
Ch43 Ep4 S2

We currently are at the Gravity Falls Library.

Dipper and Mabel are sitting in their chairs as im on the table behind the laptop as i write in my journal

Dipper "Alright, Mabel, today is the big day."

Mabel "Big day!"

Dipper "Soos finally fixed up the laptop. If this thing works, we could learn the identity of The Author and unravel the greatest mysteries of Gravity Falls. You ready?"

Mabel "Oh, I'm ready, baby. *flips through pages of a pop-up book with a drawing of an infant* Ma-ma."

Dipper"This is it. This is it. *powers on the laptop, which reads 'Welcome' * Aha! It worked."

Dipper & Mabel "Blip, blap, bloobity bloop, twins. " they high-five, bump fists, and stick out tongues

Alarm sounds. The laptop reads "//UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS FORBIDDEN//"

and then it reads "Enter Password"

Dipper "Ugh! Of course, a password."

Mabel "Don't you worry, bro bro. With your brains and my laser focus, there is literally nothing that can distract us from... Did you hear that?"

'mabel really needs to learn the difference of love, like and physical attraction...'

Gabe Bensen singing: "All my life I've been dreamin' of a love that's right for me. And now I finally know her name and it's..."

Talking to the kids:"sing it with me kids."

singing with kids: " Literacy! "

Bee puppet: "I finally understand what all the buzz is about. Reading!"

Book puppet: "Give me some of that honey!" They "kiss". Gabe laughs.

Mabel flapping pages of a pop-up of a heart " Ba bump. Ba bump."

Dipper "Oh, boy..."

Gabe "Haha. Thank you, thank you."

Mabel "Just when I was getting over Mermando, of course, you show up at my doorstep."

Dipper Walking to bookshelf " Oh, yeah, I forgot about Mermando. Did not care for Mermando. *grabs the library book off of the shelf and flips though it* Okay, this cryptology book says that there's 7.2 million 8-letter words. I'll type, you read. Okay, Mabel? Mabel?"

Mabel's empty chair spins.

I sigh and cast a sound cancelling spell

Lui "I'll read for you for now but I'm going to have to finish writing my journal later" i say with an annoyed expression as i grab the book from his hands

He blushes when our hands touch but i ignore it

Dipper "Oh...okay, thanks!"


Dipper Types in "PASSWORD" on the computer. It beeps.

Dipper "Huh..." Mabel sits next to him "So, how'd it go?"

Mabel "Dipper, how hard do you think it'd be to write and compose a sock puppet rock opera with lights, original music and live pyrotechnics by Friday?"

I choke on my cold chocolate coffee when i hear this

Dipper The computer beeps " What? *grabs Mabel* Mabel, are you serious?"

Mabel "I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED! I got lost in his eyes and his ponytails and I'm gonna be so embarrassed on Friday if I don't have ANYTHING."she panics

Dipper "What about cracking this password? You know, mystery twins?" bumps fists

Mabel "If you help me with this for JUST a couple of days I promise I'll help with the password! Please, pretty please! *whispering* It's for love, Dipper."

Dipper "All right, okay-"

Mabel Hugging him "YES! THANK YOU!! THIS GUY! HE'S NUMBER ONE!!!"

Dipper "Okay, okay, okay, shhhh... *Dipper, Mabel and i are leaving the library* I can't wait to get to the bottom of this laptop. We're close to something big here; I can feel it..."

Bill's shadow follows them while walking out of the library.

Montage of Dipper and Mabel preparing for the opera as i continue to write in my journal and Dipper trying to figure out the password with my help.

everyone Mabel, Dipper, Soos, Wendy, Waddles and i in the living room, working on the puppets.

Mabel "Alright. This is gonna be called Glove Story: A Sock Opera. Just to warn you, people's eyes will get wet. Cause they'll be crying. From laughter! From how tragic it is."

I chuckle at her inthusiasm and rub her hair messing it up out of reflex but stop

'stop it Lui, you aren't going to ruffle your brothers hair again like when you were children'

I internally scold myself

[Host needs to let it go!]


