
Into the Deep

In the future Humans have gained technology to where they can travel in a blink of an eye, they designed star gates and also found that they were not alone in the galaxies that they was billions of different life forms and planets to where humanoid Aliens are and also creatures that are more animalistic. In the year 4021 humans and other races could choose how their children would look like, sex or even the DNA with special functions to make soldiers that was deadlier than a normal person no matter their race. A genius was in charge of collecting DNA even from planets that was wiped out because of the galactic alliance that condemned different races and planets that doesn't bow down or align with what they want just like one planet out of thousands with a race that would remind you of stories of demons. Their strength was better than even the clones or births that the alliance allows their higher ups to create, one of the strongest ones throughout the galaxies that layed down their lives for their royal family that the alliance got a hold of the twins making their people give up to just protect them. The alliance did not keep their words killing the majority of the planets races even killing the twins to collect their D.N.A, their parents layed their lives down leaving a elder who collected the royal ones bodies and laying them to rest. One woman who was made to marry a top general of the alliance who has the highest I.Q. was able to use the D.N.A from the twins for her own child which she snuck the twins DNA to use a long with hers and only 3% of the man she was forced to marry so she gave her his special eyes that was his families secret that gave them a certain power, when she only found 3% of the genome of that special trait she chose to only allow that from his blood line which happened to be another race the alliance wiped out just to take that property from them.

Michele_Mays_7238 · LGBT+
29 Chs

Chapter 16

Amani was standing over Tai with a worried expression as the others ran over and Len kneeled down beside her, but Tai quickly got to her feet pulling Len up.

" Amani what the hell were you thinking " Tai said as she grabbed Amani's wrist dragging both girls away from the Aliens body, Dommer and only two others who lived from the overwhelming number of Aliens were walking up to them.

" Go let Athena know to check the area to see if any are hiding while I get rid of the bodies that are probably incubating those things " Tai said walking over with three small vials that she pours a few drops of the vial on each body that burns up in a blue fire honoring their sacrifice, for some reason she used the liquid on the Queen Alien that she killed as well welcoming it to the beyond like she did those men.

" Six of her men gave their lives for these people, I'll make sure that your families are well taken care of " Tai said as Romm followed closely behind her checking all of the corpses of the creatures for any sign of life watching Tai bow her head and salute the men with her fist over her heart.

" Burn them all Romm " Tai said as Romm sprayed fire out of its mouth burning any corpse she came across, Tai walked over seeing one of the Aliens that was the size of six inches in length shallowly breathing, she knew from the spot near the crumpled building that the Queen released it since she was fatally wounded or knew Tai was going to beat her. Tai looked at the creature again noticing that it looked like a human species with some different features than a human or the Alien it came from.

" this one looks different than the others " Tai said holding her hand up stopping Romm from burning it, she pulled out a twelve inch pod from Romms storage then put the thing inside. Tai felt protective of the fetus and wanted to keep it safe for it to be able to mature, she already felt a connection to the fetus.

" ok go around the area to check for any more oddities, if you find any collect them without hurting them and burn the rest " Tai said putting the capsule in her bag that she drapes over her shoulder then rejoined the others who was now talking to Athena.

" the area looks clear unless one is in hibernation that I'm not picking up, I thought I picked up another Queen for a moment but it faded away a few minutes ago" Athena said staring at Tais bag, she diverted her attention to her men who bowed their heads to her.

" Freen collect your fallen brethren ashes and put them in these vases to be returned to their families, Bommer go see our medic for your injuries and have them replace your hand either organically or by robotic prosthetics...Tai I need to speak with you.." Athena said dragging Tai away from the others into a nearby cabin where she shut the door.

" I'm having my Aunt take over my position as Ruler of this planet...her husband is a good natured man like she is so my people won't keep going through all these attacks for some smuck trying to claim me. I've waited for a certain one that I just now found and it's time for me to step down for now. I also will join you guys that way the Alliance will have problems sending their men after me with you and I know that you will keep me safe." Athena said holding Tais hand while pouting.

" Athena you're more than welcome to come with me, I was worried about leaving you here plus I didn't want to let you stay here and face more problems like this in the near future. I need to tell you though that being with me might put you in more danger than staying here, I feel a connection with you and I dought I'll be ok with being to far from you for an extended time " Tai said with a playful smile while tucking a piece of Athena's hair behind her ear, she leans in kissing Athena on her cheek.

