
Team of slaves infiltrating

Today is quite interesting. If you have been a long time listener, you would remember I founded my own team and there are mandatory missions each month and you can take missions any time you wish.

Now, I know I sound sentimental sometimes, but I am quite cold to people and make sure I milk them for as many benefits as possible. Wang Er, Gon Tu, Chun Jack and my parents are different, so I treat them different. But these "teammates" are different.

Their names are, How Kai for our sharpshooter, Jian Kang for our healer and Bang Shou for our supporter. I know Haw Kai is 100% a pun! But the other two are valid Chinese sounding names, but I have no idea if they are some Chinese puns I don't understand or just normal names. Anyone wanna pitch in and inform me?

These other 3 are all older than me, but I am leaps and bounds ahead of them in cultivation. Haw Kai is the only one at initial stage of rank 2 with 62% talent and the only rank 2 Gu he has are grip vine Gu and focus eyes Gu.

He is completely outclassed by my middle stage primeval essence, rank 2 attack and defense Gu worms. He can't even get past my iron skin Gu to do damage to me.

Jiang Kang Is pretty good at her job. She is a C grade talent with 44% primeval essence and is rank 1 upper stage. I could help cultivate her strength using my Liquor worms, but she might secretly refine the worm and I would have to kill her.

I still want to milk her Healing path powers to the fullest and get a lot of benefits. She isn't as good at healing as my mother, but they have around the same primeval essence, rank 2 initial 20% and rank 1 upper stage with 44%.

she reaches peak stage and she is as good as my mum at that point. Sadly, her wound burning Gu can't hold even a candle to my mum's healing Gu.

The wound burning Gu is a fast type healing Gu and, while it has decent effects and fast recovery time, the aftermath is shit! It burns your wounds shut, so you might survive and see fast results, bit then you have a burn wound.

My mum can heal over time. It takes like 30 minutes minimum to fully complete the healing process, but it heals so thoroughly not even dark injuries will be left.

I wish mum's Gu could work as fast as this shit and keep its effectiveness. If that was so, I might consider cultivating this Jiang Kang into an A grade talent and a future companion.

Bang Shou is kinda strange. He is the weird/quiet kid you often see in classrooms. He doesn't talk much and is extremely bad at socializing. His personality, along with his talent, is shit!

He is rank 1 upper stage and is 29! He is literally the oldest and weakest person in our group! The best he can do is give up 2% of his 30% primeval essence to boost the cutting power of rank 1 light path Gus' by 50% and 5% to boost rank 2 Gus' power by 10%!

The fuck is 10% gonna do? His second Gu is bronze skin Gu. He was so poor before his moonlight Gu died!

This guy is basically worthless, but I need actual slaves to do the work for me and my brother, so these random idiots will do.

Our last missions were: capturing a ten Wolf patriarch alive and being it back, killing the entire hundred wolf king scouting army and cleaning the Caravan route of bandit monkeys.

Me and my brother did 90% of the work. How Kai helped out with the killing, but I firmly refused any amount of healing from Jiang Kang and the minimal support provided did basically nothing.

You might start to wander, why would I get such shitty teammates? Easy, they are just extra weight to pull around and they will be bullied by me into better people, so I can use them in the future!

I chose the most pathetic bunch as a way to better control them and make sure they are quiet and don't annoy me. They know their place and won't dare speak up if I treat them unfairly.

Eventually I will "kindly" suggest I sponsor them and "help" provide resources for their cultivation and secretly "help" them with a Liquor worm as well. I'll slip in a rank 1 enslavement Gu into their aperture and catch them while they are off-guard.

Then they're cultivation will skyrocket and How Kai will also want to join them, so he will also be enslaved by me!

I'll have a team of slaves willing to die for my sake! This is my end goal, as I like the idea of living and the world will lose nothing by me erasing these shitstains wills!

The missions we do are mostly the harder ones, as they pay more than any other. Our first mission's pay was 350 primeval stones and 400 and 300 respectively.