Dipper Trying to rip sock puppets that are glued to his face "Yeah, um. That's sounds great." Coughs up pom-poms

Wendy Corduroy "Come on, Dipper, you gotta roll with Mabel's craziness. It's what makes life worth living."

Mabel(singing:) "Puppet boy, Puppet boy, you're the boy I- "

Everyone "Loooooovvvvveeee!" Waddles squeals along

Stan Pines starts to walk in "Not even gonna ask." I snicker at his response

TIMESKIP to the evening with Mabel putting puppets around her bed.

Mabel "Goodnight, my babies. *takes a Gabe puppet and makes it kiss the Mabel puppet* Mwop mwop mwop mwop. Mwah! Soon, Gabe Benson-"

Computer beeps.

Dipper "Ugh, wrong password, WRONG, WRONG! UGH!" He Collapses

"Dip..." I sigh and continue to write in the journal

Mabel "Don't stay up all night, Dipper. Last time you got this sleep-deprived you tried to eat your own shirt."

I chuckle at this

Dipper Sucking on shirt, then spits it out " Pleh. Just a few more tries. "

After Mabel falls asleep dipper goes on the roof

Time skip

After a while i hear dipper scream with a sigh i head up to the roof

I see him breathing heavily as he clutches the laptop

I growl annoyed and .Ake the laptop float out of his arms with a soft purple glow

"Wha?! Hey!"he shouts annoyed

I grab him and pick him up bridal style

"He-hey!! Put me down!!!"he shouts as he blushes and clutches onto my sweater for dear life

"Your going to sleep on your bed whether you like it or not"i say as i walk downstairs into our room with the laptop floating behind us

I let the laptop fall on the stand and drop dipper on his bed

"Ah!"he shouts surprised "Of"he let's out once he hits the bed

"I'm not going to-"he starts to protest

I growl and decide he might as well sleep with me

So i lay down beside him and hug him from  behind so he can't leave

I can hear his heart beating faster then it's supposed to

"Sleep"is all i say before falling asleep myself with an iron grip on him


I wake up and see that dipper is still sleeping soundly

I go to let him go but he just grips my arms that are around him harder so i can't leave

'oh, boy...'

I sigh knowing he won't let me go yet

I look at Mabel's bed and see that she already left

There is a note on the bedside

I make it float towards me as i read it

"You guys look adorable like that!

Have a good sleep!

-mabel "

I sigh and light it up in flames and go back to sleep


I sigh as i awake again

This time dipper starts to stir in his sleep

He finally wakes up and his heart starts to beat fast again

"Can you let me go now?" He asked

"Sure just let go of my arms first" i respond

He blushes even more and immediately let's them go

I chuckle as i get out of bed

"Your adorable~"i say playfully and poke his for head

His face scrunches up as his blush only gets bigger

I snicker and leave

I pass Stan in kitchen.

Mabel Waving the Stan puppet in Stan's face " Hey, I'm puppet Staaaannn!"

Stan "Still ignoring this."

Dipper Walks in and yawns " Hey Mabel." he Yawns

Stan "Woah, bag check for Dipper's eyes. Ha ha! Nobody?"

Mabel "Dipper, I told you to get some sleep earlyer last night! Here, wake up with some Mabel Juice." she Holds blender full of red liquid with various objects floating around "It has plastic dinosaurs in it!"

I sweat drop and walk past

I decide to go out for a bit sense i don't really have much to do at the moment

I walk around and end up at a small clothing store

I walk in and proceed to check everything but i don't really find anything i really liked so i begin to walk away

Until i see a cute dress of course

it's white in color fading of with pink to blue at the bottom it doesn't have any sleeves and due to it being for girls the chest and hips are wrong

It's honestly really pretty in my eyes

I'm sure i can modefy the chest and hip part for me and add long sleeves i do have the materials i need back at the shack

So i proceed to buy it and head back to the shack

I go to the roof and begin to modify it


Once I'm done i begin to walk down stairs and after placing it in my closet

I enter the kitchen and see dippers soul floating and dippers body from behind

 "Where do you keep that journal anyway?"bill asked

 He Opens a drawer and reaches in. He slams the drawer on his arm repeatedly.

