
Into the Deep

In the future Humans have gained technology to where they can travel in a blink of an eye, they designed star gates and also found that they were not alone in the galaxies that they was billions of different life forms and planets to where humanoid Aliens are and also creatures that are more animalistic. In the year 4021 humans and other races could choose how their children would look like, sex or even the DNA with special functions to make soldiers that was deadlier than a normal person no matter their race. A genius was in charge of collecting DNA even from planets that was wiped out because of the galactic alliance that condemned different races and planets that doesn't bow down or align with what they want just like one planet out of thousands with a race that would remind you of stories of demons. Their strength was better than even the clones or births that the alliance allows their higher ups to create, one of the strongest ones throughout the galaxies that layed down their lives for their royal family that the alliance got a hold of the twins making their people give up to just protect them. The alliance did not keep their words killing the majority of the planets races even killing the twins to collect their D.N.A, their parents layed their lives down leaving a elder who collected the royal ones bodies and laying them to rest. One woman who was made to marry a top general of the alliance who has the highest I.Q. was able to use the D.N.A from the twins for her own child which she snuck the twins DNA to use a long with hers and only 3% of the man she was forced to marry so she gave her his special eyes that was his families secret that gave them a certain power, when she only found 3% of the genome of that special trait she chose to only allow that from his blood line which happened to be another race the alliance wiped out just to take that property from them.

Michele_Mays_7238 · LGBT+
29 Chs

Chapter 11

Amani moved away from Tai quickly making Tai's heart hurt, so she slowly stood up from the bed and walked to the door.

" I'm sorry Amani, it's up to you if you want to turn me in and If not I'll stay away from you if you can't accept me " Tai said exiting the med bay making her way back to her own crew quarters.

Amani was surprised when she felt tears rolling down her cheeks, she wiped them away then remembered how hurt Tai looked when she reacted that way.

( " she wouldn't hurt me and there is no way I'd turn her in knowing what both governments would do to her, I don't know what to do and why is my heart breaking seeing how much I hurt her " ) Amani thought when she heard her comms beep with an incoming call, that she quickly answered seeing it was one of her commanders that is a Rook class nine while she is a lower numbered Rook than her.

" Hello Rook Amani how are your new missions " a sultry woman's voice came across the line, Amani clenched her fist knowing this woman has always had it in for her.

" it's fine we came across a problem finding a ship that was in need of help, we found four civilians before the self destruct went off in the ship " Amani said cringing because she forgot to ask Jessica what to say about the ship but certain details were sent before they even boarded the ship.

" Ahh yes Jessica sent me a detailed report about this and your lucky coming across those things without you or your crew becoming a host or their next meal. I called to tell you personally that we found the planet and I'll send you the location since your crew handled that mess well also Jessica said she will wait on you at space station twelve that's near the planet to pick up some gear she personally made for all of you " the woman said and Amani could swear that she was smirking the whole time.

" Yes Rook Faraday " Amani said and heard the woman chuckle then pause.

" Amani...come on now we were once close enough for a first name basis " Rook Faraday said

" Yes.. we were Jennie, I'll make a flight plan in a few days " Amani said disconnecting the call then groans while holding her face, out of all the days and missions why did Jennie have to put herself into her business.

Len watched Tai go to her room and followed behind her, she entered the room and watched Tai go into the bathroom.

" Len what's wrong " Tai said turning around in her sports bra and boxers looking at Len who walked closer to her and pulled Tai into a passionate kiss.

" let's shower together" Len said turning the water on and pulling her clothes off then helped Tai strip her last two remaining pieces.

They both entered the shower and kissed passionately while their hands explored each other's bodies, Len smiled into their kiss while she started to stroke Tais member.

" mmm Len " Tai moans out while picking up Len making her wrap her legs around Tais waist being pinned to the wall, Tai aggressively kissed her then lined herself up with Lens entrance softly pushing inside of her.

" AHHHH " they both moan out as Lens mouth makes a "o" shape while Tai slowly thrusts in and out of her, Tai was kissing and sucking on Lens neck while speeding her thrusts up and going harder.

" ahhh haah Mmm Tai" Len moans out digging her nails in Tais back and her walls started to clench around Tais member,

Tai could feel her release coming but also something else as her teeth began to grow canines and she gently bit into Lens neck when they both hit their orgasm.

