
Chapter 51: Hope of earth, crushed

At that time when Frieza came to earth-

All Z fighters, Gohan, Piccolo, Krillin, Master Roshi, Tien, and even Raditz and Nappa showed up to stop Frieza's invasion.

Before coming here, Raditz warned Goten and Trunks to not even think about following them or they will be underground for months.

The situation is serious and Raditz didn't want to see his nephews get involved in this situation.

The Current Z fighter's base power levels are-

Krillin- 800,000

Master Roshi- 2 million (MAX)

Tien- 1.5 billion

Piccolo- near 3 billion

Raditz- 700 million

Nappa- 600 million

Gohan- 500 million (Base) to 800 Billion (MAX)

Even after getting married and having a daughter, Gohan, unlike the original story, kept on training himself every night and also make sure to keep some time for his family and studies.

For the first few days, after Vegeta left earth to train under Whis, Gohan was not able to properly grasp what Vegeta meant by the pure Ki inside Spirit Bomb, but after he creates a small spirit bomb and starts looking at the difference between his own Ki and the ki collected in creating a Spirit Bomb, Gohan knew what Vegeta meant

And then, he started creating the purest form of Ki inside himself and kept on holding this power without letting it leak outside and this made his power grow by a huge margin and within just a few months of constant training like this rose his power level from 300 billion to 800 billion.

This is no small feat considering just how small the instructions were given by Vegeta and this shows just how much potential he holds as compared to even Goku.

Gohan's strength could have risen more if he had given more time to his training and also if he had a few more months but time shows no mercy and Frieza's news reached him and others.

But, as compared to Gohan, Krillin has lost his touch and he is no longer used to battle. His strength has increased a bit as he used to train with Android 18 but those were just some stretches, not a serious fight. So… it is going to be hard for him and also for Master Roshi who is well past his age.

As for Yamcha- they tried to contact him but he didn't answer.

Among all z fighters, only Gohan, Raditz and Nappa are the strongest so the hope of earth to survive until Vegeta and Goku shows up are on their shoulders.


Frieza's spaceship lands on the ground and thousands of soldiers started appearing one after another and then finally Frieza shows himself to the Z fighter and the first thing he notices is Raditz and Nappa.

"If I remember correctly, then you two should be on our side…

Raditz and Nappa, can you tell me what is the reason behind your being there?


Frieza is enraged by the looks of Raditz and Nappa who are looking directly at Frieza.

Frieza, who once made these Saiyans look down by his presence alone is being looked at by the likes of Raditz and Nappa, not even by Vegeta or Goku, and so he is angry.

Raditz and Nappa smiled at Frieza

"What are you saying Frieza, we used to work for you and you paid for our work. That's all.

Also, we never showed loyalty to you, and neither you cared for us so… we are even." (Raditz)

"Oye Frieza, we know that you are the one who destroyed our planet, Vegeta told us everything about you so we don't give a shit about what you and we had been doing in our old times.

We fucking hate you and want to tear apart your neck from your body" (Nappa)

"Hoo…. so it is Vegeta who told you everything huh

Well, I can expect no less from monkeys who only know how to fight




Frieza throws a huge amount of pressure on every single person present in front of him to show them their place.

Bulma and Jacob, who had come to know the situation and also tell few things, fell on their knees and breathing became hard for them.

Even the Z fighters are shocked to sense such pressure from the voice of Frieza and this cleared that Frieza is no longer as strong as he was in past, he has reached a new height in strength and they will be crushed if they didn't play things well.

Gohan is really surprised to know just how strong Frieza has become, his sharp senses are telling him that this battle will cost someone's life.

"now then, this is better.

Let's begin the show"


After showcasing a tiny bit of his true strength, Frieza tells his commander, Sorbet, to begin the battle.


The fight unfolds and the fate of the earth is in the hands of Z Fighters but these hands are looking shaky as the fight is getting intense with each second.

Tien is able to fight many soldiers but soon he faces not one or two or even twenty but straight hundreds of soldiers and the same is for Piccolo.

Raditz and Nappa, because they always train together, are fighting together as a duo against the hundreds of men in their base form but after seeing so many more soldiers coming towards them, they knew that they have to now go serious.

"Let's get Serious Nappa!"




At Gohan's side-

Gohan also goes full power mode and this surprises Frieza.

Frieza is already surprised to see the Raditz and Nappa become so strong and then their Super Saiyan transformation shocks him a lot.

In their Super Saiyan form, Raditz (SSJ 3) holds a power level of 280 billion and Nappa (SSJ 2) holds a power level of 60 billion.

And then the full power of Gohan that has gone beyond 800 billion was bound to surprise him.

"Oh my gosh, look at these monkey race-

Spreading the knowledge about turning into Super Saiyan as if it's some Virus and if this was not enough to throw salt in my wounds

His son is now holding such a huge amount of power that can't be rivaled by anyone in my force—

Ooof look at this situation….



Frieza doesn't care about his army, he is letting the three Saiyans destroy his army as this will give them hope, and then that hope will be crushed by him

After turning into Super Saiyan, Raditz and Nappa went in a different direction and started destroying their enemy.

Nappa faces Tagoma, slaps him to the ground and there Tagoma sees a frog who is not a Frog but DIO! (of-course not its GINYU!)

Ginyu changes his soul with Tagoma and shows himself to Frieza and then joins the battle against Z fighter, he has received a huge amount of power in this new body but….

Due to Nappa's personality, Nappa didn't wait much and blows away Ginyu into tiny pieces while he spits on the ground and said "FUCKING WEIRDO!"

Except for the three Saiyans, everyone falls back as they have lost a good amount of their stamina, but even without them, the three Saiyans managed to destroy the army of Frieza, and now it's only Sarbot and Frieza who are left in the enemy side.

Seeing how fast thousands of soldiers were killed by the three Saiyans, everyone is putting their belief on the shoulders of these Saiyans and hoping that this crisis will be over soon.

They believe in Saiyans


Sarbot is shitting inside his pants and then he runs away and hides somewhere else, the battle shall be fought by Frieza himself.

"It's your turn" (Gohan)

"Oye Frieza, Get your ass here, I shall beat the hell out of you" (Nappa)

"Both of you calm down, his expression is telling that he holds a good amount of power.

Keep your guards up" (Raditz)

Silence filled the whole place as Frieza looked at the three Saiyans, he finally rose up from his pod and stood in the air.



The first thing that Frieza did after standing up is clapping, this made everyone confused, but then Frieza spoke

"I congratulate you three for having such strength, my thousands of soldiers were crushed by you… this is no small thing and I believe that you all could be more strong in the future—

Only if you managed to live"



Nappa launches himself at Frieza, Raditz tried to stop him because he is not feeling good but it's too late and Nappa is already near Frieza




A red light came from Frieza's index finger and in the next moment, Nappa starts falling down motionless.


"DON NOT SCREAM! As I shall bestow such mercy on you all


. . .

To be continued-

man, Frieza gained Golden Form in just four months which had the power to rival SSJ Blue, sheeeesh

Just what kind of training did this man do? its a question that i have in my mind since this episode was released ahahaha

mrCatcreators' thoughts