
697 Festival Grounds

Wolfe walked over to the stall where the cat eared man was waiting for his grill to heat up, eager to ask him how he learned to do that.

"Good morning. I think you know what I'm going to ask." Wolfe commented with a smile as the vendor looked up at him.

"I do, and it's a great trick. You see, once we got used to using the mana crystals all the time, we realized that if you focus on energy, like when you burst out your stored energy, you can pass that feeling through a mana crystal, and use that energy to activate the spell without touching the inscription. 

It has to be a magic item, we're not Magi, but we can still use the crystals from over here. You'll likely see a bunch of vendors with bags or crystals on their necklace. That's for the mana and using our equipment. It's a huge time saver." The vendor explained.