'oh dear...'

They haven't noticed me yet so i turn invisible


 "It's gotta be around here somewhere. *Continues slamming drawer, occasionally wincing* Boy, these arms are durable."

Dipper "I've hidden it! *Bill strokes his chin thoughtfully, forks stuck in his arm.*  Somewhere you'll never find it in a million years!"

Mabel "Hey Dipper! *From the doorway* I borrowed your journal to use as a prop in the show I hope you don't mind I'm gonna go before you process this sentence okay BYEE!!" runs off

Bill He looks at Dipper, then grins "Sure, sounds great, sister! I'll see you at the show!"

Dipper "Wait! No, Mabel, don't listen to him! That's not me! " He flies after Mabel and i follow him

Mabel gets in Grunkle Stan's car

" You've gotta hear me! *He flies in front of the car.* No, no! Wait! Stop!" The car drives through him.

Bill "Heh! welcome to the mindscape, kid! Without a vessel to possess, you're basically a ghost!"

Soos Ramirez "Oh, hey Dipper! There you are!"

Wendy"What up, dude?"

Dipper "Soos! Wendy! Help me! " He waves his arms and flies through Soos.

Soos °to Bill:° "We're heading to the theater."

Wendy "Need a ride, Dipper?"

Bill "Oho, anything for you, Red!" He gets in the car

Dipper "I'm gonna stop you, Bill! I'm gonna find that journal before you do and I'm gonna stop you!!"

Bill "But how can you stop me, *slowly turns to Dipper* if you don't exist?" 

He laughs maniacally as the window rolls up, showing Dipper's horrified expression. The car drives off, and Dipper is left staring after it.

With a huff i follow him to the outside of the Theatre Time Theater.

Dipper flies out of a nearby building.

Dipper "Bill? Bill! I gotta get my body back before he does something crazy with it." He flies into the theater.

Bill "Aw, nothing like the theater, huh toots?" He is sitting with an arm around Wendy and Soos.

" Hey Soos, wanna hear the exact time and date of your death?"

Soos "Heheh, okay!"

Mabel "Hey guys! You all made it!"

Stan "Are you kidding me? I would never miss... whatever this is."

Bill "By the by, Mabel, where'd you put my journal again?"

Mabel "I used it as a prop for the big wedding scene! I still need a reverend, though."

Bill "Hey, what if I play the reverend? I mean, someone's gotta hold that journal, right?"

Mabel "Right! Let's go!" runs off with Bill

Dipper "Oh, no! Wait! Mabel!" He flies after and follows them backstage.

Mabel peeks through the curtain.

Gabe is sitting down with his puppets. The lights flicker

Grenda "The show is about to begin! Please turn off your cell phones! Unless you're texting me, cuties!"

The house lights dim, and, to applause, the curtain opens. The set is a glittery and colorful Mystery Shack.

A light illuminates Candy, standing at a keyboard, dressed as David Bowie.

Candy "Gather round, and let us sing, about a girl who had almost everything." She is rolled off the stage.

A Dipper puppet pops out of a window and sings. Mabel As Puppet Dipper "Look, it's Mabel!"

I follow dipper backstage again

Bill Grenda is standing backstage. Bill, dressed in vicarage clothing, walks up behind her "So, hey, Grendo! Where's that book prop I'm using for the wedding scene?"

Grenda "It's up in the wedding cake. But that doesn't come down until Act 3. So hold your horses!"

Bill backing away " Oh, I'll hold my horses. I'll hold them... you monster."

Dipper flies up to Grenda " Hey! Listen! Have you seen Mabel? " Grenda doesn't see him.