" uh uh ahhh haah aaahhhnn" they both moan out and slowly ride out their orgasm while panting, Len felt Tai bite into her neck but it didn't hurt only made her feel better.

" I'm sorry Len...are you ok " Tai said checking Lens neck to see her teeth marks, Len smiles then kisses Tai lovingly.

" don't be sorry I actually enjoyed that and being with you " Len said when Tai sat her on her feet, they helped each other wash then got dressed with Len wearing one of Tais shirts with a pair of jogging pants.

Everyone was ready when they met at the hatch to go to a local pub to eat and drink, Lillian pulled Len along with her ahead of the others.

Amani kept looking at the large clothes that Len was wearing plus the bite on her neck that she noticed when they passed her.

" you slept with her didn't you" Lillian said with a playful smile then noticed the bite on Lens neck and traced it with her fingers.

" that looks like it hurts " Lillian said, Len shakes her head no with a playful smile then blushes.

" it was actually really good when she bit me we were both hitting our orgasms and I swear it was the best I ever had " Len said biting her bottom lip then glances back at Tai who smiles at them, Amani watched Tai walk ahead of her and she kept wanting to take her hand.

" Tai..walk with me " Olivia said when she jogged to Tais side holding her hand, Amani cursed under her breath then noticed Taki looking at her.

" what is it Taki " Amani said making the other girl giggle then look ahead of them, she then looked back at Amina.

" so Jessica sent me some directions on my private line and to tell you watch what you say to others also don't trust anyone outside our crew. She also said that Drakes team will be meeting at the space station in four days to get there before they do and the original mission will be done after this " Taki said then nervously played with a bracelet on her wrist.

" did you fight with Tai." Taki said taking Amanis hand making the other girl groan in annoyance, they all walk up to the pub placing their orders plus the orders for the rest of the crew that's waiting on the ship.

While they were all drinking and talking a group of men approached their table, one of the men sat down next to Amani who kept taking shots of hard liquor and ignoring the man next to her.

" hello love care if my mates join you girls " the man said looking at Amani who ignored him and kept her eyes on Tai the whole time.

" no thanks we're here to unwind before leaving " Tai said watching the men like a hawk when she saw the man place his hand on Amani's leg, she stands up and walks over pulling him away from her.

" do not touch a single one of them " Tai hissed at the man while holding his collar, she pushes him away lightly then looks at each man menacingly before taking her seat again.

" who the hell do you think you are, you whores should be happy were even talking to you " the same man said grabbing Lens wrist pulling her up from the table, a loud growl was heard coming from Tai before she rushed over breaking the man's arm that had a hold of Len.

" Tai...let's go " Len said grabbing a hold of Tai when another man pulled out a blade and went for Tai, Amani kicked the blade from his hand then punched him in the throat making the man drop to his knees gasping for air. Taki pulled out a revolver pointing at each man making them stop from advancing toward them.

" Olivia get the food and pay the bill " Amani said pulling Tai outside with the others while Taki and Olivia exit last, they all quickly head for the ship while keeping an eye on their backs.

" Tai what was that, your a trained soldier and you could have killed a civilian" Amani said then looked at the others when they were closer to the ship.

" change of plans we'll leave tonight get everything ready to depart in two hours while I pick up some supplies...Tai come with me " Amani said pulling Tai away, they go to a warehouse where Amani done eight knocks on the door in a tune.

" we'll talk more after I speak with the owner" Amani said when an older man answered the door with a frown, he motioned them inside.

" Jac we need this list " Amani said transferring over a list to his com, he pulled up the screen then nodded and motioned them toward a door.

" an hour they'll be ready " Jac said, Amani walked into a sitting room with Tai who still hasn't spoke a word to Amani yet and she could tell that she hurt Tais feelings.

" Tai I'm sorry for my reaction, you need to understand what we was taught about that species being monsters" Amani said with a pleading look watching Tai who quickly looked away from her.

Amani sighs then sat down beside Tai trying to hold her hand and Tai quickly pulled away from her, she felt a sharp pain in her chest when Tai done that.

Amani shoves her back into the couch then straddled her, she aggressively kissed her and ripped her shirt open trailing kisses from her mouth down also grinding on top of her.

