Yin Hao followed Little Roar down a road to a secluded alley near the road towards the Yin clan. Once he entered, he realised that three people were standing there. He recognised one of them, the holy son of the sage pavilion.
He didn't recognise the other two. They looked rather young, so they probably didn't know him. Could it be that Wu Lingyu was the one looking for him?
"What have you come to look for me?"
"We're here to tell you something. Yin Lan is still alive, but she's merely being held captive somewhere." Sima You Yue looked at Yin Hao. She observed his expression closely and saw that his expression revealed joy and surprise. Knowing that he was truly happy set some of her worries aside.
"Are you telling the truth?" Yin Hao looked at them as his joy passed and he regained his calm. He looked suspiciously at the three of them, "Why are you telling me this?"
"Because we need your help." Sima You Yue said.