" well let's go destroy the ones we killed when we made our way here, I think Cyrus was trying to collect one of them alive or dead for the Alliance " Tai said gripping the strap on her bag tightly, ever since she was attacked by the Queen on the ship with her body adjusting to what it injected inside of her...she has felt a connection with these things and the others seemed to have ignored her except for the Queen that wanted her out of the way.

" Tai what's inside the bag " Athena said reaching for the bag and Tai pulled it away from her as her eyes started to change colors, she backed away from Athena trying to calm down blinking her eyes several times until she felt them turn back to normal.

(" her eyes went from silver to red ") Athena thought to herself as she folded her arms behind her while smiling at Tai holding on Tais arm pressing it between her breasts.

" it's ok I was being nosey, well I hope it's ok if Freen and Dommer can join me on the ship " Athena said stepping closer to Tai bringing their faces a few centimeters apart where they could feel each other's breath fanning against each others lips, Athena glanced from Tais eyes to her lips then pressed a gentle kiss on them catching Tai off guard.

" Sure it's fine umm y-yes it's fine for them to join and we have a massive ship so it has plenty of room, I guess we will go since it's a couple hours walk back to our ships " Tai said as Athena smiled and walked out of the cabin, where Freen was waiting nearby.

They had an hour to wait for Athena's things to arrive so they double checked the forest and village for any corpses or creatures they might have missed doing additional sweeps.

" Get us some Tumblers to take us back to their ship " Athena said as Freen bowed then looked over at Tai then to Athena.

" my Queen can I ask a favor " Freen said kneeling on one knee while bowing his head, Athena waved him off then tried to help him stand.

" you know my daughter Calista is my only family left, would it be fine if she goes with us " Freen said looking back and forth from Athena and Tai, Athena looked over at Tai who smiles then nodded her head yes.

" Thank you " Freen said as he started to do different hand gestures while a green colored wind circled his body then the flowers and plants that bloomed forming plants and flowers making large dragonflies that was flying around landing close to them.

" Tai we will fly back...we will stop by those things corpses to get rid of them on our way to the ship, I've already had my Aunt to prepare my things that'll arrive in the next hour " Athena said, As they searched the area and Athena said her goodbyes while getting items loaded on a few Tumblers along with their things to take with them, she waved her group over, Athena had Tai riding with her while Lillian had Len while the rest doubled up including Freen, Dommer and Freens daughter on their own Tumblers.

" Commander go down to that swamp to burn those aliens bodies while Romm will help search for them and any that might have escaped earlier " Tai said over her earpiece with four men going down where Romm was waiting already since she was running there.

" we Need to check everything to make sure Cyrus didn't leave any surprises, we also need to find out who he works for in the Alliance " Amani said looking over at Tai who was holding Athena's waist, she rolled her eyes while Tai looked over at her.

" Amani when we get back have the others stay close to Athena while you meet me inside the med bay" Tai said over her ear piece while they seen their ships as they get closer.

" I think we should stay here at least a day or two to make sure this thing did not leave a way to surprise us and have over half the planet being hosts to those things" Len said with Lillian agreeing with her, they read up on the species with the info Jessica gave them so another Queen being born is more than likely happened.

" then we will to make sure " Tai said as they all land beside the barrier where the other girls ran out to greet them along with Pax.

" let's get inside " Amani said as the barrier opened up while the Tumblers that was shaped like dragonflies started to break apart with flowers dispersing in the wind.

" so the species that's native to this planet reminds me of old earth stories of druids " Amani said talking to Dommers daughter, She noticed that Tai kept glancing at the girl and a soft smile played on Amani's lips.

" yes my mother use to read all of those earth books especially the fantasy ones, it's so awesome how we actually have similar species that seem to be just like the ones the humans wrote about in the twenty first century like elves, Druids, Dryads, Vampires, werewolves even angels and demons on these different planets and galaxies...it makes me think that they knew about these different beings or maybe had an idea maybe, even soothers write books about some of their visions just like Saria wrote about a savior that belonged to several strong species that will have a large number of mates bringing them all together to stop the genocide of several species, also to stop corruption in the galaxies " Calista said with a bright smile while she walked beside Amani who giggled at how cute this girl is, she had green shoulder length hair and yellow eyes. Calista was around 5'5" in height with a nice fit body with at least c cup breast.

