
4th Unit

Walking down the hallway was young Nurse Yae Kiritani. Her dark blue hair was set in a ponytail held by a yellow ribbon, dressed in a white nurses' uniform, sporting a dark blue sweater.

Turning to her left she entered the infirmary, taking up a clipboard on her way in.

"Good afternoon, I hope you're doing well. I know with that helmet things are more complicated, but I'll do my best to help." Yae said softly.

She turned to her right to see the inmate laying on the bed, currently with an IV running from his arm. Nurse Yae was met with silence.

"Hello?" she said with concern and approached the god-eater. When she got no reaction to her movements, she put her head on their chest. Listening intently, Yae gave a sigh of relief when she could hear heartbeats. However, she immediately got off, when they suddenly jerked upward, scaring Yae.

"Sorry about that, without seeing your face, I couldn't tell if you were sleeping. How are you feeling?" Yae asked, recovering from her scare.

The inmate pointed at her clipboard. She nodded in understanding and handed it over with a pen. They jotted down only 2 words.

I'm Fine.

Yae nodded with a smile and checked the IV. The bag was less than half full.

"I have good news, we have our best engineer working on how to get off that helmet, so you won't be needing this IV drip for long ideally. Dr.Sakaki has also decided to let you out today, probably for a mission. A lot of veterans got transferred two years ago, and hey the more the merrier, even criminals." Yae said, give an honest smile. Rough but honest.

The felon wrote down more on the clipboard and flipped it for Yae to see.

What's the catch?

"I imagine, that you'll be watched closely by assigned god-eaters, I didn't ask, I just pass the news along. You will get to go outside the Den today. You already can't eat normally, so you can at least be active." Yae said, inspecting the IV needle in the inmate's arm.

"Hold still please." she asked, as she firmly grasped the needle. With a slow tug, she removed it from their arm while keeping a cloister of cotton against the opening. With a swipe of a disinfectant wipe, she bandaged it and disposed of the needle.

"Good job, I mostly have to hold the patient's arm down for that. If you'll follow me, I"ll take you to the reception area to meet Hibari." Yae said politely. The convict returned the clipboard and went to rummage for something under the bed.

They pulled out their buster blade and followed Yae. Yae upon exiting the door stood at the side to wait for the felon.

As the prisoner walked by, god-arc in hand, Yae tensed up. The convict immediately felt a monstrous grip on their arm and froze with a jolt.

"Please do not bring weapons inside our infirmary." Yae asked with a smile that could rob you of all of your hair. What was even more ominous was that there seemed to be sounds of bones cracking.

Where do they hire these kids!?

The inmate simply nodded, and after what felt like an eternity, Yae let him go when she felt they got the point.

"Let us go on." Yae said, with much less hostility. She proceeded on to the elevator. It took a moment for the convict's body to unstiffen and move.

Arriving in the reception area, Yae scanned for the Operator Vet topside but did not see Hibari. She motioned for the inmate to follow her downstairs, and on her right, she saw the redhead tapping away at her monitors.

"FE-03 you're cleared for extraction, over and out." Hibari said, letting out a breath. It took her a moment to notice Yae and the convict, which made her jump.

"Oh hello Nurse Yae, and uh...Inmate?" Hibari said, unsure of what to say to the stranger.

"Oh, that's right we don't know your name." Yae said.

"I'll feel bad if the only thing we can call him/her is an inmate." Hibari said with a guilty bow.

"Oh, I didn't bring my clipboard with me, and I have to get back to the black plague patients!" Yae said with a frown.

The inmate simply shrugged and looked off to the side. They seemed to be inspecting Hibari's monitors.

"It's okay, I'll figure the rest out. Get going Nurse Yae." Hibari said.

"Okay, farewell for now. " Yae replied with a bow to Hibari and the convict, before going on her way.

"Oh, and he is in fact male." Yae said, poking her out from the railing, and then left.

"Ok, to add to resolving the gender, here's what Dr.Sakaki has laid out for you. You can have a pick of missions or pick a team in advance to work with and accompany them on the first mission they get.

I would go for the 2nd one, since you're not a homestead god-eater it'd be more time-consuming to gather a team that would be willing to escort you on these missions and you don't know anyone here aside from Ciel and Nana." Hibari explained typing away on her keyboards.

The inmate tilted their head.

"The girls that found you and brought you here." Hibari explained.

