
Chapter 58 - Alveron Elvendom (Revised)

The passage of two and a half days has marked the interval since Luke and his companions embarked on their departure from the Luminaire Kingdom.


At long last, a transformative shift has transpired within their environment.


The trees that once flanked their journey on the outskirts of the Southern expanse have now undergone a remarkable alteration, their once unassuming forms now looming as colossal and grandiose structures. This striking change serves as an unmistakable sign that their proximity to Elvendom is imminent.


It is of significance to acknowledge that Alveron Elvendom, Lunaria's homeland, lies ensconced near the periphery but within the expansive Southern Forest. It's crucial to understand that their present location is intricately pinpointed by the ancient woodland—indicating that their traverse has led them through a specific and carefully delineated sector of the Southern Forest.


In the heart of the Southern Forest stands the World Tree, a tree of mythic stature believed to be the very cradle of the world's origin. This arboreal colossus ascends majestically, reigning as the largest arboreal entity within the entire realm. The trees surrounding this primeval titan have mirrored its grandeur, growing into magnificent and colossal forms themselves.


As the legend goes, the World Tree is the very foundation upon which the existence of the Southern Forest is built. Its towering presence serves as the underlying force that has woven the intricate tapestry of the woodland's existence.


The Elves of the Southern Continent, the very ancestors from whom Lunaria descends, made a pivotal decision to establish Elvendom on the fringes yet within the bounds of the Southern Forest. 


Shouldering the sacred duty of safeguarding the World Tree, they vowed to protect the very essence of creation.


However, their reverence for the sanctity of the World Tree was so profound that they abstained from constructing their kingdom in close proximity. 


The fear of inadvertently violating its hallowed nature loomed large. Instead, they chose to erect Elvendom near the outskirts of the Southern Forest, adopting a vigilant stance to monitor the World Tree for any alterations.


Whispers abound that ethereal spirits inhabit the domain surrounding the World Tree. Driven by their profound respect for these celestial entities, the Elves refrained from encroaching on their realm. 


This served as an additional motivation to refrain from building Elvendom in close quarters to the World Tree, ensuring that their presence would not disturb the divine beings dwelling within.


Returning to the present, Lunaria took the reins as the designated driver. Their approach to Elvendom evoked a palpable sense of excitement within her that she couldn't suppress.


Anticipating that their journey would culminate by day's end, she envisioned their arrival at Elvendom's doorstep. Remarkably swift, their expedition had traversed such distance in under a week's span.


As the contours of their destination drew nearer, a collective sense of relaxation pervaded their party, washing over them like a comforting tide.


"Come to ponder it, Luke? When did you become aware of my elven lineage?" Lunaria inquired, her motive to alleviate the monotony of their journey evident.


"Right from the outset," Luke replied with a simplicity that belied the significance of his realization.


"As I presumed," Lunaria murmured, her words scarcely audible to Luke.


With their arrival at Elvendom imminent, the trio found themselves engrossed in a genial exchange, the rhythm of their conversation harmonizing with their gradual approach to their destination.




After a journey spanning four days since their departure from the Luminaire Kingdom, they at last arrived at the threshold of Elvendom. 


This arrival would have been achievable the previous day, but the decision was made to postpone their approach due to the encroaching darkness. Opting to rest, they chose to resume their journey with the break of morning.


Given the necessity to traverse through the forested expanse, they disembarked from their vehicle, recognizing that the car was ill-suited to negotiate the challenging terrain of the forest.


Lunaria assumed the mantle of leadership with a seamless grace, her movements imbued with a deep reverence for the land she called home. She drew a profound breath, as if to imbibe the very essence of her homeland's air that she had longed for.


In her wake, Luke and Ophelia fell into a steady procession, their presence punctuating the solemnity of the moment.


The passage of time revealed two male elves, resplendent in their regal attire, emerging from the verdant embrace of the surroundings. Their purpose was clear, their bearing that of guards entrusted with the solemn duty of protecting their homeland. 


In their hands, they held bows meticulously crafted from the most exquisite timber, embodying the seamless fusion of artistry and functionality that defined their culture.


Initially vigilant, the elves' demeanor softened as they caught sight of the group's leader, a transformation that manifested as radiant delight upon their countenances.


""Princess! You're safe!"" The jubilant exclamation resounded simultaneously from the lips of both guards.


Lunaria responded with a serene smile, followed by a graceful nod that conveyed her gratitude for their concern and warm welcome.


Curiosity prompted the guards to inquire further, their voices a symphony of questions. "But where is Chief Raelor?"


With an affectionate fondness, Lunaria addressed their query. "Has Father not yet returned? Be assured, he is en route and will be home soon."


As their eyes settled on the two humans who trailed behind her, a subtle shift in their demeanor became palpable. A wariness emerged as they discerned the humans' identity, a predisposed notion that humans often bore a reputation for greed. 


