
Instant Climax: Conquering Reality With My Harem System

A dirty hobo old man was in an alley regretting his life choices and then decided to go for a piss at a nearby river when he was suddenly hit by a truck and reincarnated into another world, that however was just the beginning as the world he ended up in was one of the only men, where women didn't exist, so his fantasies of a harem of beauties were quickly dispelled for a world of femboys and burly men hitting on him. Managing to survive through trials and tribulations in this other world, he got the favor to make a deal with the Gods and got to use the ability of regression to go back in time and fix his mistakes at the cost of all his abilities and power, leaving only vague memories of the otherworld. The regression took him back all the way to the first day of his last year of high school, where everything started to change for him. Unfortunately, there was a mistake made… he looked like his hobo old self despite being 18 years old again. That caused him to be too weak, and as an orphan, he had nobody to fall on… so with that problem, he became a victim of bullying, but after all, he had been through, he refused to surrender without a fight, which led to him being dumped at the ocean to die… however he did not die… for some weird reason, he did not die, only losing consciousness then hearing a voice. [Human, You have been selected among many many candidates as the next Lust Ruler, a vicious and dangerous being in search of conquering all of reality with a harem of beauties at their side. Will you take this position? Knowing that you will not be able to love only one woman or stop your quest for power even if you feel satisfied? A position that will drive you to be Amoral, doing whatever is necessary? If you do not only will you survive today but you will have the chance to be powerful beyond comprehension!] [[Yes] Or [No]] "I will not die without a fight!" He pressed [Yes] without so much as a second thought.

HaremHobo · 奇幻
33 Chs

Chapter 15- Visiting Sasha To Collect Yin Energy(+18)**

-Week 2, Day 13/Saturday, Mayort City-

-Time: 7:57 P.M.-

There were many tall and smaller buildings all over the place, shops, and stores on every other corner, making the lively city what it is.

Walking about in the streets, as various people went on back and forth, Nivril ignored the various curious looks he got from those around as Ishmaya, easily became the center of attention and brought a lot of attention to herself just by existing as a beautiful fairy lady and nothing more.

Even though this world was no stranger to cultivation, there was still a lot of mystery around it, and all the things related to it, as cultivators were still a vast minority of people, and this led to those who looked like they were fictional beings getting a lot of attention as people would just assume they were a cultivator with some special bloodline or physique and maybe even a monster or beast depending on how they looked.

On this earth, cultivators who typically looked very young and attractive were akin to the celebrities of the past, just becoming the ones of the new era. So to the people around, Ishmaya was a powerful cultivator on a walk with her mortal servant(Nivril). So all the attention of the streets was on them, some people going as far as to take pictures and make videos of them. Nobody approached directly since cultivators had a reputation for being rather aggressive when interrupted or bothered.

"Wow… for a cultivator to just stroll around in our city, aren't we pretty important then?"

"Of course, this is without a doubt the most beautiful city in the country."

"How do you even know if she's a big shot cultivate or not?"

"Allow me to educate you, it's already common sense by now that the more like a fictional being or some sort of non-human a cultivator looked, the more powerful they are as that means they have a consolidated cultivation that allowed them to inherit that supernatural look."

"Yeah, where have you been? Under a rock? This is the type of knowledge you can even find in some random magazine about celebrities!"

"She's so cute and adorable though... I wonder if can still do it with a human even at that size… or does she go for what's available?…"

"Don't ask such perverted things about a goddess or you might be killed if she hears you."

"I wish I could go get an autograph, but I don't want to die so young..."

"Who are you visiting?" Ishmaya asked as she sat on Nivril's right shoulder, her legs waggling about as she did.

"My first wife." Nivril calmly replied.

"Oh, so it's the muscle lady from the club!" Ishmaya blurred out without thinking too much about it.

"So, you were watching?… I assume the others still are, right now? If so… For spying on me, you're all forbidden from masturbating for a week… no, a month. As for my little blue assistant, It's the same, and if I wore you, I would refrain from engaging in calling my first wife… muscle lady… first I don't think she would like that, and second, while she has a toned and slightly muscular body, she's not really buff, so I don't think that fits." Nivril expressed as he flicked Ishmaya's head.

Even though Nivril did this in a playful manner, that was not exactly how the girls back at the harem palace, some taking it better than others but in a way, they were all dissatisfied with such a punishment. Meaning it was effective!

