
1101 Scouting

"Why don't we go to the airport, and take a helicopter to go scout the mountains? We can pick one nearby that is easily accessible, and then we can build our new castle there with everything that the Pentacle members need.

I will even make a portal straight from a blackened room to the Noxus House, so you can go to the Library and make copies of everything that you might want or need. 

That way if something happens to either location, the other has a backup of the majority of the repository." Wolfe suggested.

"Will there be a portal home so that we can go visit for holidays?" One of the human girls asked.

"Of course. Not in private areas for security reasons, but we will need a main portal hall for allies to come and go. 

Soon you all will be Saints, and you'll be able to open portals on your own, as long as the diagrams are in place, so it won't be any trouble. We might even be able to hire an artificer who can make us short range portal devices.