Oh, maybe not them. Or at least that french maid in training. I'd kill for that sandwich right now.

"Also I'll try my best to stick with yes or no questions. That being said, Unit 4, 3, and the Blood Unit are readying to deploy. I wouldn't recommend Blood Unit, they face Psions the aragami you faced coming here. They're readily equipped to deal with them, if you do go with them, you'll likely see Psions in bigger numbers, but I would use this as an observation mission.

Blood Unit has one opening, Unit 4 has 2, and Unit 3 has 1. Pick your poison." Hibari said, with a wink.

I guess she doesn't think I killed it, better roll with it.

We should keep today simple, nothing too small, but keep it low-profile.

The inmate put up 4 fingers.

"Mission with Unit 4 it is...oh boy..." Hibari said with a hint of worry.

That didn't sound good...

"Unit 4 is just about finished with Mission Briefing, you'll have to hear the details from them. I'll give them a call to come up." Hibari said, pressing a button with a megaphone as its icon.

Unit 4 head to the reception area after Mission Briefing to escort...

"I'm so sorry, but it would help if I had a name or something to go by." Hibari pleaded after letting go of the button.

The inmate raised his armlet and when in the proper light it showed the number 1103.

"I guess it'll have to do..." Hibari said with a guilty sigh, pressing the button again.

Unit 4 head to the reception area after Mission Briefing to pickup Inmate 1103, they will be accompanying you on your mission.

"I've really got to start carrying pencil and paper more often. Oh! My name is Hibari Takeda, I'm the operator in charge. I take my job very seriously, so in the field or here I've got your back. Our chief engineer Licca will find a way to undo that helmet so we can finally talk." Hibari said. The sound of the elevator stopping reached their ears.

"That should be them." Hibari said happily.

3 pairs of footsteps could be heard coming down.

"Is this the inmate?" a male wearing a leather jacket asked grudgingly.

"Uh, hi, what you in for?" a pink-haired girl asked awkwardly.

"Isn't it rude to ask that? Is it rude?" Nana said as she appeared from the stairs.

"Uh, Nana, I didn't call for you." Hibari said surprised.

"Oh, Dr.Sakaki asked me to come along, I guess there might be a psion nearby, I wasn't paying attention." Nana said, with a shrug.

"Ok? You've met Nana, the other two are the Captain of the 4th unit Haruomi Takabe and Kanon." Hibari said.

Haruomi stepped up to the inmate, staring him down, they looked roughly the same height, but the inmate seemed taller. Aside from his leather jacket, he wore red pants with white shoes with leopard print inside.

"The names Haru, mostly to ladies, you, however, can call me captain. As a man on the inside I know your type, I bet you haven't seen a woman in decades. Well, I'll be watching you! I won't let you hurt so much as a hair on these fine ladies!" Haru declared.

...Is this for real?

The inmate looked to Hibari and she could only give a sweaty smile and an apologetic nod.

"Wow, and I thought Romeo was gallant..." Nana said unimpressed with Haruomi's vigor.

"I'm glad we got Captain Haru looking out for us. Thanks, Captain. My name is Kanon Daiba, I'm a medic! I specialize in field support...medicine, bandages, and stuff!" Kanon said with enough energy to practically light the room.

"We've met before, but I'm Nana Kozuki a member of the BLOOD Unit. My teams mostly on Psion duty, but we help out with other aragami too." Nana said happily.

"Alright inmate, get along, time to pay your debt to society." Haruomi commanded pointing up the stairs.

The inmate propped up his god arc, scaring Haruomi, but he simply proceeded to the elevator, followed by Nana.

"Uh...Why did he have his god-arc? Isn't that dangerous?" Haru asked.

"He had it when he came in here. It was fine." Hibari said, not looking away from her screen.

"Uh, Hibari that's a dangerous criminal!" Haruomi said, pointing to the inmate.

"Takes one to know one." Hibari said, with a hint of saracasm.

Haruomi was taken aback by this statement and nearly fell on his rear.

"How could you compare me to that guy? I'm nothing like him. Right Kanon?" Haruomi asked. He was met with silence.

"Kanon?" he said again.

"Captain, we have to hurry and get our god arcs!" Kanon called from the gate waving from up the stairs.

Haruomi in his frustration walked up in silence.

If there is ANY real justice, let that fool be eaten by a Zygote...