"Hey! Young master! That's so mean! My head and heart are hurt! Tyrant!" Ishmaya had her bluish blush on as she rubbed her head, and pretended to shiver in pain.

"I know it didn't hurt you." Nivrip pointed out.

"Not physically! But my mind and soul will never recover! Hmph! Such a tyrannical young master!" Ishmaya crossed her arms and pouted as she turned to the side refusing to look at him in her anger.

The people around were shocked to hear that Nivril was not the servant but actually, the master, How would they have known that someone who only looked average was actually some big-shot cultivator? The odds were stacked against them.

Eventually, though, Nivril reached a rather tall building with around 24 floors, and was apparently a luxury residential building.

"This is the place Dramil told me about… her room should be 2027 on floor 20… OK, I should be able to find it." Nivril looked at the building and sighed as he went in.

Inside was a black and golden contrast of colors as the carpet and the sofas of the reception gave the atmosphere of an expensive hotel, together with the high-end coffee and clothing shops connected to the place, making clear that this was a place for someone who can afford to spend. At the end were the four elevator entrances, their frame made of black marble, and the doors the same fitting golden as the rest of the place.

After getting into an elevator and going through a rather long wait, it stopped at the 8th floor, and coming into the elevator was a young woman.

She had white hair and grey eyes, wearing a black jogger jumpsuit with a sort of lasso belt around the waist area with a cloth jacket of the same material. Aside from that, she had some jewelry on her. Her body was medium with balanced curves and size for her assets, giving her a model-type look.

(Image Here!)

"… A fairy?!…" As soon as she came into the elevator she was shocked to see Ishmaya on Nivril's shoulder, completely disregarding his presence.

Not wasting a second she came closer and closely looked at Ishmaya like it was some sort of inspection.

"Unbelievable… to think someone with such a rare bloodline or physique would appear right at my doorstep… *Ahem!* Apologies for my sudden intrusion, but may I know your name?" She talked to herself for a bit before realizing what she had just done and apologizing.

"Young Master… Do you know this woman?" Ishmaya ignored her even though she was proud and smug about the woman's reaction to a fairy.

"No. I have no idea who she is." Nivril forced a smile a bit bothered by how people were treating his existence though he had no intention of complaining about it, being ignored was still annoying.

"… hehehe… Sorry again… I'm Eva Bluelion, the first daughter of the head of the Sapphire Eyes Lion clan! That might help a bit." Eva proudly introduced herself with a small smile and her head up.

"I'm not really familiar with you… though I do know of the Sapphire Eyes Lion clan." Nivril responded.

"Never heard of you." Ishmaya shamelessly added.

"… I'm a supermodel?! You have seen me in at least some random magazine… right?" Eva insisted with a forced smile.

"I don't really read magazines at all, they bore me." Nivril expressed.

"… Oh… I'm sorry my work bores you… However, it would be nice to know if you can come to the next banquet at the main house, a little miss… and of course, your… young master is also invited." Eva kept her forced smile as she made her invitation

"You're pretty confident inviting us like that without knowing who we are." Nivril pointed out.

"I'm sure there will be no problem. However, I would like an answer, and if possible you could also resolve the introduction problem right now." Eva changed up to another confident smug as she replied.

"If you insist, I'm Nivril and this is Ishmaya. We'll show up at your banquet if we find time to do so." Nivril answered.

"Well, if you do, both your presence will be appreciated." Eva started responding with a business smile before the elevator finally stopped on the 20th floor.

From there, Nivril left with Ishmaya and soon they found the door to Sasha's room, and he knocked on it.

Soon opening the door was Sasha dressed similarly to last time with a white eastern shirt, a red lasso belt and black pants.

"Hubby!" Like a dog who missed its owner Sasha immediately pounced on Nivril and started clinging onto him, rubbing her face against his in a sort of cuddle.

"I'm also happy to see you, pumpkin." Nivril replied with a smile as he booped her nose.

"Pumpkin? That's a new one. Look at you visiting me without a warning… I'm pleasantly surprised." Sasha expressed as she sat on top of Nivril both on the floor of the empty corridor.

"Actually, I came 'cause I need your help." Nivril slowly got up as Sasha clocked onto him with her arms and legs, then he held her by the ass as he went into her apartment and the ignored Ishmaya was the one to close the door.

