
Injustice: The Path To Hell (DC Comics)

The world is a dangerous place. Men and women with power that leaves the world and all the insignificant lives upon it at their mercy. Many choose to exercise that power for selfish means, but a small group, a fraction of them; chose to use their power to defend the weak. They are the heroes of this world, the ones who risk their lives and sacrifice everything they are just to protect those that cannot protect themselves from the villains who would take everything from them. Yet even these heroes, are flawed. They are not perfect despite their image of such. They are not all-powerful despite their actions speaking to the contrary. They make mistakes, allow emotion to cloud their judgement, and allow pride to stay their hand. Villains are not born, they are made and often, they are made by the very heroes who fight to defend this world. These villains, in turn, make the heroes who fight them. A constant cycle that seems to have no end in sight, but ultimately, there is always something that changes. The world is never predictable, never simple, and always changes. Outliers and anomalies have come about many a time in the course of this cycle, but from this cycle, one rises that was different to the rest. He breaks the cycle and wades through the world of heroes and villains, forged by his actions and the actions of those around him. His goals are simple, and the steps he takes to reach them are long and arduous. Each one is a struggle, but one that brings him ever closer to the end. However, often, the road to hell is paved with good intentions and as his journey progresses, the world suffers the consequences.

Carrots123 · 漫画同人
131 Chs

Killer Frost (R-18)

Thursday 30th April 2009, 23:30.

New Jersey,

Gotham City,

Iceberg Lounge.

Pushing open the door, Esau looked inside the expensive room provided to him by the Penguin, cautiously stepping inside as the door closed behind him. Then he began looking around the room in earnest, checking the room for cameras and finding a number of them, crushing them in his hand and chucking them to one side.

After that, Esau began to get undressed, collapsing on the bed to get some sleep before tomorrow.

Except, he couldn't, his mind too active to let him fall asleep.

Interlocking his fingers behind his head, the blonde stared up at the ceiling deep in thought as he went over everything that had happened.

After the death of what Esau came to know was the Russian mercenary, KGBeast, Waller had explained the mission. 'She really wasn't kidding when she said that we were expendable.'

Breaking into Arkham Asylum was something no one wanted to do.

It was well-known to everyone in Gotham, that those working at Arkham Asylum were sometimes, just as bad as those they were treating. The asylum was also guarded by a security that was the equivalent of a small private army that seemingly existed with the sole purpose of keeping people out, rather than keeping people in. Despite their job on paper to act as guards that keep people locked inside, they were far too corrupt and let criminals escape as and when they choose.

The plan they had would make breaking into Arkham pretty simple, but not getting caught inside would be very difficult. Even more so when they try to find Riddler's cane of all things within the Asylum, so Esau didn't really fancy his odds on that.

Against common thugs, Esau was more than confident and capable to deal with large groups of them on his own. Why wouldn't he? They had next to no training and often got in each other's way in fights making it easy for him to take them out. But as corrupt as those security guards working at Gotham were, they were also well-trained and had received even more training to put down superhuman individuals.

Above all else, if anyone snuck into Arkham and were found, a large number of GCPD officers would appear cutting off any escape by sea and covering the entire bridge – the only way to get on the island, not by boat – with enough police cars that it would appear to be a sea of white and blue.

Not to mention Batman would be in Arkham and would tear through everything in his way to ensure that everyone remained in their cells.

Esau had done a bit of gambling in his time growing up, but even he didn't like their odds right now.

Especially not with their team.

It consisted of George Harkness, aka Captain Boomerang, one of Flash's enemies whose personality made him a very difficult man to get along with. Especially with the de facto leader of the ground, Floyd Lawton, aka Deadshot and seeing his first, real threat was certainly a shock. While Black Mask had been his target, Deadshot had been the biggest obstacle between him and said target. In reality, while he had killed Black Mask, he hadn't actually beaten Deadshot, though he imagined with his new powers a fight might have a different outcome altogether.

In fact, out of all the people here, he was one of the two people Esau would actually be willing to work with. Sure, they had a fight and Deadshot was trying his hardest – well maybe not hardest, Esau would admit that much at least – it hadn't been personal and was just business.

Then there was King Shark, he was quite obviously the muscle of the group and wasn't much of a talker. He also wasn't very smart.

Esau didn't like him because he reminded Esau far too much of Killer Croc.

Next was Harley Quinn, another person Esau didn't like.

Not only was she a known colleague of the Joker – despite how she claims she's no longer with him – she was still responsible for hundreds of deaths. He would have killed her as soon as he figured out who she was, but the bomb in his neck stopped him from doing so.

After that were the final two members of their team.

Eric Needham, aka Black Spider.

He was a vigilante like himself and Esau could respect that, even if the guy was a little too stuck up and self-entitled. He was certainly the lone wolf type and Esau would have been fine with that because so was he, but Esau knew that right now, being a lone wolf would only get them killed.

