

Today was the day. The day where I would not only publicly reveal myself, but audition for Milky Spiral Seven.

Today is going to be quite the interesting day.


Subject A6Ø has been progressing quite nicely.

Physical description is that of a 5ft 2 girl with long black hair and pink eyes. She never stands at full height, very self conscious of her body and refuses to do anything that a man forces her to do.

Mental description, the subject is shy, immature and refuses to partake in any sexual activity. Extremely sensitive to the point that she cry's when people raise their voice.

Overall, the subject is somewhat of a failure but any men who have been put near her for an extended amount of time have developed obsessive amounts of lust towards her.

This is progress. Progress that cannot be discarded.

Our goal has been to see if we can create, a succubus. And we are making progress.

We only started last year after a generous donation of devil DNA. It was like God himself had given me this task.

Ah, we shall wash this world in sin so that those who survive can become the new Adams and Eve's!

"Sir! There's been a break out! The subject was extracted by a rogue scientist!" How annoying. But we no longer need her. We've made enough progress as is, there's no reason to keep her any longer.

"Send the assassins after her."


"Now, can you say the lines 'insufferable cur, such petty theatrics won't even move me from my chair.'" I can do that quite well. Let's go with, slight irritation and annoyance but also boredom.

"Insufferable cur, such petty theatrics won't even move me from my chair." The judges looked mildly impressed, but the most ecstatic, was serafall herself.

"So cool! I want him! I want Ze-tan as my Antagonist!" Quite easily excitable but that is Serafall Leviathan.

"I agree, he has the plotting look naturally and I'm happy to arrange a fair payment with a man such as yourself." This was one Rikiel phenex, second son of the phenex family and head of a large media company that runs Milky Spiral Seven.

"It's nice to meet you too Mr Phenex and I'm glad to be working with you." We shook hands, agreeing on a similar pay to the pay that serafall gets. Less of course as my character will play a pivotal role from what I've read of the script, but not as much as serafalls character.

The main character is named Milky, it is... extremely disappointing but not something that concerns me.

I didn't name the character.

"Now Ze-tan, it's time for your official introduction to the Pillars at the current pillar meeting." Current... as in ongoing?


"Sera-tan, don't forget."

"Sera-tan, are we late?" I was not impressed, being fashionably late to a first meeting never bodes well.

The only upside is that I'm fashionably dressed in a black formal suit.

"Let's just get going."



This won't be the greatest entrance, but what can you do?

"We're here~!" Jolly Satan Serafall pushed the massive double door open with ease. Now would be a good time, observe

Serafall leviathan

Lvl 1254

Hp: 250,000

Mp: 200,000

Str: 29,375

Dex: 18,981

Agi: 22,159

End: 27,042

Int: 28, 625

Luck: 6021

Charisma: 90

Impressive, higher Charisma than my own. Not only that, she could wipe the floor with Sebastian easily. However... I can't change how I act around her or that would raise suspicion. In short, I have to act normally.

"I, have arrived to the Pillars meeting~!" Serafall essentially danced her way forward, bouncing into the room where she was surrounded by the judging eyes of the pillars.

"Now now gentlemen. Its rude to stare at a lady." Serafall winked at me backing her up, this is surprisingly entertaining. It was always enjoyable to piss someone off, but this is even more fun.

"And who one earth are you to speak to me like that?! A mere servant!?" I have a feeling that I'll take a liking to politics.

"Seems I haven't introduced myself. My name is Zetian Asmodeus, current lord of the house of Asmodeus. Pleasure to meet you, Lord bael." Sebastian had seen it appropriate to make me memorise their faces. Currently, this was lord bael, son of Zekram, the original bael.

"This is quite the surprise Serafall. A welcome one considering the state of the pillars."

"I know! My brother Sarion told me after he was called to the Asmodeus residence for medical reasons!" Hushed whispers began to spread the room like a disease, stares of contempt directed straight at me.

Seems my father was quite the hated man. I wonder how many wives he stole?

"As was agreed, Zetian Asmodeus, lord of the house Asmodeus, will regain his family's status. Additionally, he will retake control of all his former territories as was owed." I felt a particularly intense stare, and glanced at it.