"First, where's my chocolate? And second, go ahead and say it, you know I'm very open to things if it comes to you." She got her face really close to his and then replied.

"About that…" Nivril smiled awkwardly having realized he forgot.

"You forgot, right?… hehehehe! I guess some things never change… that's nice. Don't worry about it, I'll let it slide this time, but that makes it 15 bars you owe me in counting." Sasha giggled amused at the situation.

"I'm pretty sure it was 5." Nivril pointed out.

"25? Well if you say so th-" Sasha smiled and was about to increase the amount, but he interrupted her.

"15, it is." Nivril just surrendered.

"Owww, and here I was hoping you would just go with it." Sasha pretended to be down.

"I can't give you that many all at once." Nivril shook his head.

"Why not?" Sasha narrowed her eyes.

"You'll eat them all at once, and that's a no can do." Nivril expressed.

"Awww, you're worried, but don't, I'm strong! Big and strong. Anyway, what did you actually want? I'm curious." Sasha moved on back to the main topic.

"I want your nectar." Nivril said it bluntly.

"… You mean… My?… From?… Seriously?… I didn't know you were into such things." Sasha opened her eyes wide with a slight blush as she didn't expect such a request at all.

"Well… It's not that… I want to for my cultivation technique." Nivril explained.

"Oh… so you're going to become an Essence Cultivator… I should have guessed when you told me you wanted a harem… it makes more sense now. After all, there's only so much essence you can collect from a single partner." Sasha concluded with a slight smile.

[Sasha(First Wife Candidate) has gained 10 Interest in you.]

[Sasha(First Wife Candidate) has gained 10 Platonic Love for you]

[Sasha(First Wife Candidate) has reached 100 Platonic Love!]

"Well, it's actually a little more complicated than that. Do you know what Domain Cultivator is?" Nivril questioned.

"… No… I haven't heard of anything like that. I thought there were only 5 types of cultivator. I myself am training to become a Duo Cultivator since I apparently have the talent to cultivate Body and Soul." Sasha clarified.

This made Nivril shocked as Soul cultivators were the rarest type after Domain cultivators and while not nearly as rare, it was still considered the best luck to be able to raise a Soul Cultivator as they would become terrifying if left alone to grow.

"As expected of my first wife! Full of talent." Nivril patted her head.

"Hehe! Of course I am, was there ever any doubt?… now seriously… it was a shock to find out about and probably the biggest factor for why I choose this path in life, in the first place. I'm happy I won't be alone in this long journey… maybe even eternal if we succeed." Sasha had a weak smile on her face as a bit of emptiness seemed to creep in for an instant before she smiled wide.

"Yeah... That's something to worry about in the future. A lot of the times it's best to stay in the present, and let things come when they come. Though I would rather be prepared if I can be." Nivril sighed as he expressed.

"I know… I know… so, you said you wanted to collect my… huh… Love nectar... Yeah, why not?… so, who's this?" Sasha pointed at the bored looking Ishmaya, flying above them, no panties.

"Oh, yeah… that's Ishmaya, she's my fairy assistant… Came with my inheritance." Nivril added to his lie even though in the context of that lie, what he said could be viewed as a technical truth.

"So, you just have a powerful working for you?" Sasha questioned.

"More like supervising me... You know in that, are you worthy of this inheritance? Type of way." Nivril clarified.

"Huh… That sounds annoying… but I guess that's the price of it… I hope it's at least worth it." Sasha expressed.

Moving on from that, Nivril started caressing her face with his hand slowly tracing it through, before pulling her in for an intense kiss, of which both parts partook in, a battle of tongues and saliva that made them immersed in each other's embrace, causing every second of it to send a static shiver of pleasure through their bodies as if a bolt of lightning had just hit them, a loving exchange of which they could never get enough of, nor could they just let go of each other's presence or taste, their enthralling sweet aroma overwhelming them and adding to their craving for the other, making it last until they had sucked all the breath they had.

They separated, their breath heavy and hot with a single line of saliva still connecting their tongues, almost begging them to continue but they couldn't; However, that didn't stop Nivril from moving his both hands to her, grabbing ahold of her tits through her clothes enjoying the bouncy smoothness of the medium sized elastic mammaries, indulging in their warm feel as he could feel her heartbeat increase with each movement he made, giving him a sense of pride in hearing her moans slowly become the dominant sound around.