" I've taken time to read over some files your mother left about the different species that your DNA is made of and did you know that most of it is from Hell-01 Royalty runs through your veins.... did you also know they choose a mate, well in your case that's plural " Amani said standing up stripping off her clothes and then pulling down Tais pants and boxers.

" I'm sorry for earlier Tai " Amani said straddling her again as she grinds their sexes together making Tai moan feeling how wet Amani is, she positions Tais member with her entrance and slowly lowers herself down letting Tais member enter her.

" ahhh haah Mmm" Amani moans out as she slowly starts moving up and down while sensually moving her hips starting out in a slow rhythm, Tai massages her breast and kisses Amani lovingly.

" Uh uh ahhh haah MMMM HAAH Tai " Amani moans out as she picks up speed bouncing up and down with Tai thrusting up hitting her g spot.

" OHHHHH fuck ahh ahhh haah aaahhhnn" they both moan out, Tai flips their position and starts thrusting fast and hard inside of Amani kissing and sucking on her neck.

" mmm baby you feel so good " Tai moans out before biting into Amanis neck while they both release their orgasms.

" Uhn uh ahh ahhh haah aaahhhnn HAAH AHHNNN OHHHHH FUCK YES" Amani moans out as she immediately hits another orgasm when she felt Tai release inside of her, when she was hitting her orgasm and when she felt Tais teeth Pierce her neck she could only see colors hit her sight with the best orgasm she has ever had.

" ohh mmm Tai " Amani said laying her head back with a wide smile on her face pulling Tai in for a loving kiss that Amani poured all her love in to show Tai her true feelings.

" don't ever leave me Tai...I can forgive you for having more mates but I can't if you ever leave me " Amani said holding Tai tight, they get up and get dressed but Tai looks at her shirt then frowns at Amani who can't help but laugh.

" don't worry I'll send Jac a message to bring you a shirt" Amani said flopping down on the couch touching the bite mark that Tai left while smiling.

" did I hurt you at all...I don't know why I have canines now " Tai said making Amani quickly look at her teeth, she did notice the two longer fangs in Tais mouth now.

" make sure not to tell anyone about this, only share it between us five and your mother ok " Amani said with a worried look while remembering the pictures of Hell 01 inhabitants who had fangs and canines like Tai now has. A knock on the door makes them jump when Jac entered he threw a shirt to Tai.

" it's all ready youngin" Jac playfully said motioning them to follow him where he had four floating carts lined up near the door to where they'll follow the two girls back to their ship.

" here you go Jac I also threw some extra since it's been a while " Amani said pulling the older man in for a hug and he handed her a box before she left.

" if your wondering who he is...he's my uncle " Amani said holding Tais hand while walking back to the ship, where the crew came out to help with the packages and provisions.

" ok everything is ready captain" Taki said saluting Amani with a playful smile, they all get to their seats then they take off to make a sixteen hour flight to the space station that controls the nearby jump that the planet is close to.

" I think it's weird how that creatures pod goes to the planet close to the space station that controls that jump, that station relies alot on that planet." Amani said looking over the data that Faraday sent her, this planet is solely run by the Twilight federation and also the Queen of that planet Athena.The Galactic Alliance has always wanted to have partial or complete control over that gate and planet, but Athena has always turned them down only offering the federation to be apart of using their jump and resources.

" I find it weird as well since this mining planet we left was the closest planet, this should have been the planet the pod went to. It seems someone is behind getting that creature aboard that ship that we happen to come across and having the pod go to that planet " Len said looking over the infested ships log, it seems the ship stayed at that same position for a couple of weeks, also the four survivors out of over a hundred was the only ones alive for that couple of weeks.

" my thing is how did they keep the ship from floating off that course and who programmed that pod for that planet." Lillian said looking over at Taki who is going through all the data, she noticed how all the cameras went out a couple of days before they found the ship then started working again.

" well some one disrupted the cameras that wasn't broken for a couple of days to come on the night before we found the ship " Taki said looking at the advanced code of her kind being used, she looked over at Amani.

" it's one of my kind who left our code behind or someone who could use the skills, see if Jessica can send me the code that was used inside the pod if it's available and if they can't retrieve it I'll try to find a signal that they let out when the pod dispersed when it broke away from the ship I'm sure when it passed the station before hitting the planets atmosphere" Taki said as Tai videoed her mother's private line, Jessica happily answered smiling widely at her daughter.

