
"What are you?"

I turned around, and there he was. That dang Green thief being a sandwich and Doritos kidnapper and murderer! He was laying down on his side perfectly balanced on the bleachers chewing on my Original flavored Doritos getting his fingers dirty with my cheese. On the space in front of him, were the remains of the plastic sandwich bag my ham and cheese, had been in. I felt so angry I thought I'd explode. I could practically feel my cheeks set themselves on fire while my sweat was trying desperately to put the flames out. I felt my fist start shaking. I had to stop for about two seconds to wonder. Have I ever been this furiously shaken up? My answer was of course not.

"Your sandwich making skills are pretty good." He said. "Who'd have thought?"

I found myself leaping to my feet ready to swing at the guy. However, my legs decided that now was the time to give out. I hadn't payed enough attention to how long I'd been sitting down and at some point during my musing, I'd tucked my feet under me. How did I not realize my legs were going numb?

I started falling. I had the faintest thought that flying wouldn't be so bad if it meant landing softly. Then I made a terrifying discovery. Something else I'd forgotten.... I, in my genius, had not chosen the bottom bench to sit today. Oh no I, with all my brain cells just pleading to be used, had picked the bench fourth from the top. In other more me-like words, I had a long way to fall.

I closed my eyes and hoped gravity was kind. I felt the air passing between my fingers and my hair. It took me about fifty seconds to figure out that I was not in fact falling. Sure I seemed to be in the air but no wind nor bumping could be felt. Had I landed so hard I was now waking up from another coma in the hospital? I was only slightly afraid of opening my eyes. When I did slit one open, I could see the sky. I turned my head to see that Green was still chewing away at my lunch, still laying on the bench on his side. The only new thing I could see was the glowing coming from his extended hand. It was so bright I thought, yup, I died and now I'm looking at the light of heaven. Its a lot greener then I thought it would be. Who knew heaven was in the palm of someone, well not just someone, but some thieves hand?

"Hey, are you done falling? I kinda wanted to see if you had more cheese chips." He said. "They taste even better then your sandwich."

How I kept my cool. I will never know. Maybe it was the Ninth Wonder of the World known as Ink Ivory's​ Patience. I doubted it but it could be possible. I had to think that way. I glared hard at Green. Then I noticed all the empty space below me. I was in the air.




I twisted slightly to look down and spun fast in a one-eighty that had me gagging. I liked to think I was a very brave person, but every brave person will always have one crack in his or her armor. Mine happened to be heights. I was floating above the ground. Above all the dangerous hard metal. In a panic I started kicking my legs and shrieking.

I closed my eyes tight and potato bugged it into a little ball (Kicking my feet was getting me know where) then tried to stay still while I anti-gravitied it above the ground. One blink later and I was laying beside Green one bench below. The dang jerk was laughing very hard. I was shaking and hugging the bench so tight I wanted to cry in frustration.

Greens laughter stopped abruptly. "Hey your not actually hurt are ya? Cus that would suck."

My teeth were clattering against each other and despite being scared senseless. I wanted to smack the goblin again.

"N-N-No thanks to-o you, y-you e-evil jerk!" I stammered.

This had him rolling. What was he? Eight? Seven? Had to be five.

I closed my eyes leaned my head against the cool metal and counted to ten trying to calm my breathing and stop my shaking body. At about five I felt alright and by ten I was ready to swing at the cow turd. I shot up (carefully) and grabbed the donkey by his shirt collar. I yanked his face close and in my most sinister voice I hissed at him.

"Don't do that to me ever again! Whatever that was, don't you dare do it again!"

"Excuse me love, but I did just save your ass back there. A thank you is in order but I can tell your scared so no need. Let's just say you owe me and call it good. Oh and on an unrelated note do you have more of these chips?" He brought it up and squeezed the bag making it ripple.

That's it, I thought, your dead thief! My jaw clenched and I swung, his face in my fists direction. I was stopped by some strong force. Oh god! What is he! I let go of his shirt and just barely stopped myself from backing away from him. I was a little freaked out sure but I would not let myself be intimidated by some...Thing. Some thug!

"What are you?"

Green started laughing so hard I thought he'd blow a cell. I did not want to clean that mess up.

"What are you finding so funny? Is it normal nature for you to terrorize young women and steal food you should be paying for?" I yelled at him.

