
Into the Deep

In the future Humans have gained technology to where they can travel in a blink of an eye, they designed star gates and also found that they were not alone in the galaxies that they was billions of different life forms and planets to where humanoid Aliens are and also creatures that are more animalistic. In the year 4021 humans and other races could choose how their children would look like, sex or even the DNA with special functions to make soldiers that was deadlier than a normal person no matter their race. A genius was in charge of collecting DNA even from planets that was wiped out because of the galactic alliance that condemned different races and planets that doesn't bow down or align with what they want just like one planet out of thousands with a race that would remind you of stories of demons. Their strength was better than even the clones or births that the alliance allows their higher ups to create, one of the strongest ones throughout the galaxies that layed down their lives for their royal family that the alliance got a hold of the twins making their people give up to just protect them. The alliance did not keep their words killing the majority of the planets races even killing the twins to collect their D.N.A, their parents layed their lives down leaving a elder who collected the royal ones bodies and laying them to rest. One woman who was made to marry a top general of the alliance who has the highest I.Q. was able to use the D.N.A from the twins for her own child which she snuck the twins DNA to use a long with hers and only 3% of the man she was forced to marry so she gave her his special eyes that was his families secret that gave them a certain power, when she only found 3% of the genome of that special trait she chose to only allow that from his blood line which happened to be another race the alliance wiped out just to take that property from them.

Michele_Mays_7238 · LGBT+
29 Chs

Chapter 18

Tai takes Phrae inside her personal quarters and gives her any information that Taki gathered, Phrae sits down on the bed watching Tai.

" you need to relax or you're going to make mistakes that can cost you a life or your own " Phrae said pulling Tai down on the bed and hugging her, they stay like that for a half an hour while Phrae held Tai.

" Phrae I need you to be careful going to get his family, I don't want you hurt or worse dead trying to do this " Tai said making Phrae smile while she scratched Tai's scalp, Phrae pulled out her screen making it where Tai can see and she saw where Phrae already had eyes on the family inside the room.

" they've been beating the three " Phrae said making Tai clench her fists.

" they are sending that commander videos of them doing so and I'm sure he's about to fold when he'll see that they broke his son's arm " Phrae said shaking her head while watching the boy who passed out from pain while sweating profusely with the mother was wiping him down.

" ok when are you going to get them " Tai said as Phrae smiled at her and spoke through her ear piece.

" Poe go ahead and save the three " Phrae said as they watched the room full of smoke while the bodies inside passed out along with the family. Four men who were in full suits were outside each room that had the Alliances people inside when Poe counted down from three and they went inside the room killing them all except for the ones who seemed to be of higher command.

" Mother goose we have executed our plan we will now bring the prisoners and commanders family to you in a few hours " Poe said as video was uploaded of them putting the Commanders family in the med bay of their ship.

" here take this to that commander to show him that his family is now safe, then have those four get ready for Tens plan " Phrae said kissing Tais lips passionately while wrapping her legs around Tais waist.

" we will stay here to make sure that you're all safe then we'll leave together " Phrae said letting go of Tai who smiles then grabs the .50 caliber handgun that Taki gave her inside the back of her pants.

" ok stay out of sight of that Ten and help them get ready" Tai said leaving the room, she walked by the mess hall seeing Taki and Farrow showing the others how to use the weapons as she walked outside the ship where she saw Ten sitting by the campfire so she waved at him.

" Hello Ten how are you doing " Tai said and he smiled then nodded his head.

" I'm good and how are you " Ten said with a fake smile that Tai saw right through, she pointed toward his ship and stopped at the door.

" I'm thinking that we should go ahead and leave since everything is taken care of " Tai said making his eyes go wide which she couldn't help but chuckle at.

" N-No we can't until um until we make sure all those things are gone " Ten said nervously while sweat collected on his forehead making Tai smile at how nervous he is.

" nah they're all gone and I've collected it's blood anyway so no need to stay " Tai said leaving him while she walked inside the Elites ship going to the commanders quarters, when she got outside the door and she heard him throwing things around the office.

" Commander can I speak to you " Tai said, when she heard him curse then the door opened showing all the things that were on his desk now on the floor.

" Tai I'm sorry but you need to lock me up and I need a favor also " He said while pacing back and forth while he dragged his hand through his hair, Tai knew he was loyal and she admired that he would sacrifice his family for her mom.

" Commander I already know about your family being kidnapped and I've already retrieved them about twenty minutes ago" Tai said as he stopped and looked at her, he slumped down in his chair then looked at the video that was sent to him over an hour ago.

" how do I know that they are safe " He said with tears in his eyes, Tai pulled out a chip then threw it at him which he caught placing it and put it inside the device on his wrist showing how his family was saved.

