
Inheritance : The Progenitor of DxD

Living my life as a normal teenager was more troublesome than I could have ever thought .Not only did something terrible happened to me one year ago, but after that incident I had to live in a town that was filled with the smell of fallen angel, devils and church slaves. And above all of those things, I had to keep a low profile so that I could keep my life intact and my bloody diet. * I don't own High School DxD or Strike the Blood Same thing with the cover. The only thing that I own are my OC and the changes that I would make. * Also this is a fan fiction aka an AU world so for the love of the God, don't start yelling that in the original that didn't happened or that it went completely different : I know and I don't care. Love, Meatbun

MeatBunKun · 漫画同人
40 Chs

Chapter 35

I parted ways with Yukina and Koneko right about when we arrived at the school gates. Yukina and Koneko turned toward the middle school campus a short distance away while I went straight ahead to the high school building.

As I ran into the entrance, feeling as if the wrath of Ra had descended on me, I saw Abe waiting for me.

"Good morning, Kojou-kun. How come you are a little bit late? Did something happen between Yukina-chan and you? Maybe you two did that again?"

"For… no, Abe-chan, we didn't do that again. I got punched by Koneko for going into Yukina's room when Koneko was changing. Of course, neither one of them informed me in the morning that Koneko had slept at Yukina. So yeah, I believe you can guess what happened next."

Abe just let out a small giggle before she looked me straight into my eyes.

"Kojou-kun…are you free tonight?"

"I should be, why?"

"Well…d-do you w-want to go with me on a night date?!"

That…that was unexpected, even more, when Abe was the one to ask me out, and while it is true that I kind of failed being the perfect boyfriend for all three of them.

"How could I even reject your request, my lovely girlfriend?"

"Stop being so cringing! A simple yes would have been more than enough. Geez, sometimes I wonder what's wrong with that brain of yours?"

"Beat me if I know."

Reaching the top of the stairs, shooting the breeze in their usual fashion, me and Abe went into our classroom.

As soon as we entered our classroom, I got confused since usually most if not all of our classmates would have been inside the classroom. Though the classroom wasn't exactly empty since my other girlfriend and her queen were inside, alongside Rias and Akeno.

"Abe-chan, would you be a dear and explain to me why Sona, Tsubaki, Akeno, and Rias seem to wait for us to come and approach them ?"

"Wh-what? Why d-do you think I k-know something about why our classmates are away ?"

"Don't try to lie, you know that I can feel if you are lying. Plus you just told me that our classmates are away thanks to Sona and the other beautiful girls."

"Good morning, Kojou-kun. I was the one that made our classmate leave so that I could talk to you and since you are in a relationship with both of my friends, I've thought that it would be fair to have both of them here as well. I hope that my approach didn't make you mad."

I blinked at what Rias said. First things first, Rias Gremory, the girl that would rather eat needles is actually fearing that the way she approach me could make me mad? My God in heaven, something bad will happen.

Seeing how confused I was, Abe, Sona, and even Tsubaki giggle at my display, yet both Rias and Akeno looked at me as if I did something wrong.

"Sorry for spacing out like that Rias, but to be fair I didn't expect those words from you. As for the way you decide to approach me, as long as you don't drop out from the sky right in front of me, I would be more than happy to talk to you."

"Thanks, I guess…anyways, Kojou-kun, how much do you know about the peerage games?"

"Pretty much everything someone that doesn't play or plans to play knows."

"Then by any chance had you heard about the mercenary system?"

"Not really, though I can guess what's all about.Thought to feel free to explain it to me."

"Well, In case one of the participants has more than four empty slots in his or hers peerage, that said participant can ask for one person to join his or hers peerage as a temporary member at the cost of all of the free pieces and at the same time any monetary or better said any prize that grants the winner anything that isn't related to deals. For example, if I ask someone that isn't stronger than the enemy King to join my peerage temporarily, I would have to forfeit any prize other than who I would marry. So… when the time comes for me and my peerage to fight for our freedom would you please help us out?"

"I beg you Kojou-kun, help us.No one from our peerage wants to become slaves for that bastard."

To be completely honest I was dumbstruck by what Rias told me. While she and I can't be really be called friends, Rias is still my girlfriends' friend and even though I'm not forced or pressured to help her, my stupid hero complex, almost made me accept on the spot. Thankfully the conversations that I and my aunt had a few days ago made me. She told me how much attention did I gained since I've got myself into a relationship with Sona and how many people had their eyes on me due to my growing influence in the supernatural world. Not only did I was a progenitor, thank whoever decided to only inform the top people from all major factions about me, but at the same time, I also gained quite a lot of influence in the devil underworld for being the potential son-in-law of the Sitri house. Now if I help Rias with her marriage nightmare, I would undoubtedly gain another powerful supporter and that would only bring more unwanted attention to me. Yet again when did I ever care about those noisy people that would try to pry into my life just because they are curious?

"You know what, Rias-san? I'll help you, even if this decision would come to bite me in the ass in the future."

<Visit my patr3on for more chapters for this novel(at least six chapter ahead ) >

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I know,I know,I just went MIA suddently then come back and then I disspaered again. Well the truth is that I don't really know how to continue this novel any longer. I have a few chapter written ,but beside that I don't any idea how to progress the plot or how to make this ff enjoyable .Heck I think that I just made you guy read a complete waste of time.Anyways here are all the chapters written.

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