
Chapter 21: Androids

[Note: Kei still has his tail and he hides it inside his battle suit]

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You are saying that you can surpass Kakarot's Super Saiyan power level without even becoming Super Saiyan?

What kind of idiotic dream are you trying to show me?"


I know that it does sound like it is coming from a dumb person but believe me if my calculations and theory go as planned, then we will be able to surpass him without even achieving Super Saiyan transformation

Rather, we will be also achieving Super Saiyan level even if things don't go as planned"


Do you think that becoming Super Saiyan is a joke?

Are you trying to say that I, The Saiyan Prince, am dumb and that is the reason why I am not Super Saiyan?

Shut your nonsense or I shall truly kill you!"

"Calm down my friend, it seems like you are forgetting that I had achieved a power level of 2 million without your corporation and also created skills that made Frieza, who was way stronger than us, fear for a few seconds.

Sure, for now, it may sound dumb but once you listen to my theory, you will agree with me"

Vegeta stares at Kei who is having a face full of confidence and he has seen how Kei thinks something out of nothing and gets a power boost that he never imagined is possible.

He hates the fact that he can't think things on such a high level but still, with a bitter taste in his mouth, he agrees

"First tell me what you have in that mind of yours, then I will decide if you are being reasonable or not"

"Alright, here is my theory

As you already know that we have learned Kiao-Ken and this skill puts a lot of toll on your body, but the more you do it, the more it becomes easy

And also, your base level also increases Drastically especially if you are using x2 or x3, or more

So, I am thinking about achieving at least x50 Kiao-Ken, that too under 500g if possible, during our training session and also make this x50 Kiao-ken something as a day walk in the park

And this is very important because once our body is able to handle that toll, our strength will at least increase by 5 to 10 times or even more if possible

This means, that after this training, we will be at either a 10 million power level or a 20 million power level as our level right now is over 2 million.

Once we get to this level, we can then perform something that no one had imagined.

And that is…. I am thinking about absorbing the power of Great Ape, to be simpler, I want to fully hold the power of Great Ape in our simple form and also achieve the transformation without any Blutz Wave and without our tail"


"I am still not done, there is more to it

As far as I have calculated, the Great Ape is 10 times stronger than our base form, thus this means that if we are able to absorb its full power

We will have more than 100 million or maybe 200 million power level

And THAT would put us near or above Goku's full-power Super Saiyan level"


Vegeta is completely speechless

Kei further speaks

"But as I said, we will be achieving Super Saiyan form so…. You can expect that we would be at minimum 500 million power level or …."


"Or over 1 billion power level"

"on… one billion?"

"Super Saiyan form makes you 50 times stronger than your base so… yeah, we will be at the top of the Universe

But this is not the ultimate power as I still have many more theories that would make use go even beyond 1 billion of power level

You can think that this is just the tip of the iceberg"

Vegeta is completely stunned, he is speechless right now. After a few seconds passes, he spoke

"But this is all possible only if your idiotic theories are correct

Also, how are you going to achieve Super Saiyan form?

Will you be truly successful?

Don't even think about taking that form as a joke"

Kei gives a big smile and said "We will…

3 years is more than enough to achieve that 1 billion power level

Just believe me, with my mind and your body, we will stand at the TOP"

. . .

3 years passed in the blink of an eye and everyone has become way stronger than they were before

The Z fighters, Tien, Yamcha, Krillin, Piccolo, Gohan, Goku, and Vegeta, are more than ready to face those androids.

Their current powers are:

Yamcha: 400,000

Tien: 1 million

Krillin: 600,000

Piccolo: 165 million (full power without weighted clothes)

Gohan: 3 million

Goku: 4 million (base)

[As for Vegeta, though some miscalculations happened, he is still strong and you will know it]

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The story goes as followed, everyone regroups in the place where Androids are likely to be seen, and then everyone comes to know about the marriage of Vegeta and Bulma

Kei got no interest in her, but Vegeta (body, it has its own thinking) liked her for some reason and so they had a baby.

So Kei allowed Vegeta (body) to take the lead when it comes to Bulma and never peek during intercourse.

Soon, everyone found out that Android have attacked and so they went toward them for the battle.

Goku told Android 19 (the fat one) and 20 (the old one) to fight somewhere else and then they went to a deserted island and fought.

During the fight, Goku's heart disease awakens and he falls down faster than expected and also got his Ki drained by the android.

And just when everyone thought that its an end for Goku, Vegeta appears out of nowhere and kicks away Android 19

''As disgusting as ever Kakarot

When you knew that you have a disease in your heart, then also you used your Super Saiyan form and got into this state.

You truly are a low-rank warrior.


Vegeta, this time is Kei who is watching the show as he let Vegeta (body) take full control because he wants some time to think about a skill that he failed to create

Vegeta kicks away Goku, sending him to Piccolo and others

As the story goes, Vegeta turns into super Saiyan and shocks everyone, but here is the change.

Veget looks at Android 19 and 20

After a moment of silence, Vegeta asks

"Oye, you piece of junk!

are you not gonna attack me? Or…. Just too scared to stand in my existence?"

"Idiots who don't know their boundaries

We already know your battle power and your battle style when you were on Planet Namek, you cant defeat us"

"That's impressive but too bad, we Saiyans can keep on pushing our limits and touch new heights

Do you really think that I, The Saiyan Price, was taking a nap for the last 3 years while I see Kakarot become stronger and stronger?

Things have changed and I will show you, piece of junks, what has CHANGED!"


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To be continued-