" What did Bill say? I can't be heard without a vessel? Where would I find a-" notices a pile of puppets and grins

Grenda leaves and before he can get to the dipper puppet i grab it making it seem like it's floating

"What the?!"dipper shouts

I turn back so im visible

"Just get in.."i say with a sigh

He nods and gets in

"Hey, how come you could see me?"dipper asked as the puppet

"I'm literally a god of rebirth and astronomy Hun"i say annoyed

"Oh!"he let's out

I place down his puppet and follow him as he heads towards Mabel

Grenda "Our intermission has begun! Mill about!" The audience does.

Mabel In her dressing room " Whew, okay, you can do this, Mabel. Only 36 more musical numbers." She drinks from the water fountain. The Dipper puppet slowly rises, floating beside Mabel. Dipper "Pst, Mabel!" She notices the Dipper puppet talking and does a spit take.

Mabel "Aah! It's come to life! The puppet books didn't warn me about this!" She throws a fork at it.

Dipper "Mabel, it's me, Dipper! You need to help me!"

Mabel "Wait, what, Dipper?! But you're... so much more of a sock than usual!"

Dipper"Mabel, you have to listen. Bill tricked me! He stole my body and now he's after the journal! You have to find the journal before Bill destroys it. It's the only hope to get me back in my body!"

Mabel "But my cue's coming up any minute!" There is a knock on the door and i grab dippers puppet and fly up so whoever enters won't see me

Gabe enters with flowers.

Gabe "Hey, Mabel, do you have a moment?"

Mabel "GABE!" laughing nervously.

Gabe "Mabel, it's clear to me now that you really love puppets. I mean, you went whole hog. And if you stick the ending, well, maybe later you could join me for a biscotti?"

Mabel"You drive a biscotti?" The lights flick on and off

Gabe "I'll be waiting."He leaves.

Mabel "Did you hear that? He loves it! This play has to be flawless. Can't we wait until after the show?"

I fly down and let go of dipper

Dipper "Mabel! You want me to be a sock puppet forever?!" The puppet's arms flail

Mabel laughs "I'm sorry, it- it looks funny when you're mad."

Dipper grunting

Mabel "Okay, okay, okay, just take over for me till I get back with the book. Little puppet face!"

Cut to the stage. Dipper is providing the voices for the puppets.

As i float beside him invisible to others but him

Dipper As Puppet Mabel " Gabe! You're back from the war!"

As Puppet Gabe:  "Yes I am! Wanna kiss and sing at the same time?"

As Puppet Mabel: "Okay!" He makes kissing sound effects as the puppets kiss.

To himself: "Seriously?"

"Sush"i let out annoyed

The audience applauds.

Mabel climbs the catwalk and runs over to where the giant cake is hanging. The journal sits inside

Mabel climbs over the edge and reaches for the journal.

Mabel "Come on, come on!" Falls into the cake and it plummets down. Just before it hits the stage, it is pulled back up.

Dipper As Mabel: "I hope this kiss never ends!"

Mabel sighs "Come on, come on now, there must be a way to get Dipper's body back!"

Bill "Oho, but why would you want to do that?" Mabel looks up to see Bill pulling the cake up, with lights shining behind his grinning face.

Mabel "Bill Dipper! Bipper."

I float up and watch

Bill "Shh! You wouldn't want to ruin the show... Whoops!" He briefly releases the cake, sending Mabel plummeting. "It's slipping!"

" How's about you hand that book over?"

Mabel "No way! This is Dipper's! I'd never give it away!"

Bill "Hmm, you didn't seem to have a problem taking it for your own play, ditching him when he needed you. So come to your senses. Give me the book or your play is ruined."

 Mabel sighs and begins to hand over the journal. "There it is. I mean, who would sacrifice everything they've worked for just for their dumb sibling?"

Mabel "Dipper would."

Bill "Huh?" Mabel pulls him into the cake and they fall to the stage.

Dipper As Puppet Stan: " I'm giving you away. You are a woman now. Waddles, the rings!" Waddles squeals 

"Wait, what? *Dipper looks up to see the falling cake.* Oh no."

The cakes crashes to the floor. Mabel and Bill tumble out, grappling over the journal. Lasers and fog go off.