Meanwhile, Sasha felt the buttons of her pleasure be pressed time and time again, like a never-ending combo of satisfaction, her breasts had become a controller in a game he had already mastered, leaving her to process each command with a moan expressing the success of his input. Her body heated up and her breath very slowly recovered but never enough as the incessant attacks gave her no space to truly rest, leaving her weak and trembly in pure ecstasy. A high that only got higher every time she almost hit the low.

(My, my… When did he get this good?… Oh right, he's an Essence Cultivator now, I should have known it would be this way, but experiencing firsthand and being told are two very different things… and I can say that at least my Hubby far surpasses what the rumors claim! *Aaahh* I could do this for days!… If only my body could handle something like that...

(I'll have to cultivate my body hard so I can keep up with his skills! Can't be a proper first Wife if I don't give him the most satisfaction! I'll make sure to become someone who will always be your first option, and the first one you think of whenever you get aroused! For now, however, I'll just enjoy the bliss you're offering me!) Sasha decided for herself as she was overwhelmed by the great pleasure she felt as her hungry husband attacked her.

[Sasha(First Wife Candidate) has gained 15 Interest in you.]

[Sasha(First Wife Candidate) has gained 20 Sexual Love for you]

[Sasha(First Wife Candidate) has gained 5 Submission to you]

[Sasha(First Wife Candidate) has gained 10 Sluttyness with you]

[Sasha(First Wife Candidate) has reached 100 Interest!]

(… I should do something to increase Exhibitionism as well…) Nivril thought to himself.

From the side Ishmaya was watching, finally interested in what was going on between the two as she flew around to get as many angles as she could, like some sort of cameramen, trying to find the perfect spot to watch from as she enjoyed the view with drizzles of wetness building up, to her frustration as she wanted but could not masturbate as per Nivril's punishment, something he didn't take all that serious but the victims did. Even still, she watched while biting her lower lip.

Lifting Sasha up from his lap, Nivril got up and walked all the way to the glass wall of the apartment acting as a wall and showing the view of most of the city from that height. However, that was a shaded mirrored glass that only allowed the inside to see outside… well, at least that was normally the case, but at night once the lights were on, people from the outside could peer into the inside being able to see everything, well if they were high enough to look into the 20th floor or have binoculars or a telescope.

Whatever the case, whether people could or not see into the apartment didn't really matter, what mattered was that it felt like they could for Sasha. After all, even when it doesn't make sense, most people worry about this kind of thing.

Turning her around before pressing her face against the glass wall, Nivril let go of one of her legs, letting her step on the floor, pulling her pants down and then moved her underwear out of the way, revealing her bare shaved pussy, making Sasha blush heavily despite the fact there was really no one watching. Not stopping there, he began exploring her thick thighs slowly running through their inner side and getting closer to the forbidden area, and to his surprise her legs slightly spread, inviting him in deeper; His heart pumping in anticipation.

At that time, he moved his hand there, his fingertips meeting her wet, flowery, lower lips full of warmth as drips of her nectar fell onto his hand, he felt her squirm under him as the forbidden garden's gate opened in pulsing, calling for him his entrance and so he obliged.

Tight, warm, and wet, her insides pulling his finger in as if prohibiting him from ever leaving and urging him to go even deeper, however, Nivril had plans of his own, moving around to explore and familiarize himself with his first home, one his little brother will visit and sleep in multiple times in the future, do a proper tour was in session.

As his finger slithered around curving and pressing her, Sasha couldn't help but moan as she began to drip her juices onto the ground with each move making her sway a little more, changing her expression ever so slightly making Nivril smile as he read her like a book, quickly understanding where to attack to get the best results; In a matter of seconds weakening her legs beyond her understanding to the point that if he wasn't holding one of them up, she would have fallen by now.

"It… *Hmm!* feels soooo…. *Hnnh!* Great!… *Aahh!* Hubby… don't stop!" Sasha cried in demand as she was now moving in sync with his finger movements and at the mercy of whims.

Her lower lips throbbed as he added another finger and got to work, pressing the right switch and shaking Sasha out of her core, as she stumbled in bliss releasing her tension and build-up as she bathed the floor in her love nectar, rubbing her soft pulpy huge ass against Nivril in during that motion.

