
1 million years too late

In a park, sitting on a bench was a young adult that was about 22 years of age gazing into the sky. While kids are running around and other adults are either conversing with each other or working out, the young man seemed to be contemplating life.

*Sigh* "I can't even keep an easy coding job and even my side job at the ancient weapon gym just fired me for giving out free tips on actual stances for weapons and not some fake body injuring stances. What next is my girlfriend for 5 years is cheating on me or is secretly using me for money? Hehe that would suck since I bought this 24 carats blue moon of Josephine ring. Oh well hopefully she shows up in time for our date."


Kasim: "Hello, Seraphina babe where are you? You're late by an hour and we have that reservation in thirty minutes. I have some important things to tell you."

Seraphina: "H-hey Kas I am a little busy with some stuff here at the moment and won't be able to make it to our date. Maybe we could schedule it for another time?"

Kasim: "Uhh...yes sure then but this was important and I wanted to do it today."

Seraphina: *Background noises* "Yea sure Kas, bye I gotta go."


"Well that sucks I wonder what she's doing. She works just outside this park near the bathrooms and shopping area. I guess I'll go visit her just in case."

Getting up and walking away, Kasim heads north-east to the shopping district while thinking up different ways to propose to Seraphina while twirling the ring in his right pocket. After a few minutes of walking he nears the male bathroom and hears some noises, a few noises sounding female.

"That's weird, sure it's the bathrooms but people usually use the other ones in the shopping district since this is where some gangs hangout. I should check it out just to make sure everything is okay."


Getting closer to the inside of the male bathrooms, Kasim can hear moaning and slapping that seems to be getting louder. As he neared, he was able to hear the voices of more than 6 people over in the darkly lit area. Right before he turns the corner, he hears a voice that he knows very well.

???: "Y-Y-YES More!!"

???: "HAHA Seraphina! You're really bad you know that?! Didn't you have a date with that boyfriend today?" Says one of the other 2 females in the room.

Seraphina: *Huff**Huff* "Forget him this dude right here is so much better than that guy and I got him fired from both his jobs by sleeping with his bosses and the coding boss was a CHICK! See Rena and Lola told you this is the best, your husbands can't compare to this right?!"

Lola/Rena: "YEA!"

Glancing around the corner to look, Kasim sees three girls banging 2 guys each, seeing Seraphina some tears threaten to fall from his eyes. Also noticing her two best friends that were married getting their brains scrambled hard. Almost turning away to run away Kasim stops and sees a switchblade pocket knife near his feet. Reaching down and picking it up Kasim placed it in his left pocket. He then turns and walks past the corner into the bathroom.

Kasim: "How could you Seraphina?! I thought we were meant for each other?!"

Seraphina: "Haha Kas how are you doing? Can you wait a few hours? We all are getting to the good part and you could join us if you want, you already met my friends Rena and Lola but these two guys banging me are Greg and Seth while the other 4 are not very important."

Greg: "HAHA Damn slut gives no fucks!"

Seth: "I know man! We've been banging her for these last 5 years since they got together and the first thing she says when he finds out is this. Even earlier when she was on the phone, she didn't even care."

Blanking out from shock from what was just said, I snap. I pull out and flick open the knife and throw it towards the guy named Seth. Nailing him in the neck with the blade. I run up and kick Seraphina in the face. Quickly pulling the knife, I stab Greg in the face. The other 4 guys, having the time to stop comes towards me. Not caring for them being naked, I kick one towards me left in the balls and sling the knife at another one far right of me in the stomach. The other one closest to me swings a fist towards my face. Which I take, using it to fall and trip the guy I kicked in the balls and kneeing him on the neck.


Having him dead, I get up and the guy with the knife in his stomach comes towards me slowly. I rush him, pull the knife and slit his throat. Then stab the guy behind me in the chest, Hit him with my elbow and grab his head; twisting it. The last guy runs at me with a toilet seat, which I dodge and trip him. By luck he somehow lands and a rusted sharp pipe. After that I stop and look around for the 3 girls. Seeing them not here. I put my hand in my pocket to hold the ring, on my way outside the bathroom and noticing cop cars and guns pointed at me. The 3 girls hiding behind the cops.

Seraphina: "THERE! That's the guy that tried to rape us! Look at all the blood on him, shoot him he is dangerous!"

Of course cops being cops tried to talk it out first so one of them was about to speak from a megaphone but then 10 shots were fired from 10 different cops, all hitting Kasim in different places on his body. Falling backwards and staring out towards the sky. Gripping the ring I brought it to my eyes and stared at the gem stone. Focusing back at the sky I see falling meteors.

"Darn looks like I'm gonna miss out on something else."

Then Kasim closes his eyes. Today Kasim died.

Feeling a pain, Kasim opens his eyes and stares around shocked at what he sees a classroom full of students and an angry teacher staring at him.

???: "KASIM! I know today is your last day of school but you have to pay attention and not use a book as cover! You're 1 million years too late for that to work!"

Hey! Im trying for this writing prompt! Don't worry the real action starts in the next chapter so just wait!

DaoistZoidcreators' thoughts