Finally, there was Crystal Frost, aka Killer Frost, her powers would certainly make her an asset and probably the most dangerous out of them all. 'Plus, she's hot.' His teenage mind whispered and Esau shook his head with a light blush forming on his cheeks.

Hearing a knock on his door, Esau sat up and looked at the door curiously. "Oi, Esau." The voice of Crystal sounded on the other end as she knocked on the door once more. "Open up." Not knowing what else to do, Esau walked up to the door wearing nothing but a pair of pants and opened the door to Crystal standing there in her outfit with a smile on her face.

"What'd you want?" Esau asked gruffly, making sure to keep his eyes on her face and not elsewhere.

Her smile strained at his greeting, but her eyes flickered down over his body and it came back in full force.

"I just came to talk." She said, stepping into Esau's room before he could say anything. Esau himself couldn't even if he wanted to as he froze in shock as she brushed herself up against him, considering there was plenty of room for her to get by without doing so, it left Esau a little unsure and flat-footed.

However, he quickly recovered and shut the door. "Come in then." Turning around Esau watched as she lifted up his mask in curiosity.

"So, you're Black Hood?" She questioned, putting the hood with the face mask sewn back on the drawer and running her fingers over his full-body suit.

"What's it to you?" He asked, leaning against the wall as Frost spared him a smile over her shoulder. "I stick to Gotham; you don't even go there. Doubt we'll run into each other in a long while."

"Oh, so that means you don't have plans to stick to just; Gotham?" Esau remained silent which was all the answer she needed. "Anyway, I'm just interested. Vigilantes like you are pretty rare, especially ones that are so popular. Black Spider has been a vigilante for far longer than you have and he's nowhere near as popular. I think it kind of pisses him off."

The way she said the last part jokingly made Esau's lips twitch up into a small smile.

"But the thing that catches my attention is how young you are?" Turning to fully face Esau she leaned against the desk and leaned back against it in a way that brought attention to every inch of her partially covered body. "I mean, you can't be older than what...nineteen?"

"Sixteen." Esau corrected earning a small whistle.

"Jeez, younger than I thought."

"Only by a few years."

Smiling at the little byplay they had, Crystal pushed off the counter and walked towards Esau in such a way that her hips swung a little more than they needed to. It brought a smile to her face when she noticed him struggling to keep his eyes on hers and not on her body, she knew she had a good body and it was a boost to her confidence that Black Hood of all people was aware of it.

"Even so, you're younger than most would think. Especially considering what you do."

Esau crossed his arms over his chest. "Robin's younger."

"Hmm, I'm sure." Frost dismissed coming to a stop in front of Esau and realised that without her heels on – she had removed them when studying his uniform – she was quite a bit smaller than him. "Doesn't change the fact that you are incredibly young."

"I doubt you're any older." Smirking, Frost reached out with cold fingers and ran her right index finger up a particularly long scar along his bicep, the muscle twitching under her cold touch.

"True." She concurred, her eyes running over the hard plains of his lean and muscular torso while using her free hand to trace some more scars. "I'm just surprised is all." Her fingers reached his shoulders and began tracking down his chest, marvelling at how warm his body felt, abnormally so. "Tell me something." Reaching his abdominals, she felt them twitch and tense under her fingertips in a way that she appreciated greatly and then looked up into his eyes with a devious smile on her face. "Are you a virgin?"

The random question caught Esau off guard and his face burned in embarrassment. "W-what?"

Laughing, Crystal moved away making sure to put extra away into his hips. "I'll take that as a yes." Sitting on his bed, she sensually crossed one leg over the other in a slow manner. "I'm honestly surprised, you're a really good-looking guy so I'm shocked you are. So that leaves only one answer, there's someone else."

Esau remained silent for a few moments, his face still red with embarrassment, but he was instead focusing on her words. "I'm not a virgin." He denied it, trying to change the subject after she got a little close for comfort.

"Oh please, your face says it all." Frost waved her hand dismissively. "It's alright if you are, I mean I was a virgin up until I was seventeen and that's because my dad was an asshole. So, you've got nothing to be ashamed of." She then looked at Esau closer, studying the change in his mood as well as the frown on his face.

She knew what that meant.

"So, it is a girl." He tensed and it gave Frost extra credence to her thoughts. "That's a shame, though by the way you're acting I'm guessing she either doesn't know about how you feel or does and either ignored them or rejected you." Again, the silence was her answer. "Okay, not giving me much to work with so I'm going for the former 'cos that's usually the case from my experience."

Going quiet, Crystal began to mull over her thoughts as she tried to figure out more about Esau.