[Sasha(First Wife Candidate) has gained 20 Interest in you.]

[Sasha(First Wife Candidate) has gained 25 Sexual Love for you]

[Sasha(First Wife Candidate) has gained 35 Submission to you]

[Sasha(First Wife Candidate) has gained 15 Sluttyness with you]

[Sasha(First Wife Candidate) has gained 30 Exhibitionism with you]

Moving in accordance, Nivril went from being behind her to being right in front of her, and as he kneed before her pussy, he went in to begin collecting her yin essence, by having his tongue dance around looking through every spot of her insides, slurping and drinking it all as he ate her out aggressively weakening her legs, but not being done yet, Nivril held onto her by the asscheeks, keeping her in place until he was done.

"*Hhhhmmm!*… We have to do this… *AGH!* more often.**Huff* *Huff* *Aaahh!* *Huff*" In between speaking, heavy breathing, and moaning. Sasha could only hold onto Nivril's head pushing further in as she felt her insides get rumbled. She let out another bout of her juices and he took the chance to get it all.

[You have collected 5 Yin energy from the Yin essence consumed.]

[Sasha(First Wife Candidate) has gained 30 Interest in you.]

[Sasha(First Wife Candidate) has gained 35 Sexual Love for you]

[Sasha(First Wife Candidate) has gained 45 Submission to you]

[Sasha(First Wife Candidate) has gained 40 Sluttyness with you]

[Sasha(First Wife Candidate) has gained 10 Exhibitionism with you]

[Sasha(First Wife Candidate) has reached 100 Sexual Love!]

[Sasha(First Wife Candidate) has reached 100 Submission!]

[A Quest has been completed.]

[Quest 13: The First Wife (Domination)]

[Description: In a harem, it is important that the ranks are established early on to avoid unnecessary conflict among the girls, and a big part of that is to have a good first wife who will keep her sisters in line for the Lust Ruler during his absence. So take the opportunity and make Sasha into one.

Objective- Conquer Sasha.


-Raise her submission to 100(Complete)

-Raise her interest to at least 90(Complete)

-Raise her Sexual Love to at least 60(Complete)

-Raise her Platonic Love to at least 90(complete)

-Raise her Romantic Love to at least 50(Complete)

-Raise her Sluttyness to at least 30(Complete)

-Raise her Exhibitionism to at least 30(Complete)

Failure conditions: Sasha loses interest, Sasha finds another partner, or Sasha dies.


-Harem Wife ring

-Blazing Demonic Scorpion Body Sutra(Yin Type)

-Sun Phoenix Bloodline(Yang Type)

-Sea Dragon King Quarterstaff

-Stone Monkey Body(Yin Type)

Punishment: Losing Sasha Forever, -10 Intrest The Handsome Monkey King, -10 Interest The Lust Ruler, -10 Interest The Scorpion Demoness, -10 Interest Tripitaka

Time Left: -]

[Quest 13: The First Wife (Domination) has been completed. The rewards can now be collected, would you like to have them now?]

[[Yes] Or [No]]

[As per part of the Quest, individual Sasha Metany Regor will be crowned with the title of First Wife. Would you like to proceed?]

[[Yes] Or [No]]

Nivril pressed [Yes] on both as he got up from the floor.

[From this day on, individual Sasha Metany Regor, will hence be known as Sasha Metany Regor Mortalis, First Wife of Lust Ruler candidate, Nivril Armondis Mortalis. As such she has been automatically registered in the system as the first official member of your harem.]

(I'm pretty sure she will still want legal marriage…) Nivril chuckled as a thought came to his mind.

Immediately after, a black and platinum ring with various mini purple diamonds, 6 small purple diamonds, 3 medium pink ones, and a big white one;

(Image Here!)

A black and white book with a purple glow;

(Image Here!)

A white pill with a red symbol on it;

(Image Here!)

A blue pole with a silver dragon with a crystal head molded to it;

(Image Here!)

And a grey-looking pill with cracks on it;

(Image Here!)

All appeared on the floor to Nivril's right.

(Okay… so that's all the rewards… though it's unfortunate that I didn't get enough Yin energy… I need 30… so I guess I'll have to collect some more.) Nivril was motivated to push through until he had enough.

Ahead it goes.

HaremHobocreators' thoughts