" my name is Amani that there is Taki, Len, Lillian, Ari, Joe and that man there is Pak " Amani said pointing to the ones who she seen and she noticed that Calista kept looking at Tai then would blush.

" I'm guessing you already know her " Amani said pointing at Tai who looked over at them with a smile while Ari was hugging her.

" of course...I'm Calista by the way, I'm not sure my father introduced me or not and I'm happy to be with all of you " Calista said as she watched Pak showing Tai something on a screen, she seen Tai get angry then walked over to the other ship with Len and Lillian running behind her.

" Calista go with Taki and Ari they'll show you where Olivia took Athena...stay away from those men on that ship except for Pak but stay with Taki." Amani said grabbing Joe's hand while she followed after Tai inside the elites ship.

" commander where did the others go " Amani said when she seen the commander looking over a map, she glanced to see what was on it and noticed it was of an Alliance battle ship.

" Brax show them to the cells " Commander said looking back at the map while speaking over his ear piece, she leaned into Joe's ear.

" I need you to try to read these men as best as you can " Amani said as Joe nodded her head then brushed her fingers against Braxs when they passed through the door to the cell seeing Len and Lillian standing against the wall.

" Where's Tai " Amani said walking up to the two when they nod their heads forward, Amani seen Tai beating Cyrus.

" get up " Tai shouted while kicking the man in his head making him fall to his side with blood running from his nose, mouth and gashes on his face.

" you dare look at my mates but plan my mother's death" Tai said grabbing his hair and dragging him to stand up, Amani was about to stop her when Tai glared at her and she stepped back looking to the floor.

" Amani, this Brax soldier is completely loyal to Jessica and Tai " Joe said watching Tai throw a few punches and kicks to this Cyrus man's stomach, Amani nodded her head then looked over at Len.

" what did Pak show her " Amani asked while Len sighed then looked at her.

" well he put cameras in a few of our rooms and bathrooms, Pax and Taki also found some messages that he deleted off his comms...He planned on doing things to us then to her mother which included physical touch while we were going to be under sedation that we will feel and know everything he planned on doing to us" Len said.

" you think I'd let you touch them or my family, whoever your working for is going to die a painful death and I'm going to torture you day in and out " Tai said kneeing him in his face making him groan out in pain while he fell on his back, Tai then stomped down on his knees making him scream.

" do not give him any help...let him sit in pain and make sure he doesn't pass out or die " Tai said as she looked at Pak and Jin who nodded quickly, she walked out with the others following behind her including Pak.

" Commander what can you tell me about that battle ship, I'll have the map to the large cruiser sent next " Tai said as she looks down at the map that the commander marked different things on the hologram map.

" well it seems this ship has over twenty thousand soldiers with top of the line fighter ships, but all in all it houses forty thousand soldiers on the ship. This point here where they flush out the ducts would be the best place to enter, but the ships A.i is one of the best I'm not sure if Taki will be able to hack it to give us time to clear the vents to make it inside the med bay or hanger...that's what we need to focus on is if she is able to hack it without letting the Ai know or the soldiers to be alerted" The commander said while he pointed to the rail guns that line the side, front and back of the ship.

" if she is able she also needs to make the rail guns to malfunction along with their cameras and comms, when they send the groups of engineers out we can switch them with our own then we'll be able to enter in different parts of the ship...that way we can all work to get things done, but we still need a good escape plan so we don't lose none of our people" the commander said while he marked the engineer lab where they'll all go back to once they re-enter the ship after they act like they fixed the rail guns.

" one thing we need to make sure if is the rail guns need to show that they're fixed when they'll still be off line" Amina said looking to see what type of rail guns the battle ship has.

" these are the newest ones...Tai you need to talk to your mother I'm pretty sure that this patent is one of hers " Lillian said with a smile, Tai nodded her head then her comm started to ring.

" excuse me for a minute I need to take this...in private " Tai said looking at her mates who nodded their head as Amani hit Joe with her hip making the girl stumble into the commander who held her up by her forearms.

(" please don't hurt them, I'll do anything you say") One thought of his kept repeating in Hoes head while another one where she seen several Alliance soldiers who had a woman and two small children at gunpoint.