" OHHH my baby girl called me finally, I guess when you have your women around you forget about your mother aye " Jessica said glaring at the five women who blush.

" mom why are you messing with them " Tai said with a small smile, Jessica looked at Amani and noticed her neck making her frown.

" Tai is there something you should tell me " Jessica said when all five of their screens flickered on with Jessica looking the girls over, she noticed that two of them have been marked by Tai.

" when you board the station I'll meet you and Amani keep all of your crew together do not let anyone out of your sight besides four elites that will watch your craft. Tai use RomRom to help them keep an eye out then have Frog stay with Amani and the others while your with me " Jessica said with a serious face, she then smiles at Taki and sends her the data that the station picked up from the pod when it passed by.

" for some reason certain parts of the station went down when the pod was going to the planet but what they don't know is Tinker one of my A.I.s is out in orbit watching and reading everything in a hundred mile radius. Taki I have Tinkers sister who is called Chaotic that will now be yours when you board they are only six of their kind and Tinker and chaotics skills line up with your work also with alot of mine so that's why you'll get her...Girls the other four will belong to each of you that will match up with your skills so be good to them their more like Taki than you think, Tinker is telling me you all will arrive in twelve hours so I have presents that I need to finish for you all and the others with you. I'll see you soon Tai I love you " Jessica said then the call ended after Tai said goodbye.

" well I'm sure we're gonna have some great items that she's working on " Tai said as Tai told her comms to bring out romm Romm also Frog, the one that looked like a wolf came out then one that looked like some breed of tiger came out.

" Romm you'll stay with four of the elites watching the ship when we land, I also want you to go over the ship especially every where those four survivors went from the hatch to the pods and frog you'll stay with the others. Frog will also help you scan the whole ship to see if anything is new or something that is now here that wasn't when we began this journey " Tai said looking over a message her mother sent.

(" I see you only marked two of them, look over the ship carefully I believe one or two of the survivors had something to do with that pod ") Jessica wrote, Taki started helping to see if any new code was picked up since they found the survivors as several popped up in red.

" she's right about the survivors, they are definitely tracking us but not now. Amani I'll change course even though it'll add a little longer for our arrival so we're not met with any surprises " Taki said taking out any foreign code in their system, a few hours later the A.Is brought several small devices they found from the hatch and also inside the large pod that kept the four survivors.

" well how do we find out who it was out of the four " Taki said as Tai kept staring at their med screens when they entered the Cryo sleep.

" well three of them was nervous except for this one " Tai said pointing at the screen of a girl with midnight blue hair and red eyes.

" she is beautiful isn't she " Olivia said and the others nodded in agreement, Tai kept watching the videos they had since they found the four people. That girl kept her eyes on Tai even if she kept stealing glances, the girl did not have a look of hate but the look as if she was familiar with Tai.

" adoration or maybe a crush " Taki whispered in Tais ear making sure her lips brushed the shell of Tais ear, she then sat on Tais lap leaning back against her chest watching the screens that Tai has pulled up.

" Tai do you think you could love my kind like the others" Taki said, Tai wraps her arms around Taki's waist and kisses her neck.

" of course I can and I do " Tai said making Taki blush, she turned around and kisses Tais lips.

" I'm glad then " Taki said leaning her head back, Tai looks over at the clock an hour later noticing Taki was already asleep and the others already went to sleep so she carried Taki in her bedroom that's next to the flight deck.

" I hope you don't mind if I sleep with you Taki " Tai said setting a alarm to wake up in four hours, they slept for three hours when a alarm started blaring inside all the rooms making everyone jump up.

" we have a ship coming our way " Taki said getting in the pilot seat with Tai standing behind her while the others rush inside the cock pit.

" shit pirates " Taki said while they all file out putting on their exo suits getting weapons ready, Taki hits a red button on her dash that brought out several large guns on the outside of the ship and also enables their battle shield.

" incoming message " Taki said as Amani enters the cock pit watching the screen that shows a shadow figure with a distorted voice.

" hello dears...I'll cut to the point either you pay the toll or I'll take you all " the person said making Amani scoff at their request.