Despite the calm and nonchalant exterior, he presented in the room that detained them earlier, he was still an emotional teenager who by his reactions to her, didn't have much experience with girls. It was quite obvious to her that this girl he liked either knew about what Esau did or didn't approve of it. Whether that was because he killed people or because he risked his life or both, she didn't know. Or she didn't approve of Black Hood while unknowing that it was Esau.

Either way, it left Esau a little vulnerable.

Feeling her smile grow, Crystal stood to her feet once more attracting his attention. "So, Esau, aren't you going to ask why I'm here?"

Esau stared at her blankly. "I did and we're doing exactly what you came here to do; talking." He replied dryly causing Frost to sign in mock disappointment.

"Come on now, I mean ask me what I really came here for." He raised one eyebrow and then released a sigh of his own.

"Okay. Why did you come here, Frost?" He asked.

"That's simple really." With a smile on her face, Crystal reached for the clasp on the back of her neck and pulled it apart, then the other ends around her leotard started to come loose and with a coy smile, let both ends drop from her hands, her leotard falling from her body with it.

The wide-eyed look on Esau's face threatened to cause her face to split with how big her smile was.

Stepping out of her leotard which also removed her mid-thigh high stockings and boots, Frost stalked towards Esau once more who was frozen in shock. "Does this answer your question?"

Unable to answer due to the sight before him, Esau remained rooted to the spot as Frost took his hands and uncrossed them. Interlinking her fingers with his she led his hands around until they rested on her derrière and then ran her fingers up his arms while pressing her breasts against his chest.

A shiver ran down both their spines at the skin-on-skin contact, Esau due to how cold her skin was and Crystal due to how warm he was.

"Just relax, Esau ." She whispered into his ear, admittedly using her powers to release a colder-than-normal breath that washed down his spine electing even more shivers. "It'll be fun." One hand moved up to rest on his shoulder while the other moved to his cheek, one nail dragging along it.

This it seems, snapped Esau out of his state of confusion and he pushed Frost away.

"What are you doing?!" He snarled and while frowning at the rejection, Frost didn't let any of her annoyance show. "I'm not going to have sex with you!"

"And why not, hmm?" Frost asked, crossing her arms underneath her chest causing them to draw more attention. "You're a hot guy who happens to be a virgin I'm a hot girl who happens to not have had sex in a long while. This is just a way for us to blow off some steam."

Esau opened his mouth to speak, but Frost had already closed the gap between them and placed one finger upon his lips.

"Face facts Esau, if this girl you like doesn't like what you do now, then what makes you think that'll change? You're entering a world where death is a very real possibility, you really wanna die a virgin?" She listed off her questions and Esau remained silent. "You can't keep pinning over a girl who is obviously not interested in you. I, on the other hand, am interested in you."

Again, she lifted one hand and dragged her finger across his cheek.

This time he didn't push her away.

"You really going to spend your whole life chasing after a girl who is probably out right now on a date or getting fucked by some other guy."

"She wouldn't!" Esau angrily replied as he glared at Frost.

"You sure about that?" Frost quickly responded. "How sure are you that she isn't? You think because you know her and like her that she won't go out with other guys. Maybe you're right, maybe right now she isn't on a date with another guy. But what's to stop her tomorrow, or the day after that, or the day..."

"You've made your point." He cut her off as he felt his stomach twist in sadness at the thought of Barbara with someone else.

"I know," Frost said. "That's why I'm asking you to just, let go for a little while. Who's going to know about this besides me and you? I won't be able to tell this girl of yours because I don't even know who she is and you won't either. So, let's just have a little fun and stop worrying about what other people might think. Who knows, you might even like it?" She whispered suggestively with a seductive smile on her face. "Or are you that afraid of a villain like little old me?"

Rubbing her knee up the side of Esau's leg, Frost pulled his head down and pressed her lips against his.

It was a brief meeting of lips and she slowly pulled away, nibbling on his bottom lip as she did so.

"See, that wasn't too bad." Taking his hand, Frost walked towards the bed, pulling Esau with her and then pushed him onto it. "You don't really need to do much; I'll take the lead." Sensually, Crystal crawled up his body and straddled his stomach, leaning down so that their lips were inches apart. "Or, you could surprise me."

Seeing that Esau wasn't answering, she just kissed him once more while one of her hands moved down to play with the hem of his boxers.

"Come on, Black Hood." She whispered against his lips. "Surprise me."

Esau grunted when her cold digits wrapped around the length of his manhood. A sound that only made Frost laugh lightly, more than pleased to hear the sound she had elected.

"Mmm, you're bigger than I expected." She murmured, kissing him once more as she reached down with both hands to pull down his pants. While he had yet to do more than hesitantly reciprocate her kisses, he didn't stop her which was all Frost needed to know that she could continue.

Pushing up on her knees, she let his fully-erect cock flop onto his stomach and then with a smile, dropped her lower lips onto it. At the same time, she leaned back, bracing her hands on his lap, gently moving back and forth. The feelings it elected made Crystal let out a slight moan and she smiled when she saw the way he tried to keep his own noises of pleasure hidden behind a steely exterior.