Mabel "Get out of my brother's body, you evil triangle!"


I teleport backstage and make myself visible and run out to them

Stan gets out camera  " Whoa! Children fighting! I can sell this."

Mabel Hits Bill in the face with the journal and runs away.

Bill "You can't stop me! I'm a being of pure energy with no weakness!" Lunges at Mabel.

Mabel "True, but you're in Dipper's body. And I know all his weaknesses!"

Bill "Whaddya mean his- "

I grab dippers body and

Mabel tickles him

Mabel "Tickle, tickle!"

Bill Laughs and and struggles against me "Aah! Body spasms! What are these?"

Mabel "A little note about the human body- You haven't slept for 12 hours!" She runs around the stage,i drop him and Bill starts chasing her

 "Also, I got a full night's sleep and I'm on four mega-shots of Mabel Juice!"

Bill His face drooping "Ah! What is this feeling? *Wheezing* My body is burning! I can't move these stupid noodle legs! Curse you, useless flesh sticks! Body...shutting down... must...scratch... mosquito bites..."

Dipper and Mabel watch as Bill stumbles around, then he collapses

Bill shoots out of Dipper's body and the world turns black and white

Bill "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa whoa.. hey!"

 Dipper flies back into his body and opens his eyes.

Dipper "Hey! Yes! I'm in my own body! And it's... just as underwhelming as I remember. " He stands and grips his back in pain. " Ooh, everything hurts."


cackling. The twins look over to see the Dipper puppet talking. " This isn't the last you'll hear of me! Big things are coming! You can't stop me!"

I snicker and set the puppet in flames

"Ahhh!!!"he screams as he leaves

I go to dipper and pick him up like i did before

"Hey!"he says angrily

Mabel  "I'm sorry, Gabe.." She pushes the "Big Finish" button.

  a pile of pyrotechnics,that of  which explodes sending fireworks shooting into the audience and blowing up the box of puppets. In slow motion, the Grunkle Stan puppet arcs through the air, aflame, as Gabe, amid falling puppets, looks on in shock.

"Ave Maria" plays mournfully. The rest of the fireworks go off in a cacophonous boom, and Dipper clutches on my shirt still not used to this with a fierce blush

As the smoke clears from the smoldering set, i out dipper down and the twins turn to the audience. Some scaffolding crashes to the floor behind them.

Mabel "Don't worry. I've seen enough movies to know this is the part where the audience thinks it was all part of the show and loves it. Cue applause!"

The audience stares at them and starts to boo. They get up and leave the theater, grumbling about how they almost died.

Gabe stands, frowning.

Mabel "Gabe! Stick around for the wrap party? We've got mini-quiches!"

Gabe "Don't speak to me, Mabel. You've made a mockery of my art form. Let's go, my loves." He walks away, kissing the puppets.

Dipper "Did he just make out with his puppets?"

Mabel "I might've dodged a bullet there."

Candy running after him Subtitled: "Wait, Gabe! Candy still loves you!"

Dipper "Oof. Mabel, I'm sorry about all this. It's my fault your puppets got ruined."

Mabel"Well, one of them survived. "

Pulls out the Mabel puppet. " And she has something to say to you."

as puppet "I'm sorry,"

Mabel "Dipper. I spent all week obsessing over a dumb guy. But the dumb guy I should have cared about was you! Bap!" Nudges Dipper's face "Mystery twins?"

Dipper "Mystery twins"They fist bump. Dipper gasps in pain. " Ow! What'd Bill do to my hand? Ahh! "

Mabel "Nothing a little sleep can't fix." They walk offstage As i follow them

 "Come on, bro bro, let's go home."

Dipper"Seriously, I need to go to the hospital."

I huff and heal him

"Oh! Thanks"he says with a smaller blush then before

"No problem."i respond and ruffle his hair as a bit of heat makes it to my cheeks

"Come on love birds"Mabel says as she drags us away

I chuckle and shake my head as dipper starts to protest against her sentence