
Into the Deep

In the future Humans have gained technology to where they can travel in a blink of an eye, they designed star gates and also found that they were not alone in the galaxies that they was billions of different life forms and planets to where humanoid Aliens are and also creatures that are more animalistic. In the year 4021 humans and other races could choose how their children would look like, sex or even the DNA with special functions to make soldiers that was deadlier than a normal person no matter their race. A genius was in charge of collecting DNA even from planets that was wiped out because of the galactic alliance that condemned different races and planets that doesn't bow down or align with what they want just like one planet out of thousands with a race that would remind you of stories of demons. Their strength was better than even the clones or births that the alliance allows their higher ups to create, one of the strongest ones throughout the galaxies that layed down their lives for their royal family that the alliance got a hold of the twins making their people give up to just protect them. The alliance did not keep their words killing the majority of the planets races even killing the twins to collect their D.N.A, their parents layed their lives down leaving a elder who collected the royal ones bodies and laying them to rest. One woman who was made to marry a top general of the alliance who has the highest I.Q. was able to use the D.N.A from the twins for her own child which she snuck the twins DNA to use a long with hers and only 3% of the man she was forced to marry so she gave her his special eyes that was his families secret that gave them a certain power, when she only found 3% of the genome of that special trait she chose to only allow that from his blood line which happened to be another race the alliance wiped out just to take that property from them.

Michele_Mays_7238 · LGBT+
29 Chs

chapter 23

Tai arrived back at the ship using speed she never had before and looked at vines with colorful flowers covering the whole area excluding the elites ship that her mother sent.

" I see no bodies of my people but I see eleven or maybe fifteen of theirs " Tai said seeing groups of body parts when two scents she picks up that's around the back of her ship, one is Ten's while the other is one she's not smelled before and can smell his bloodlust which was even worse than the Male she encountered.

Tais body started to react to a feeling coming from the smells she's picking up when two more scents of the enemy hit her as the black substance covers parts of her body like it did before except covering more of her body like it was her skin. Two tall horns come from her head this time shaped like bull horns as a tail with a spade at the end and a set of wings come out that was shaped like a bats wing with sharp talons from twelve inches to seven inches placed on different parts of her wings.

The Exo-Skeleton that now covers her whole body leaving her hair out while she substance covers up her neck and her jawline leaving her beautiful face out in view.

Tai looks over her body while her hands are now covered in the Exo-Skeleton with long nails that are three inches long, she swings her tail around then wraps it around her waist a few times since it was six feet long.

" what the hell is going on with my body " Tai said to herself reaching up touching the three feet horns on top of her head, even with the black substance on her body she felt like she was touching her own skin.

Tai closed her eyes that turned a dark crimson red with two black rings on them, She searches for her mates to see if any are in danger and only can pick up the ones she marked.

" they stay together so they must be fine " Tai said when she heard a crack of a whip come from behind her seeing a blonde haired woman wearing a leather outfit that showed parts of her body for some reason her sent was weaker then the other scent that was overtaking the first one.

Tai felt attraction to the woman but the scent of the other woman who stepped up was taking over the others scent and she had pale skin with white scales covering parts of her body with dark blue eyes with slits for her pupils.

The woman looked at Tai and stopped in her tracks not moving while staring at Tai whose round pupils turned to slits as well, the blonde looked at Tai from head to Toe stopping at her large bulge then smiling.

The girl beside her looked away when the blonde licked her lips while checking Tai out, Tai had her wings tucked behind her and released her tail from her waist.

" what the hell are you, I've never seen a species like you or have had one either...what about you Raine " Helena said walking closer to Tai, Raine was about say something but stopped and Tais eyes never left Raines even though the girl tried several times to look away from her failing.

Helena didn't like that Tai showed no interest in her and she could feel something more between them and it's like something is blocking a pull to her. When Tai would keep looking at Raine, she lost her temper raising the whip up cracking it at Tai cutting across her stomach area hitting the black substance.

Tai didn't react to it but Raine jogged up behind Helena Almost grabbing Helena's wrist when she seen no wound or cut on the woman, but seen Lyle watching them like a hawk with a wicked smile.

Helena's whip is made of one of the strongest metals in all the galaxies including heavenly ore mixed with Helios ore, she looked over her shoulder glaring at Raine then looked back over to the woman.

" Raine I'm hoping that you weren't going to interfere because you know what will happen" Helena said glancing back at Lyle who whispered to Dagger bringing the whip back up the snapping it across Tais cheek making a deep gash and Raine grabbed Helena's wrist when she was about to do it again.