" those men who hurt them when you are done can I pay them a visit when we leave " Commander said while looking at the men's faces and Tai nodded her head yes.

" did you know that Ten also works with them, it's not only Cyrus and I believe Cyrus was just a decoy anyway and Ten is actually the one calling the shots while watching our every move " Tai said as the commander clenched his fist when she showed the messages that Ten sent even the one telling them where and when his family would arrive on that planet.

" so he found out when we were going to that place and actually gave them orders on what to do " the commander said reviewing all the messages that he sent even the ones that say to beat all three and also the one telling them to sexually assault his wife after they break the kids arms.

" now I need you to act the same as if nothing will happen, he has a group of mercenaries on their way with an EMP that will knock out our barrier also our weapons but we have weapons that the EMP won't affect. They also have some weapons that won't be affected by that, I will need you to send Brax over first and then send Tyler while Pak will know what to do when those two are already over there. I told Ten that I plan on leaving right now instead of tomorrow so you can use an argument to make him think his plan is still in the works when I leave just chase after me to tell me that we will remain here like planned " Tai said as the commander nodded his head in agreement while Tai pulled out the .50 caliber handgun giving it to him.

" keep this hidden, when Ten was at Cyrus's cell he gave him a weapon similar to this one so I'm sure Ten has another for himself to use as well. " Tai said as he tucked the gun inside the back of his pants and the extra clips in his pocket as they walked out of his office.

" Listen I've already made my flight plan for tomorrow Tai, it's better to be safe then sorry especially with a creature like that" Commander said walking behind Tai who kept going toward her ship, he grabbed her wrist making her stop.

" your mother agrees to this so we will not leave until tomorrow, I'm sorry but we can't " The Commander said in a pleading voice, Tai smacked his hand away from her then got in his face.

" for now on if you are with me on a mission then you'll answer to me and also mind my orders no one else's, I'll stay until tomorrow but if you ever go against me again I'll kill you " Tai said through gritted teeth shoving the commander on the ground then spit near him, Ten held his laughter then runs over helping up his commander with a worried look on his face.

" why did the two of you fight " Ten said as the commander sighed with a sad look on his face as he stood up dusting his outfit off.

" look Ten for personal reasons I can't leave right now, it has nothing to do with any of you or this mission " The commander said as he saw Brax coming out from their ship.

" Brax do me a favor, go over and make sure that Tai isn't trying to leave today....just be friendly right now and I'll explain later " commander said patting Brax on the back, he then looked over at Tyler who was carrying over some fruit to give to Tais crew.

" I thought I'd share this fruit that I got from our trip to plasix last month, I mean it's about to go bad and plus I don't want to sit in the brig watching or listening to Cyrus anymore " Tyler said so the commander nodded his head then stopped turning to look at Tyler.

" well wasn't you supposed to take the next watch " Commander said as Tyler stiffened at what he said then whined.

" come on why can't one of you do it, we've taken a watch since yesterday " Tyler said, Ten smiled then stepped forward.

" well I don't mind watching him " Ten said as the commander looked toward Tais ship making sure no one was outside and then he turned back to Ten.

" ok make sure to tell Pak to rest before he takes back over in six to eight hours also don't let Tai or her team know " the commander said making his way back to the cock pit of his ship to prepare it for when the attack is going to happen so he makes sure the manual lock system is still operational and only can be opened from inside the cock pit where he will be.

Ten smiled while making his way to where the cells are while smiling widely, when he entered he saw Pak with his eyes closed.

" Pak wake up and go eat then rest..I'll take tonight " Ten said while Pak stretched his arms then looked at Ten with a confused look.

" wait won't we get in trouble" Pak said while he furrowed his brows making Ten laugh at the face he made.

" no commander told me I could fill in for Tyler to not let Tai and them know about it " Ten said as Pak walked off with a smirk and quickly made his way over to Tai's ship.

" he's in there now " Pak said as Tyler handed him a vest while Brax was looking at the shotgun and the two LMGuns of a Ak-12 and Ak-200 but went with the AK-12 instead while smiling as Taki pouted.

" well I had chosen others for you all but if that's the one you want " Taki said grabbing the three different Aks to put with the choices in case the others wanted something stronger.

Calista was at Takis door when Brax left so she entered and her mouth dropped open seeing all of these firearms, she went over to the different types of new age weapons while gliding her finger across them.

" well maybe later you can use one of those but it'll be useless for several hours if the EMP goes off then you need to choose from these " Taki said pointing at the 21st century guns that was on the tables and shelves, Calista walked over to the shelf and pulls down a bolt action rifle that had a scope.

" I remember watching a black and white movie called the rifle man who used one like this " Calista said as Taki smiled while remembering that movie she watched for a project in school.

