
Freedom From Thyself.

As Y/n and Wednesday walked through the quad making their way back to Ophelia hall y/n decided to speak outY/N: " ok then ill just say it upfront" he replied whilst he grabbed Wednesday's hand and pulled her towards him.there they stood with the soft glow of the moon outlining them, looking eye to eye, the darkness in Wednesday's only drew y/n in more as his green orbs caught Wednesdays attention.Y/N: " Wends, are we- is this back to normal? we're good now right? " he says staring at her noticing her struggle to give an answer.Wednesday: " I-I don't know... Y/n, i don't know if it can be normal not as long as we're here, there's something going on, all i know is we are ok now" she says looking down at the book they found in the nightshade library.Y/N: " but we're safe now right?" his eyes sparkled as if to tell Wednesday they were safe.Wednesday: " yes, we are safe for now" she stood right on her tippy-toes and gave him a kiss on the tip of his nose and continued walking whilst still holding his hand and that was all he needed to hear. however Y/n collapsed and took Wednesday down with him at first she was annoyed but seeing you unresponsive got her worried she rolled you off her and tried getting you to wakeWednesday: " Y/n!? hey? Y/n get up!" she shook his body which ended up making him convulse vigorously Wednesday let go of him and stood up just staring as her lover is convulsing on the ground,Y/n opens his eyes but he wasn't where he thought he was, he sat up and looked around it was silent but he seemed to be in a forest of sorts he jumped up to his feet,Y/N: " HELLOOO! " he shouts but for some reason his voice didn't echo, it was as if he was in a sound proof room he couldn't even hear the sound of the running waterfall that stood right in front of him. he walked over to the waterfall and looked at the water beneath so that he could get down and wash his face, however as he knelt down it wasn't him he saw in the reflection it was someone else.this man reached out as he jumped from the water and picked Y/n up by his neck then laughed maniacally Joseph Crackstone: " You, who believe you could flee, are naught but a child of darkness, unworthy and feeble. dear Hartley, Those cast aside like you cannot escape from the like's of me." he looks Y/n straight in his eyes and realizes something different but it didn't matter, all that matters is that he found him.Y/N: " w-what are y-you on a-bout. who a-are you" he manage to say as he was being strangled by the pilgrim dressed man,Crackstone: " Pray tell, what dost thou speak of? Thy words seem a tangled thread to mine ears." he says as he tries to make sense of Y/n had said but before he could Y/n built up the strength and broke free from the pilgrims gripY/N: " enough! that's the second time now that I've been strangled " he says holding his neck catching his breath but before anything else could happen he heard footsteps and a voice running up behind him???: My beloved Hartley, they have come upon us-!" she stopped mid sentence and saw Crackstone standing in front of him, before Y/n turned to see this person a thought crossed his mindY/N to himself: * who is this Hartley? wait... Hartley as in Hartley Grayson, am I...* before he finished his thought he slowly spun around and saw her. wait but its not her she looked like Wednesday but not.Y/N: " goody?" he says as something painfully sharp drives its way into his back he coughed out blood as he looked down and saw a sword or something alike poking out of his stomach Goody: " Hartley! By heavens' grace, what treacherous act have thou done?"Crackstone: "Thou and Hartley, outcasts with ungodly morals as you bear the gifts from thy devil thyself, evaded my grasp once. But the hour is upon us to quell your defiance. for I shall quench your rebellion."Y/n's vision faded as he bled out on the ground and laid there in a black void for what felt like ages until once again he found himself waking on his back, only this time he was surrounded by the likes of his family. they were normal, no signs of injuries. they all looked worried as if something was going to happen, something big.Y/N: " mamma? papa? what's wrong?" he says looking at every individual of his family that has passed. no answer was given but everyone shuffled out of the way and eventually someone from the back had made their way forward looking at this guy was scary and uncomfortable for Y/n.(Y/N 2nd pov)Your mind went into overdrive as you tried to figure out the person standing right in front of you. Confusion painted your face, clear for everyone to see. Without saying a word, this guy who could practically pass as your twin just walked up to you and pulled you into a warm, comforting hug.There was something about that embrace that felt like a missing piece clicking into place. It was like this person had been right there with you all your life, even though you couldn't quite put your finger on it. but seeing the way this man was dressed the realization dawned upon you, tears welled up in your eyes and flooded down your cheeks. It was an overwhelming release.???: " Fear not, young Y/n. for Everything is alright." his calm voice soothed you Y/N: " you must be great ancestor Hartley I keep hearing about" you wipe your tearsHartley: " Aye, I am. And thou, young one, art being pursued by a darkness, for which thou aren't ready for." he says now looking more serious,Y/N: " you mean crackstones followers? yeah I was warned before, what do I need to do to be ready ancestor Hartley?" you asked Hartley: " Thou must find freedom within thyself." he points to your chest then points up at your head(end of Y/N's pov)Y/N: " I don't get it, what do you me-" before he finished his sentence he was awake in a bed with Wednesday wiping the your forehead with a cool wet towelWednesday: " what don't you get?" she asked as she dropped the towel in the bucket, He looked at her confused Y/N: uhm I actually don't know" he said as he wiped his eye looking around the room confused Y/N: " how did I get hereWednesday: " I had to drag you back here myself" she exhaled before flopping on the bed besides youWednesday: " your lucky I love you, or I would've killed you for making me, any how what happened back there?" she kissed you and laid back down.