Joe's eyes go wide then she side eyed Amani who seen that something is wrong so she went over to help Joe.

" I'm sorry...did you twist your ankle " Amani said helping Joe to the door with Len and Lillian pointing at certain things on the map asking for details of different parts of the ship.

" he's loyal but someone has his family that works for Alliance " Joe said remembering her visions when she caught apart of shiny metal buildings from the window his family was near.

" I saw some shiny silver buildings with clouds around them that's all I could tell ....oh his wife and children were wearing silver and white clothing" Joe said making Amani smile then part her back, she walked Joe back inside the ship then waved over the other elite soldier.

" could you take her to the med bay for a relief shot in her ankle please...um what's your name again." Amani said while the man smiled at them.

" I'm Tyler ma'am I'm best friends with Pak " Tyler said when Joe noticed him blush when he said Paks name making her smile and he offered her his hand which she gladly took.

(" he's very loyal to Jessica and also very loyal to Pak who he's loved since they were ten ") Joe thought to herself as Tyler helped her to the med bay, he was about to give her a shot when Joe stopped him.

" let's just use that wrap " Joe said pointing at a square cloth that is to be put on the part that needs wrapped and it automatically wraps around her ankle.

" thank you Tyler " Joe said walking out from the med bay where she seen Tai standing there, Tyler bowed his head and Tai motions him to go.

" stay with Amani " Tai said walking Joe back inside the med bay where she makes her sit down and checks her ankle when she felt Tai touch her skin, her breathing got heavier when she had a vision of them making love and she moans out.

Joe clasped her hand over her mouth while Tai smiled at her then gently put her boot back on her foot, she then leans close to Joe's face and kissed her cheek making her blush even worse.

" what happened when you touvhed the commander, Brax and Tyler " Tai asked helping Joe stand up.

" well it seems that the commanders family has been taken hostage so he is battling with himself on what to do, he's loyal to Jessica but his family's life being in danger is making him sway...Brax is loyal only to your family and he has no family...Tyler is loyal to Jessica and Pak " Joe said as Tai frowned with what she heard, she rubbed her temples and closed her eyes.

" did you happen to see where their keeping his family without us having to ask him " Tai said so Joe told her what she told Amani about outside the window, Tais face lit up like she knows where that place is.

" so they are being kept on Plasix it's one of the planets that is purely water with a city made of metal that reaches to the clouds." Tai said as she called Taki on her comms.

" Taki look up the commanders family and give all their info plus what they look like, also use Plasixs camera feeds to match with his family pictures to pinpoint where they are staying at ..... send them all to Phrae and tell her to wait for me to contact her with more information before she acts " Tai said then looked back at Joe who kept her eyes on Tais lower part to where she kept replaying what she saw and not paying attention to anything else.

Tai walked over snapping her fingers in front of Joe's face making her look up to Tais eyes, she realized where she was staring and what she kept thinking while Crossing her legs tightly while standing there.

" Joe...what did you see when I touched you " Tai said gently taking Joe's hand, Joe was about to answer when the med bay door opened with a hissing sound with Lillian, Len and Amani walking in.

" Tai let's go eat dinner...I'll have only Brax and Tyler watching Cyrus while we're gone" Amani said walking over putting her arm around Hoes shoulder making her see something to do with Amani.

Amani was on her knees holding Tai with a large wound in her midsection, she looked at the background trying to see where the location is and she noticed it's on their ship.

" Joe are you ok " Amani said holding Joe up while the others was looking at her and Tai picked her up in a bridal carry while walking her out from the Elite ship to their own while passing the crew mess hall that Joe noticed the table that Tai was laying near.

" Tai... something happens right there where someone attacked you, I don't know when or who " Joe said making Amani frown when she heard what Joe said.

" Chaos, Romm and Frog keep an eye out on anyone who enters besides our own " Amani said checking her side arm and looking at Pak who was going through different communications that has left his team mates comms and his ships comm with Taki helping him.

" Pak...you know your team well and if something is off with them so you are to stay here to monitor anyone who enters and also have Taki set up the cameras to notify anyone carrying any weapons. Tell them for now on they're not to enter our ship with any kind of weapons, make sure Pak " Amani said looking over at Olivia.