" yes I loved that movie as well, go ahead and pick a hand gun as well...I did choose a .38 or 9mm but since you're here go ahead and pick " Taki said making Calista smile while looking through the different types of guns. Phrae gathered them inside of Takis bedroom quarters that was inside of the cock pit, Olivia was the last one to come inside handing Phrae several vials that were of green liquid and two that had a blue colored canister.

" what about the serum to get those guys to hallucinate" Phrae said making Olivia quickly get it from a pouch then hand it to Phrae.

" so these two blue canisters will knock people out right" Phrae said while Farrow took Taki and Len outside the room, Amani was about to say something when Phrae opened the canister then locked them inside the bedroom while Amani was beating on the door.

" why did you do that " Len said trying to push Farrow who held her arms not letting her pass, Phrae smiled at Len then handed her the red vial.

" that's for the two traitors so we will know everything there is to know " Phrae said while Olivia glanced around the room once the smoke cleared then clicked her tongue in annoyance and started picking each one up to lay on the bed sideways so there would be enough room plus two on the couch.

" ahh my damn back " Olivia groaned out in pain while wiping the sweat from her brows then went to the door.

" next time just leave me out of this...wait who is going to be helping Tai with those people coming, Phrae open this door " Olivia said when a screen popped up showing The other four.

" I knew it wouldn't affect you since it came from your body and I'm sorry Olivia this is Tais orders, we also know you can wake them sooner then the gas will allow others...you can choose when to wake them, again I'm sorry even Len, Taki and I won't be leaving the cock pit but Farrow will be at Tais side " Phrae said while frowning and Olivia cursed under her breath while clenching her fist.

" fine I'll administer them a antidote, but you need to promise me if Tai starts to get overwhelmed that you'll let us all assist her " Olivia said with a concerned look while Phrae smiles and nods her head yes, Olivia walked away from the door then starts putting a small scratch behind each girls ear.

" Farrow extra weapons with ammo and explosives are on the table for you all to use, don't forget to wear a vest it'll protect you from any shots that will hit your vest...please watch out for yourself and Tai " Taki said sitting down her Ak-12 while sitting in the pilot seat while typing on two different keyboards and monitoring a space ship that was several miles away from them slowly making their way to them.

" the space ship is a 120 Miles out, when they land about fifty miles out is when they will shoot the EMP rocket over our position so go ahead and be ready " Taki said over her ear piece while checking the manual over ride to lock the cock pit along with the weapons bay, Medical bay and the cells.

" when it goes off you'll see the lights go dum, comms messing up and also it could mess with Romm-" Taki was saying but was cut off by Romm.

" no Taki it won't mess with any of us since we are made to withstand them such as you are, it'll hinder some of our things ...well yeah I guess we will be useless but able to move and speak " Romm said as she ran inside the ship after placing landmines that Tai gave her and Frog to place around the area.

Chaos was with Winter to help keep an eye out for what the enemy will do or any weird movement that they will make.

" Romm you and frog need to go inside with Taki when Farrow comes out in case she needs help when the ship starts back up " Tai said making Romm groan then agree while Frog was already inside placing weapons in certain areas for them to use.

" Dommer you and Brax will hold the hangar along with the commanders men backing you all up while you two hold the doors while they will be out front keeping them back, when they gain ground in them that's when they'll fall back with you two inside the hanger behind the crates keeping them back at all cost." Tai said over the ear piece while looking over the camera feed watching inside and outside of everything going on, she looked up top seeing the four heavy machine guns being put on tripods with extra ammo cases Along with boxes of grenades while Pak was sneaking around the camp placing the trip wires, and land mines for the invader.

" Winter you and the other four along with Freen will be keeping them asses down so they can't get near the ship or damage the ship, if you can't wound the ones that look like they're in charge then the hell with it...kill them all, if things start looking bad come down taking hold in the weapons storage if it gets to dangerous along with the others they will join you all inside before you manually lock the doors. Pak you will go inside the med bay with Tyler if they get inside and manually lock those doors to protect what I showed you...Taki they will lock those doors we will have the brig to fall back inside if we need so we'll manually lock them while you worry about the cockpit " Tai said loading several weapons on the table while Dommer was moving crates in the front to offer extra protection from gunfire, they set up more heavy machine guns at the front of the hanger with crates Infront and built high to protects them and the ship.

" ok everyone get ready and don't be a hero move out like I told you where I told you and let's kick their asses" Tai said looking over the guns she had tables full with and over the screens at her groups who had enough weapons to take out a small ship.

" use the grenade launchers and RPGs on the ones with the exo skeletons, let's hope that these EMPs work on the exo skeletons since ours are protected from them since mom made all of our suits stronger and able to withstand any of the weapons that any fraction has " Tai said watching the screens that chaotic was sending her of the enemy who was waiting for their drones to fly over.