
Chapter 56 - Women

As instructor, Luke adeptly guided the women through driving intricacies. Their quick learning pleasantly surprised him.

However, a minor challenge emerged: fastening seatbelts. Luke stepped in as Ophelia struggled, assisting her in securing the buckle.

A subtle flush graced Ophelia's cheeks, the intimacy of their proximity igniting a spark of awareness previously unexplored.

The measured rhythm of Luke's breaths seemed to amplify her own, leading her to hold her own breath in tandem with his assistance. Despite her best efforts, the undeniable telltale blush defied her attempts at concealment.

Lunaria, observing this interplay, cast a knowing glance with a glint of intrigue in her eyes.

Following suit, it was Lunaria's turn to learn. With a poised smile, she addressed Luke, "Luke, could you extend your help with the seatbelt? It appears to be ensnared."

Acknowledging the necessity, Luke obliged.