Yet, the mere fact that these humans were in Lunaria's company seemed to quell any immediate action on their part.


Their focus then turned to Luke, and a sudden unease gripped them. Their attention was captivated by a distinctive symbol—the sigil adorning Luke's waist—a token known to be conferred only by Chief Raelor to individuals deemed allies and friends of their race. 


This revelation ignited a cautious apprehension within the guards.


Luke had previously affixed the aforementioned sigil to his belt. While he remained oblivious to its significance, he chose to don the emblem, deeming it fitting for his visit to Elvendom.


The guards, cognizant of the significance attached to the sigil, exchanged knowing glances. Bearer of these sigils were deemed as friends and allies of the Elves, a trust deeply embedded in Chief Raelor's discernment.


Moved by this understanding, the two elf guards paid Luke a silent tribute, a respectful salute that signified their acknowledgment of his status as a benefactor. 


This gesture, though unfamiliar to Luke, prompted an unusual sensation. Yet, in response, he offered a warm smile—a silent acknowledgment of his own.


Observing the guards' deferential demeanor towards Luke, Lunaria found herself enveloped in a sense of reassurance and contentment. This display of respect not only affirmed their trust in her friend but also filled her with a quiet pride, a testament to her people's wisdom.


Ophelia, on the other hand, registered a mixture of astonishment and bewilderment at the guards' conduct. However, the urgency of their mission overshadowed her thoughts. Her singular focus remained on successfully accomplishing their objectives, safeguarding her friend's homeland from any potential harm.


As the trio embarked on the final leg of their journey toward Elvendom, their path unfolded with an ease that mirrored their shared purpose and the harmony of their strides.


Luke and Ophelia, the two humans, were both entranced by the scene that unfolded before them.


Alveron Elvendom stood in stark contrast to the cities they were familiar with. Here, the absence of imposing walls was striking, replaced instead by a seamless integration with nature. The landscape was devoid of the rigid structures of concrete or stone that characterized human settlements.


A profound harmony with nature pervaded every facet of Alveron Elvendom. As they continued their journey, this connection became even more evident. Houses nestled within the embrace of the trees came into view, their existence a testament to the profound bond between the Elves and the land they inhabited. 


These massive trees had been sculpted with painstaking care, shaped into intricate dwellings that served as both homes and sanctuaries. In essence, the Elves were living within the very fabric of the forest.


Further along the path, the presence of treehouses became apparent. Connected by graceful wooden bridges, these elevated abodes showcased a harmonious blend of natural aesthetics and engineering prowess. 


The seamless integration of their homes with the environment spoke volumes about the Elves' profound respect for nature and their exceptional ability to craft structures that complemented the forest's innate beauty.


Ophelia went on to elaborate that, at times, malevolent creatures would encroach upon the bounds of Elvendom. In these moments, the safety of the vulnerable—children and defenseless Elves—was paramount. They would seek refuge within the treehouses, shielded from danger as the warrior and mage Elves valiantly confronted and combated the looming threat posed by these monsters.


In the expanse of the Southern Continent, the Elves forged a profound unity within the embrace of Alveron Elvendom. While scattered elven villages and cities could be found across other continents, the undeniable truth was that Alveron Elvendom stood as the epicenter of Elven culture, housing the largest congregation of their kind.


However, despite the solidarity that bound them and the extended span of their lives, Elves found themselves unable to rival the burgeoning human population. 


An intricate paradox lay within their existence: while blessed with an extensive lifespan, the Elves grappled with the unfortunate reality of a notably low fertility rate.


Returning to the present, the territory of Elvendom stretched before them, resembling the scale of a metropolis. Amidst human speculation that the Southern Forest may fall within Elven dominion, the Elves held a contrasting view—one of non-assertion.


While they moved through the Southern Forest with familiarity and ease, a result of generations dwelling there, they refrained from labeling it as their exclusive domain. A collective sentiment prevailed among the Elves that the Southern forest belonged inextricably to the embrace of the world tree.


After a considerable stretch of walking, Lunaria's steps came to an abrupt halt.


Luke and Ophelia, under the impression that they had reached their destination, paused in tandem. However, as they glanced at Lunaria's countenance, a sense of unease gripped them. Her expression was etched with fear. Instinctively, they both followed the direction of her gaze.


Standing before them was an elf whose visage bore an uncanny resemblance to Lunaria. A youthful countenance, nearly akin to Lunaria's, made it conceivable that she could be mistaken for her elder sister.


Yet, what transpired next left both Luke and Ophelia utterly stunned. The woman's words were spoken with an air of familiarity, but they carried an unsettling weight.


"Fufu. You're finally here, my naughty daughter," she uttered with a smile spreading across her lips. Though, that very smile sent shivers down Lunaria's spine.