings again, Larissa grabbed Tais member squeezing her hard and then she let loose of Helena as Larissa pulled Helena away.

" Shit...Larissa they have even more back up, I'm guessing Dagger had made a few calls with several groups to get this mission under his name " Rock said as forty more mercenaries showed up, Tais body started to cover in the black substance covering her lower legs, arms and private parts and her mind was still catching up with her.

Tai raises up walking past all of them going to the cocoon placing her hand on the cocoon as it starts glowing blue when a long white snake tail bursts through the cocoon as long blue nails split open the cocoon from inside out.

Raine raises up from the cocoon wrapping her tail around Tais body pulling her down to where they are now face to face as her forked tongue flicks Tais lips and Tai smiles at her.

" can you forgive me " Raine said as she bit her lip with her fangs on accident drawing blood, Tai smiled then softly kisses Raines lips sucking the blood from them when both their heads snap toward two more loud explosions when Tais Exo-Skeleton covers her fully as Larissa pulled out her sword staying out of her form until she was strong enough to change fully only having her wings out.

" those men are coming from that side I'll make a route for us to the ship follow closely and take down any of them you can without getting to far behind. " Tai said

Tais horns grow out like bull horns as a second set grows into making a horn of crowns on her head as her four wings sprout out both leather and the outside lined with black metallic feathers she takes to the air with Larissa flying after her.

" everyone take headshots save as much ammo as you can " Rock said as he takes several headshots bringing those men down as the other men did the same each taking a couple down.

Tai landed in the middle of the men spreading her wings outward launching forty feathers and was sent out cutting down over a dozen men down while wounding more.

Larissa lands in a group of eight slicing through them with her wings and drinking the two others dry in a matter of seconds and using her swords to stab two of the men, Raine slivered in taking four men curling them up inside her tail squeezing them until their eyes popped out while quickly slivering between some more quickly biting them.

Some of the men backed off seeing how the woman killed them with venom making black veins spread throughout their bodies in less than three seconds then dropping dead.

Helena used her whip to grab some rifles pulling them over for the others to use while cutting down a few enemies with her whip while Rock leads the others to grab the weapons laying around who only had pistols.

Rock grabbed one of his men who was shot in his chest trying to carry him while using the sub-machine gun he picked up firing at the group of men making them back off killing over nine of them.

Tai entered the hole that the bastard blasted through while they were pinned down with her in the situation she was in, when entering through she saw shell casings but smelled none of her companions blood in the air and only the enemies bodies.

" hurry inside hold this passage " Tai said bringing over a large crates blocking it off when the rest entered, Rock done the same thing giving them all cover while keeping the enemy back.

" there's guns all around with ammo grab what you can " Tai said walking over to the man who was now dead, she shakes her head then thanked him while turning to look toward the hallways, she grabs a small crate of grenades handing them to Larissa then looked at them.

" stay here keep those men out of you lose the door then move back and try not to damage the ship anymore than it already is. Use the grenades to keep them outside as long as you can " Tai said looking down seeing over a dozen grenades inside the box.

She picked up the stench from those men leading further inside the ship and looked back seeing the others covering the entrance then looked at Jessie who had a shoulder wound.

Tai stood there with smoke coming from her mouth pointing to the left then looked over to Larissa who fired off a few shots at two men who tried to push inside the ship.

" make sure they don't get into the med bay....Jessie hang back here " Tai said pulling Jessie to a corner near the hallway then points to the med bay that's down the other hallway.

" Larissa tell Pak that I sent you and give him code 4224, that way he'll believe you and keep him safely hidden with something important to me " Tai said walking slowly straight to the cock pit and her feet changed to hooves as her height became Larger making her way there giving Larissa time to get Pak and whoever else was inside the med bay out.

Larissa returns with Pak and the others who start helping with the enemy outside with fire power since they started pushing through, Farrow smiles picked up a M-16S and starts firlingbatvthe men that was pouring through the hole in the vines making their way inside the hanger.

Tai made her way toward the cock pit when she could hear the little bastards voice telling the others how and where to use the C-4.

" put the C-4 around the edge of the door... right there " Lyle said whistling a song while knocking on the door after pointing to where he wanted the bombs at while Dagger laughed at him and the men worked on getting the C-4 explosives ready...

" girls were going to play for weeks The generals doesn't want you girls, OHHH also his daughter is dead and all we need is the sample of the alien to get paid " Dagger said leaning against the wall.

" Ha lying Bastards " Taki said while trying to get things in order for the ten minutes that's left letting the ship power up and groans noticing she needs to go to other parts of the ship.

" I get the innocent one before you Lyle because I know you'll only play with your knives but you can still suck me off or I can take you from the back " Dagger said caressing Lyles cheek, making the man quickly turn away from his love.

" no I'm hideous and I'll find that bitch after this " Lyle said as Dagger hugged him and whistled a song for him making a few daggers dance around to the song he whistled.

When they heard heavy foot steps that sounded like hooves scraping against the metal floor, eight of the men stopped what they we're doing picking their guns up.

" what the fuck is that " Dagger said as Tai stepped into the light letting them see her, seeing a demon from the old text books but this one was different and scarier than the pictures they seen.

" fire at it ! " Dagger screamed looking down another hallway pulling Lyle with him, while flashes of light was bouncing off the walls, the girls was trying to get the mechanism to the door to open and Taki cursed at Tai for having her do it where it wouldn't open until the ship powered back on which they still have a few minutes minutes to go.

Amani and the others was walking back and forth staring down at Taki whose covered in oil trying to bypass the mechanisms, she broke another wrench in the gears.

" we're gonna have to wait, just get your guns ready either the old style or our normal ones it's up to you " Taki said as the girls kept the old style handguns in their holsters but grabbed their original ones.

" what I love my baby but also like this .50 caliber" Amani said counting down the time while hearing the gunfire outside the doors, she thought she lost Tai but she can feel her again and she wants to keep it that way.