
851 Upheaval

Compared to the scene at the Capital building where the trials were being held, the rest of the area was in chaos. The worst offenders had realized that the tides had turned, and the soldiers were no longer on their side. 

Meanwhile, the soldiers were releasing and protecting the witches, and making arrests of those that they knew should have been taken into custody ages ago. The area had reverted to the golden rule: The one with the guns makes the rules.

That was precisely what the locals were after, and while they weren't always the biggest fans of the soldiers, and would have happily kicked them all out of town, they were willing to take what they could get, and what they could get was a good old-fashioned public lynching.

While Wolfe was preparing to hear the first testimonies in the trial, across the city, doors were being kicked in, and corrupt businessmen dragged out into the streets.