
Chapter 29: Fed Up

The first thing Kei did after getting out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber is to eat, eat, and eat as much as possible because he is dying from hunger.

Hearing the news of Vegeta finally getting out of his training, everyone came to see him and they all were shocked to see the change in Vegeta.

Goku could sense that Vegeta is no longer the same as he was before he entered the Time Chamber (or Hyperbolic Time chamber)

Everyone is shocked to see Vegeta's thick tail which has heavy fur on it, his long dark brown hair, and his lower eyelid which is in red color.

And of course, they clearly noticed Vegeta's buffed-up body and his increase in height.

After finally getting done with food, Kei stood up and starts walking away

Goku and Trunks stopped him to ask where he is going right now and to this, Kei replied that he still needs to train and then leaves without any information.

While leaving, he also told them that he may or may not come during the final battle between Cell and all of them as he got no interest in it.

Everyone was confused and worried about this decision, but Goku told them all that Vegeta will come as he needs a strong opponent to test his strength.

Though Goku wants to talk more about Vegeta but he refrains himself from talking about anything further

What is it? that Vegeta has surpassed him by a huge margin.

At Kei's side-

Kei didn't want to come out but he has to as controlling his hunger was becoming too much for him, so he finally stepped out

But still, he is not finished with his training and he wants to train more even when he has achieved far more strength than Goku and Gohan combined.

He flew above cities and then forests as he searches for a suitable place for his special training.

"Wouldn't it be better to test this new power?

I can clearly tell that killing Cell now won't be too much of a problem

So why are you not going after Cell?!"

Vegeta, inside his mind, asks Kei

Kei answered, "Do not worry about that Green Insect, there is something more important to do right now"

"And what is that?

The power we hold right now is far greater than the time we had when we fully absorbed the Great Ape, so what are we waiting for?

Why not just go kill that insect?!"

"What is more important?

Simple, becoming more stronger than we are right now"


"I had enough of shits where people combine their strength or suddenly get a huge power boost, I want to fucking kill them all even when they have the advantage like that and for that reason, I want more power.


"Then why are we in this giant forest?

To live like a rat?!"

"No… it's to find nature Ki

That's the place!"



Kei lands on the ground which is surrounded by trees and the sound of animals.

There is also a waterfall on the left side and the whole place is filled with fresh air and a very special type of silence that makes you feel relaxed.

Vegeta is not done with his question and his curiosity peaked when Kei talked about Nature's Ki, he asks about it

Kei answers him

"I once saw a man who could feel the Ki that is present in nature and blend his own Ki with it, this multiplied his strength by 25 times…"

"25 times?!!!!!!"

"It is not just that, there were also people who could heal a fatal wound in a few seconds and above them all… my main goal

There was this one guy who threw a meteor on the army that was coming to fight him"


Vegeta is speechless, he is thinking that the people and things Kei is talking about are related to his past life and this shocked him

Vegeta always thought that Kei is just a mere human who had a very good brain but he is surprised to know that his background is like this.

Kei is not finished talking, while he looked around him (the forest), he further told him

"But those were people born with special traits, for others… it was just a dream to achieve that level which everyone knew that can never become a reality


It's a totally different story if you have a body that can adapt at a high speed as a Saiyans body holds no permanent limit, except age but maybe I can overcome that also"


Vegeta is shocked to his core, but soon his surprised expression turns into anger


If you fucking had so much knowledge then why not use it?!!!

What the fuck is going on with your RAT brain?"


Kei snaps at Vegeta as he is already fed up with so many defeats and now Vegeta shouting at him.

"I know that I made a mistake and that is the reason why I am trying to correct them

I wanted to take things easy, slow and steady while I enjoy my new life in this world BUT NOPE

Those fucking enemies came from here and there and there and here and there

No matter how much I tried, even when I had the strength to destroy them, they all still survived and you also saw that RIGHT?!

It's not like I didn't work hard for it

I worked hard, those 3 years before android came were all used in training and trying to absorb the power of Great Ape but things didn't go as I planned

We still got stronger than before but NO!

The enemies were way strong than I anticipated and they even ganged up on us!

Defeat after defeat after defeat after defeat after defeat after defeat after defeat after defeat

I am fucked up now!

I want to win my fights!

I am Kei Hisashi, the king of the ring and I am done with these defeats!


So please… let me do some work and you, enjoy the scene

I may have my own identity and neither you nor I like to be defeated!!!

So please... wait!!!!

I shall show you the power that no one could ever achieve in their wildest dream"

. . .

To be continued-

is this the birth of Alpha?

mrCatcreators' thoughts