" Olivia I need you to make a poison that'll confuse the victim into telling us anything we ask and when Joe feel better I need her to do our elites with the rest of Paks team as well" Amani said as Olivia nodded her head yes while walking to the med bay to use her poison to make what Amani needs.

Taki watched Tai walk into her Quarters so Taki walked in behind her and locked the doors, she hugged her from behind them kissed her neck as they look down at Joe who was asleep now.

" so she seen someone trying to kill you on this ship, but with seerers she hasn't learned to control her visions yet and we might need to have lessons for her...maybe Phrae knows or has someone who can help Joe with that, she's coming down in about an hour to spend time with us before she takes the trip to Plasix to retrieve the commanders family. That building will be hard to get into but Phrae has experienced people plus technology that even is better than the stuff on this ship which is getting upgraded by Phrae and your mother by the way" Taki said as Tai turned around hugging her tightly, she pulled away then sits down on the bed by Joe brushing her hair from her face.

" I want you all to wear those plasma vest for protection and do not let anyone know except for us, have winter set up a nest at the top of our ship with her rifle that has her new scope and let her know that Phrae will be here " Tai said making Taki nod in agreement.

" Ari is worried about you, in guessing your mother hasn't told her much about everything that you'll go through. She's cried the whole time you've been gone so go to her quarters to speak with her " Taki said pecking Tais lips before leaving her room to pass on what Tai said to the others, a few minutes later Amani walked in with two plasma vests that are round flat see through disks that she layed on a table near Tais bed.

" I won't let anything happen to you Tai " Amani said standing in front of Tai who pulled her down to sit on her lap while Tai hugged her tightly.

" I'll be fine, I need you to keep safe and the others to do the same " Tai said kissing Amani passionately then moving her to sit beside her on the bed.

" Stay with Joe and put that vest on her when she wakes up, I'm going to have Taki work on a full body one when we're not wearing our suits " Tai said standing up grabbing one of the disks.

" where are you going " Amani said, Tai smiled at her then walked over pulling her into a hug.

" I need to talk to Ari about everything plus about all of you, but before that I'm going to check on Calista and Athena....did you put them in a room together like I asked " Tai said as Amani rolled her eyes, Tai smacked her butt making Amani glare at her.

" yes I did and I also gave all of them plans vest as well " Amani said with a smug look on her face while crossing her arms, Tai smiled at her then picked her up in a bear hug.

" thank you for all you do " Tai said peppering kisses all over Amani's face making her laugh, they heard Joe groan and both looked down at her.

" how are you feeling " Tai asked setting Amani down to sit down on the bed beside of her, she gave Tai a sad smile then sat up while rubbing her head.

" Joe when you think back about that vision, I want you to try to remember what clothes we had on or anything that will help you pinpoint which day or time that this happened. Keep it to yourself so it won't deter what we will wear so you'll know, hell even if you can see what type of meal we were having like breakfast, lunch or dinner that way maybe you'll learn what time of day it was...I'm sure you'll figure something out or maybe have another Vision " Amani said rubbing soothing circles on Joe's back, Joe kept replaying what she seen trying to focus on things that was around the room.

" Rest...I'll be back " Tai said walking three doors down where Athena and Calista was, she buzzed their door and they said to come in over the comms so Tai walked in seeing Athena's caramel skin wearing white lingerie while pulling out an outfit from her luggage.

Calista smiled when she seen Tai and Athena smiled at how shy Calista is being in Tais presence.

" I came to check on you two and also I need you all to wear these plasma vests anytime you leave the room" Tai said pointing to the two clear disks that has some gold metal running down the middle of them.

" Yes I believe Amani told us " Athena said turning around where Tai could see the full view of her butt cheeks where she is wearing white lace thongs.

" Joe is a seerer and she had a vision of someone attacking us on our ship so please just make sure you both wear them " Tai said looking over at Calista who was fiddling with her fingers.

" Tai what exactly are you " Athena said turning around with a smirk on her lips while looking Tai from head to toe to stop at her lower part.

" well I don't think right now is good to talk about this and when I have more time I'll talk to you about that " Tai said stepping closer to Athena bringing their lips a couple of centimeters apart. Athena bites her lower lip glancing from Tais eyes to her lips, Tais comms went off making them both sigh as she answered.