They both watch Tais wound heal in two seconds as the black substance covers all of her face and she snarls at them when all her canines grow along with the long fangs making both of them shudder as they watch her transform even more.

" what the fuck " Helena said stepping back covering Raine with her arm and making the girl step back, Helena remembers a picture of the species they named demons but this one was different.

Raine run I'll buy you some time if she attacks I dought will be able to hurt her " Helena said since Tai didn't take her eyes off of the girl, Raine wanted to walk up to her but another part of her was telling her this is their enemy and the two men would hurt not just her but Helena.

" no we go together, plus those two are doing their thing and watching us...they might try to kill us if we back down let's just put on a good show to buy them time, her skin or suit will protect her from most of my hits...that way they will get in and maybe I can save her " Raine said as snow started to fall around the area as the vines started to freeze on the ship. Tai heard what she said glancing back at the men and also seeing that little shit from earlier, Tai snapped her head back at Raine with a look of hurt and betrayal making a couple tears slide down Raines cheek that freezes on her cheek.

" I'm sorry my mate " Raine whispered to herself but Tai heard what she said as the snow flakes started swirling around the ship and Tai like a tornado, Tai wanted to feel the pain that one of her mates is causing and she can't let them get inside to early.

Tai could smell the scent from a large group moving fast their way, so she removes over half of her Exo-Skeleton showing her flesh to make it where no matter if she wins or loses she won't risk this girl's life or the ones in the ship with those men.

" if this is what you wish for my mate I'll take all you can give, but I can't let you help them get in the ship with my other mates and friends nor can I let you go easy on me putting the two of you in danger. I also need to help Athena's vines strengthen with my blood " Tai said where both women could hear her, the snow flakes were like large razors that were cutting into Tais flesh as she walked toward the vines that were being slowly ripped away while Dommer and Athena kept trying to repair them draining themselves.

Tai could tell Dommer was done since the roots were losing their stability and stopped recovering while the green ones kept healing themselves going slower than usual.

" it's been about four hours they should be able to take off soon " Tai said knowing Taki is working on it and the promise Taki made, she watched a large chunk near the hanger door that kept getting thinner and thinner when she seen hundreds of daggers that was twirling around chopping the vines down at high speed.

" Tens people..so my mate is my enemy for now, well I won't leave either of these girls with men like them " Tai said looking back at Raine who kept crying tears that would freeze, Helena felt for her friend she always tried to protect from Dagger and Lyle the two sickest of the bunch.

Half of the group saw Dagger as their true leader out of fear and manipulation as he used others to hype them up to kill Larissa cause he knew he couldn't do it and when one would go try to tell Larissa they never made it to her not would return because of Lyle. He stayed closer to Larissas people and a lot of people would see him as sweet or trustworthy keeping his distance from Daggers group except for the meetings he would have with Dagger alone that Helena would use her pets to spy on them.

Lyle would do sick things to women, young girls even boys he'd lie to them making them do things to him so he'd release their family which would never happened.

That's why she kept Raine by her twenty four seven and they'd protect each other since they were Small, she has never seen Raine hurt like this before. Watching as the cuts got worse. Helena could tell Raine could feel everything that woman could feel right now and wanted to stop her friend but with the others they couldn't do anything. She also knows that Raine has always dreamed of finding her mate and was still saving herself for her mate, Helena was different really not caring gave up on the fairy tale one true love and did what she wanted or had to do so Raine wouldn't.

Helena heard everything that they both said to each other and a part of her hates that just meeting one another showing feelings of love toward one another like they've loved one another for a lifetime.

Helena also never has been jealous of Raine but she wanted all of this woman's attention and she also has a pang in her heart watching the ice slice through her skin as her blood spills out mixing with the snow and ice that was falling in the ship.

Raine cried harder as her frozen tears started to pull into the tornado of frozen snowflakes landing on the woman's flesh especially the deep wounds healing them somewhat.

" no I need to bleed, I'm sorry but I need you to not stop" Tai said smacking the frozen tears away, Raine fell to her knees when Tai did that holding her arms up forcing to keep going as Tai was bleeding out with her blood mixing with the beautiful flakes making the blueish white snowflakes blood red with black mixing in them.

Helena went to the tornado putting her hand inside receiving over a dozen cuts in one second pulling her hand out using her pet to heal them.

(" if they see us stop doing what we're doing then dagger will send his men after us and Ten he's cruel as well.... there's no way my pets can make it inside with out being cut up ") Helena thought to herself when she turned around she seen Lyle and the others standing right behind Raine as the others went around to where dagger is standing with Ten on the other side of the ship using his blades inside the tornado of ice on the vines while Lyle who looked like a monster now stood behind Raine popping his knuckles.