
Flu type symptoms

Joem tried to call his father and mother's phone, but none of the two were either out of reach or busy and he kept on doing until his mother's phone is answered.

"Hello, Mah! Are you guys okay there?!" Joem was really nervous, it was not his mother's voice, but someone whom familiar with.

"Joem... is there anyone w/ you?" Jenny is really closed w/ his family since his mother became the godmother on her wedding and kids.

"I'm w/ my friends and we're watching the news in our gym, Nang Jenny/ elder sister Jenny" he sat beside w/ his group; they're also trying to reach their families and hoping for their safety.

"You know that today is your father's birthday, they decided to celebrate it in the beach and we're also there w/ the kids. We arrived late in the party, so me and husband Bennie are asked to buy drinks.

Before leaving them at the beach, everyone were playing and swimming. We used the trike to have a space to put the cases of drinks; we were in the convenience store during the bloody rain...

We saw your dad, mom, Tin and other tourist soaked wet by bloody rain and they're unresponsive to our calls. We took them to the nearest clinic in the town and the doctor tried his best to help them but...

He pronounced all of them dead on arrival! Condolence and I'm sorry, Joem" Jenny was already crying, Bennie tried to hold his tears, but he was also carried away by the emotional state of his wife.

"Thank you for everything, Nang Jenny/ elder sister Jenny! Could you help me to cremate them, as soon as possible?" Joem asked, his tears maybe all dried up, since nothing came out and he was still looked fine outside.

"Okay, Joem! The funeral is just beside the clinic, so it'll be done by 5 pm. I'll inform the rest of the family so go back home as soon as possible!" Jenny texted and posted it online about the sad news, friends and families send their condolences messages.

After 45 minutes the cremation ended faster than they thought since it ave. 1-3 hours to prepare and collect the ashes. She texted Joem that it was done early, so they're going home already and will be waiting for his arrival.

He replied to Jenny that he'll going after the emergency drill is finished and put the ashes in the master's bedroom. Joem went to a laundromat in the school boarding house, after saying he felt sick and needs to go to clinic.

The atmosphere inside gym was not chaotic, but it has sad, confused and gloomy vibe that he already expected since he got news about his family.

Waiting for his dirty laundry being wash, Joem was followed by Bert along Switz and June and they knew also what's goin' on since they received the same thing about their loved ones.

They thought that Joem is probably planning something not good, knowing his previous history and habits every time he felt sad. Joem is often at the rooftop dazing off. Today is different since it's about family, not only him received the same bad news and Joem may likely to take on own life as escape.

They saw him lying on the couch; he is snoring and looked comfortable in his position. Bert asked the other to help him w/ the laundry; he knew Joem has week of dirty laundry in his bag every Saturday.

They're gonna be finish after clothes are fully dry and Joem was woken by Switz.

"Good morning, Joem! Your laundry will be done in a minute." Swits said.

"Thank guys! I'm tired of all day full of drills; my family has passed away after that bloody rain happened..." Joem take all dried clothes out and folded it into his bag. Looking from a far, towards the direction of his home

"You're welcome, Joem! We are friends after all, in good and even bad times. Everyone at present is going through same time thing and we must be brave, united and we'll surely make it as a group.�� Bert said.

Back inside gymnasium, things are doing better and this is effect is due to having adults around to keep them in check. The TV broadcast is still seems normal, Bulagaan is the longest running variety show in the country since 1979 and still stands against time.

The show was interrupted by another news report. "AGM news flash report! A team led by Dr. Mondsien found a virus that had been trapped in the permafrost for at least 10, 000 years.

It's a giant virus, because unlike most viruses it's so big that it can be seen under a regular microscope. It was discovered after the blood rain in the Arctic coast.

This ancient virus may be the key to our current problem. In the past decade, several ancient virus and bacteria were also discovered after the massive meltdown of glaciers and permafrost in the Arctic.

Climate change has melted this things that have been frozen for thousands of years, as the permafrost soils and they are released from having lain dormant, are now springing back to life.

As Earth's atmosphere gets warmer the northern countries will be more vulnerable to outbreaks of such diseases like malaria, cholera and dengue fever, even though these pathogens thrive for a warmer place." AGM news anchor said.