However, the way his chest was rising a little quicker, she knew that she was having an effect.

Eventually, after a few more moments in which she continued to rub herself against him, Esau started to move. He no longer felt the need to keep his noises of pleasure hidden and instead let out grunts and groans of pleasure at the feeling of her lower lips massaging his manhood.

Soon after, his hands started to move, no longer remaining rigid by his side and instead moving to stroke up the side of her thighs and then to her ass.

"See, now you're getting it." Frost breathlessly said.

Taking his hands in hers, she brought them to her chest and left them on her breasts. While unsure what to do at first, Esau just did what he felt he should and just began to squeeze them.

Frost let out a small moan as Esau began to grope her breasts. He was inexperienced and just squeezing them, but he was getting better.

Bringing her movements to a stop, Frost leaned down, pulling Esau up to her into a sitting position and kissed him deeply. He returned the kiss though it was sloppy on the account of being inexperienced.

Pulling away, she then directed Esau's head down and without even needing to tell him, Esau latched his lips on her left nipple. Gasping at the warmth of his breath, Frost laughed and began to rub her hips against him once more.

Starting to gain some more confidence, Esau took one hand to her free breast while his other hand moves down to grip her ass. It proved to be a good handhold which Esau used to aid her with her movements.

A few more minutes later and Esau felt his end starting to come and by the way, Frost's hands tightened around his neck, she was too.

"Mmmmm." A low moan escaped from Frost's lips as her body was wracked with pleasure, Esau's own sounds muffled by his position in her breasts. "That was good, I'm surprised." She murmured appreciatively, loosening her grip on his head and allowing him to pull away.

Breathing heavily, Esau looked up to see Frost staring down at him with a smile on her face. A light blush was on her cheeks and she was breathing a little heavily, but by the look in her eyes, Esau had the feeling they weren't done just yet. Surprisingly, he was actually excited by this.

The guilt he felt at doing this with Killer Frost of all people had lessened as they had gotten further into it. Now, all he wanted was for things to continue.

Leaning forwards, Esau spun them around and with his hold on her hips, pressed his still-hard manhood against her pussy. "Well, well, well. Look who's decided to take some action." Just as Frost went to open her mouth to say something else, Esau kissed her. Smiling against his lips, Frost wrapped one leg around his waist while twisting her hips in a way that sent a rush of pleasure down both their spines.

"Do you always keep talking?" He asked.

"Only when someone's boring me." She shot back cheekily gaining a half-hearted glare from the blonde. "Why don't you stop being a pussy and fuck me." Reaching down, Esau gripped his cock and positioned himself at her wet lower lips and Frost only gave him a cocky smirk.

Slowly, Esau pushed forwards easing himself into her in order to let him grow used to the feeling of how she felt inside. Contrary to his belief, Crystal wasn't actually cold inside like her body was outside and in fact, she felt slightly hotter than the average person. Not as much as his own internal body temperature, but enough that it was noticeable.

As he pushed himself further and further into her wet cavern, Esau couldn't help but release a groan of pleasure at the feeling of her inner muscles massaging him.

A minute later and Frost could barely contain the moans escaping her mouth as Esau repeatedly thrust in and out of her. Each time he fully sheathed himself in her, his admittedly bigger-than-normal size hitting deeper than most of her previous partners had done so.

Even with his thrusts being basic, his size and the speed in which he was thrusting in and out of her were enough to make up for his amateurish movements. Her legs, wrapped around his waist tensed up helping to bring him deeper into her core while she gripped the sheets tightly.

Esau himself was struggling to hold off his impending orgasm as he thrust in and out of her. His hands rested beside her head as he moved his hips back and forth, her legs squeezing to bring him deeper into her.

But much like before, he couldn't hold off forever and Frost knew this. She could feel him twitching inside of her and she didn't fancy getting pregnant or simply running the risk of it. "Pull out, mmm." She moaned out as Esau who had steadily been learning what she did and didn't like through the course of their session. "When you're, mmm, close." Not able to say anything as he focused on the task at hand, Esau instead just nodded his head sharply while he picked up his speed.

The sudden increase in speed of Esau's thrusts had Frost unable to fully focus on anything. But there was a short moment of clarity within her mind as she gripped the bedsheets to the point of nearly ripping them. Here she was, Killer Frost being fucked by Gotham's newest and most infamous vigilante, Black Hood.

And she loved every second of it.

So, another chapter is done and with it, Esau loses his V-Card and to Killer Frost of all people. He is a little hesitant at the beginning on account of his feelings for Barbara, but then gets into it and his serum really starts to help him. Hope you all enjoyed and if you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know.

Carrots123creators' thoughts