"Inly. Inky. Inky. I do so love your charm. Your like a declawed cat with a tigers charisma. How did a creature like you go unnoticed by anyone for so long?"

"I don't give a pigs blue ribboned behind, during a fair, on the fourth of July!"


"Your a jerk! You need to learn some manners!"

Green smiled darkly at me. "Well whose gonna make me Inky?"

I could sense he was baiting a trap, though why and what for I didn't know. "Well your mama should've when you were born! And stop calling me Inky! That's not my freakin name!" I turned away from him and stomping my foot once (It felt slightly childish) I stormed off as gracefully as you can going down metal stairs. It was on the third step down that I found myself once again floating in air. I tried not to scream. I was turned slowly around and came face to face with Green. He had another cheeky smile on his annoying face.

Clenching my teeth I said, "Put me down now!"

To my horror I was lifted up higher. I wanted to claw at the trees to keep me on the ground. Once I was at the height he wanted, he came rising up standing next to me arms crossed and grinning wickedly.

He said, "Humans are such strange fragile creatures aren't they? It's funny how one second you could be walking merrily along the sidewalk when, Splat, a part of the building your under collapses and you are no more. Or one thoughtless small paper cut left unattended gets infected, and your next stop is the hole dug by a grave digger."

This guy thinks he could threaten me? I wasn't going to have that. He may hold my life in his very hands, but that did not mean he could control me! I gave him my best death glare.

"Just because I'm human does not mean I am fragile. We Humans are just as strong as you. Maybe even stronger!"

"Humans? Stronger? Ha! I'd like to see that. No human is stronger or smarter, or for that matter, smell as good as my kind." He said.

At that we sunk down to the ground. Instead of landing on my feet, I found myself flipped upside down and held up off the ground by my ankle like a pinata ready for the kids at a birthday party to beat me for candy. Was this guy serious? This was not a nice way to meet someone again!

"What is your deal? Let me down!" I started kicking my legs not caring where they hit. When it didn't work I decided to try a different approach. I took a deep breath in. "Maybe we started off on the wrong foot." I stuck my hand out to shake his. "My name is Ink Ivory, what is yours?"

He looked at me strangely. He stared at my outstretched hand. I waved it in his face. Did he not know how to shake a hand?

"Your supposed to take my hand and shake it in greeting. It's like a hello from strangers." I said.

He looked amused and placed his hand in mine. We shook. The skin contact was odd. His skin was soft and very...Human. it was hard to tell from this small act that he was anything more then any other person my age.

"How long does this shaking go on for?" He asked.

I quickly let go of his hand. I ignored that he didn't introduce himself. Maybe if I didn't ask questions he'd be generous?

"Not long usually. It's nice to meet you. Do you think you could. I don't know, put me back on my feet now?" I asked sweetly.

He chuckled, "You are very fiesty. I think I like you, maybe I'll keep you. It's probably better then what He has in store for you when we return, that's for sure."

I felt completely dumbfounded. He who? "He who?" I asked.

"Your my bounty. My client, He sent me here to get you." He replied.

Bounty? Client? This guy was getting payed to kidnap a eighteen your old girl? An innocent eighteen year old with a home and a family she didn't want to leave? I think not buster! I thought. So much for becoming friends! I began aiming my foot at his family jewels. He swiftly stepped away leaving me floating upside down. This guy definitely had a thing for torturing me in the air.

"I'm getting payed a handsome salary in gold, so you my dear, you are not going anywhere but with me." He said.

This was not how I saw my day going.

"I don't give a fruit cake who your client is or how much your getting payed. I am going no where with you!"

Green flicked his wrist and brought my face close to his, "On the contrary my dear. You most certainly are. Even if I have to knock you out and drag you by your hair behind me."

I heard a small ringing in my ears but ignored it when I used the opportunity to punch him in the face. Hard. My father would be proud. I had momentarily panicked​ when I realized he could've dropped me on my head, but as he covered the blood that came dripping out of his nose I thought it just might've been worth it.

"Part of that was for stealing my first kiss you thief!" I snapped.

Where was all this anger coming from? Generally I'm a nice person even if someone teases me. These weird bursting feelings of anger were completely new. Yet not completely irrational.

His hand did the weird glow thing. It was so bright I had to look away and cover my eyes. After it dimmed down and I could uncover them, my eyes landed on him again, he looked back at me, face bloodless. His nose was straight and flawless. "I stole your first kiss?"