" Tai could you meet me at the main hanger...it's important" Pak said, Tai agreed then said her goodbyes to the two women who was getting ready for dinner and Tai made her way to see Pak.

" so what did you find out about your commander...is he contacting anyone besides Jessica " Tai said looking over at the elites ship then to the bonfire where Freen and Dommer are at the campfire closer to Amanis ship.

" no not yet he has turned them on then back off again like he's debating about contacting someone....I also found out three months ago he did visit the planet Paxis with his family but return without them and I also ran every video of all passengers that has came and gone since their arrival but nothing matching them have left Paxis " Pak said as he also pulled up some screenshots of different soldiers who are in the Alliance company that is entering and leaving one of the high end condos of the biggest skyscraper in that city.

" so they should be there...did you run the hallway cameras to see if you can see what room they might be staying in " Tai said looking the pictures over when another three screenshots popped up showing three different rooms.

" So floor fifty room 1203, 1204 and 1206...Only at night will one of them go to room 1205 taking certain things in and out " Pak said showing a man who was marked unidentified but he did enter room 1204 until he needed to Visit 1205.

" ok that's good work Pak " Tai said when she got a notification from Phrae.

(" be there in twenty ") Phrae said over a message making Tai smile, Pak looked over at the ship and noticed the commander plus Ten watching them.

" some reason I could never get myself to like Cyrus or that Ten man " Pak said not breaking eye contact with Ten, Tyler sent a message for Pak to come keep him company which Tai agreed since she was going to meet Phrae soon.

Tai walked over to Freen and Dommer then looked back at her ship then to the two men.

" go to Lillian and tell her to give you both handguns for now with two plasma vest to keep guard inside the ship while I go meet a friend. They also showed you two the room you'll both stay in...right " Tai said and the two men nodded their heads yes while looking over at the elite ship where Ten was still watching Tai without breaking his eyes from her.

" well go on and do so, I have my personal guard out here watching the area " Tai said as she looked on top of the ship seeing Winter plus Chaos watching from above while Frogs watching the ground and Romm is watching the inside.

Tai watched Pak enter his ship while Ten went to the campfire near his ship and taking a seat, Tai walked around to the back of her ship then radioed Taki to open the barrier to let her out with a robot that looked like a farret that was on her shoulder.

Tai made her way ten miles from the camp by running there, Winter kept checking on Tai and the area with her scope and it only took Tai twenty minutes to run to the ten miles spot to meet Phrae who came down in a two seater craft that had a round design with two wings that had thrusters on each wing and two in the back.

When Phrae landed she ran to Tai jumping in her arms while wrapping her legs around her waist and kissing her hungrily to break their kiss when they ran out of breath.

" if you two are going to do nothing but make out then I'll take a walk " a woman with short black hair said exiting the craft making Phrae scoff at what she said.

" Tai meet my second in command, she also is a captain to my other large battle ship that wasn't there when I met you...This is Farrow" Phrae said as the woman raised her left eyebrow when Tai offered her a handshake, she smiled then walked back to the craft grabbing two bags and throws one to Phrae while putting hers across her back.

" It's nice to meet you Tai but I'm not into people touching me at least not just meeting " Farrow said as she pushed a button on the thing covering her forearm shutting and locking down the small ship.

" well let's go or we will be late leaving " Farrow said as Tai carries Phrases bag while holding her hand, Farrow started to run while Phrae whined and stomped her feet.

" here get on my back " Tai said making Phrae smile while jumping on her back, Tai took off running only taking a minute to catch up to Farrow who went even faster and so did Tai like they were racing to beat one another.

Phrae was kissing Tais neck when Farrow decided to jump clearing over thirty feet getting closer to the barrier so Tai did the same also clearing fifty feet getting in front of Farrow.

" we made it first~" Phrae said singing the last word while smirking at Farrow who came up behind them, she was glaring at them both but then smiles at Tai.

" your fast and strong...I like that " Farrow said winking at Tai causing Phrae to growl at her.

" Taki open the spot " Tai said over her comms and a small space opened, all three enter going straight inside Amani's ship.

" guys you remember Phrae and this here is Farrow, Farrow this is Amani,Taki, Len , Lillian, Ari and we have others that'll be introduced to you later when their around" Tai said with a soft smile while Phrae ran up hugging the others making some laugh while Len and Amani groaned in annoyance.