
Tia Levels Up

After spending the night drinking and discussing personal matters with JT, Erich became considerably closer to the man. They both stumbled into their hotel room, after consuming an ungodly amount of alcohol at precisely the moment that the stars began to rise with the morning. 

However, Erich and JT were not intoxicated, nor were they actually sleep deprived. Instead, their minds and bodies were fresh, as their NeuroLink system had targeted the poison in their bodies, and eliminated it. As for why they were still "well rested" the Germanic race was genetically enhanced to superhuman levels, and because of this they required significantly less rest than baseline humans. 

Thus, when they entered the hotel room, they were met by the other members of their unit, who had some grim expressions on their faces. Instantly Erich and JT knew something was wrong, and were quick to inquire about what had happened during their absence.