Our evaluation is sky high because of us brothers and these subhuman trash are jealous of my brother!

If I catch their expressions correctly, they are thinking stuff along the lines of "Such a lucky bastard!", "Why does a mortal like him have such strength?!", "Is that even a sword? It is just a bunch of iron he bashes beasts with!", "I would also be that strong if my brother was second hidden elder Kai!" and "It would be a shame if something were to suddenly cripple him!" whenever we split the earned money.

We split it based on how much someone contributed. I get around 35%, Chun jack gets 45%, How Kai gets 9%, Jiang Kang gets 6% and Bang Shou gets 5%. 15-50 primeval stones is good money, so no complaining about me not treating my future slaves well.

If you could guess by the maximum 30, we are doing a mission worth 600 primeval stones today!

A mission to scout out the territories near the Xiong clan has been issued and the reimbursement is 1000 primeval stones! They also pay extra to motivate new graduates, but that has been called off this year, for "unknown" reasons, of course.

As you might know, I want this war to happen. I also want to benefit from it as much as possible, so I will make sure I know what I am doing. That and the money are the main reasons I chose this mission.

The reason I was allowed to take this mission was my perfect score on all evaluations and the good excuse I had to go scouting. Chi Shan is a pussy, so I will go and challenge Xiong Li!

This excuse fits my personality perfectly and my fame as a mad berserker is more prevalent in Xiong clan, as they haven't seen how good I am at scheming, unlike our clan leader, who knows I am literally the perfect person for this mission!

This was all planed by me, of course. There is no way I am missing out on a free strength Gu! I was as strong as a bear a year or so ago. Now I have grown a lot more!

My Vital Gu has been upgraded to Physique Nourishing Gu, which is a lot more effective than the previous version. I don't need sleep or food!

My total Gu points have dropped down to 300, but My plans are about to come into fruition, so I am not worried about not having enough Gu points to buy the Fate Flipped Upside Down Gu or even the Living Weapon Gu!

My young body is capped at 4 human strength, just like Chun Jack's. I can keep training like hell, but that will only bring minimal results. The only thing I can do is wait for my body to grow Up and then continue training it.

Unlike my brother, I don't want to walk on the strength path or have any Dao marks of strength path on my body.

Physique Nourishing Gu and its other ranks are healing path Gus' and I am willing to accept such a Dao mark, as it only conflicts with stuff like zombie, metal, gold and etc Dao marks.

I don't want any of those marks on my body either, so I don't care about healing. The effect of this Gu is Nourishing your body and making sure it stays in top condition even without food and speed up metabolism in exchange for primeval essence.

The hidden effect caused by all of this is my body breaking through its natural limit. My body has the strength of 6 adult humans right now and, if my calculations are correct, it will reach 10 adult humans at the peak of my growth.

If I can get the rank 4 version, then I will have strength equal to 20 adult humans at my peak, all without needing to exercise my body to keep it in shape and without any excessive Dao marks on my body.

If this Gu isn't the most overpowered thing in existence, then I don't know what is! No need for sleep, food, potential infinite mental energy and strength equal to a strength path cultivator with the only Dao mark being left on your body belonging to the healing path!

I think I am getting a bit too excited here. The potential of fighting a professional strength path cultivator like Xiong Li has gotten me all fired up.

Today is the day my team sets off and the day the cold war between Gu Yue and Xiong clan begins!

Some guy said the Gu MC chose is crap, so go eat crap! This is the most OP Gu in existence! Perpetual Motion for the win!

Thanks for 200 collections you guys! It was a very pleasant thing to wake up to today after 3 exhausting test I had to take yesterday. Thanks for well wishes nayonayo, Weirdo and 232323232322323232

Thank you OrdealOfMc, Ein_Onerten, Eggcelent, Weirdo, Daoist629680 and 232323232322323232 for the reviews. If you haven't yet, review so I can have a rating!

Nike13Kcreators' thoughts