Zeoticus Gremory. He might just be my key to get to Nia. We made prolonged eye contact, awkward. But we will be speaking after this.

"Zetian Asmodeus. Do you know what your father did?" That old voice, his spiteful and irritated tone. If i had to guess, my father cucked him.

"I'm afraid I don't, lord Zekram." The bael progenitor narrowed his eyes at me.

"Oh come on Zekram! Just shut the fuck up! My satan, you lord over everyone but nobody cares. So cut the fucking generational hate, and get on with it!" Cold silence descended, few could believe the young Lords words.

"Do you have a death wish, Damon Andromalius?" The great Kings cold tone froze the other Lords in fear.

"You don't scare me, Fossil! I, am an ultimate class devil. Why in the fuck would I be scared of an old man long past his prime?" He's quite the bold one, outright fighting against Zekram.


"Make me, shitstain." The two glared at each other, auras flaring and visibly clashing against each other.

"Enough!" A third aura flared, one miles more powerful than the other two and effectively neutering any further conflict. "We did not come here for petty squabbles! We came, to discuss the status quo."

No one had the balls to refute Sirzechs statement.

Except the ringing of a phone.

"Hi So-tan! Hmm? A devil girl with black hair and pink eyes? Hey Ze-tan? Wanna go check it out?"

"Sure." That vaguely matches Sarions description, but a girl? I wonder if this is important or not.

Who knows.

"Really serafall, now of all times?" Satan lucifer was clearly frustrated, but, there was a clear excuse that I could see here.

"Not to be rude, lord lucifer, but if an unkown devil girl has appeared in kuoh, where your sister also resides, who's to say that both heiress' aren't in danger? While it could be inconsequential, it could very well also be life threatening."

"See, sirz-chan?" The sis-con could only sigh at his sister in mentality.

"Fine, go."


"So... what do we do now?" The red headed Satan's sister stared at the girl in confusion. All they knew was that she was some unkown devil with resemblance to Sona's brother.

"Now, we wait for my sister to get here." Said unkown devil was currently staring at them with fear and confusion.

The magic circle appearing didn't make it any better.

"Who's the guy?" Sona shook her head, clearly not knowing who it was either.

"So-tan! Your big sister is here, C'mon, give your big sis a kiss!" Rias stared at the man, confused at who he was.

"Ahem, its nice to meet you, I'm Zetian Asmodeus." The subject of testing turned to the man sharing her last name.

"A-asmodeus?" Zetian glanced at the girl, feeling immediate attraction.

"Hm. Did you try and influence my mind?" Activating life sense, he noticed how outrageously potent her life energy was.

As well as the person hiding in the corner.

Why... eh, why bother thinking.

Ouroboros shot out from a green magic circle, biting down into a man's throat like it was candy.

"It seems you were followed, are you by chance a spy?" I tugged the chain of Ouroboros, tearing the mans throat out and splattering my face with blood.

"No! I-i'm not a spy! I... they tested on me... I... I was made from devil DNA..." Someone... managed to artificially create a devil? Didn't... didn't even ajuka fail at that?

"Do you... know the devils who's DNA you're made of?"

"Asmodeus..." So... she's my... sister? Aunt?

"Then it's nice to meet you, sister." My relative looked up into my eyes, looking teary eyed.

"Sister? But I..." It's times like these where you fake it till you make it.

"No more crying. I'm here." Worldlessly, I pulled the girl into a hug, rubbing circles on her back.

"What's your name?" Choked sobs quickly quietened down so that I could hear her say...

"They never gave me one!" I put her chin on my shoulder.

"How about Annie? Annie Asmodeus?" My sister quickly pulled her head back and wiped the tears from her face before looking at me with greatful eyes.

"Thank you, thank you so much, big brother!"

(+80 Affection with Annie Asmodeus)

(+45 obedience with Annie Asmodeus)

(+15 affection with serafall for being a "good" brother)

Thats alot.

"Aw, such a touching meeting!" Serafall wished that she could have had such a meeting with her siblings.

"Regardless of how touching this reunion is, there is now a corpse in my student council room." Rias sighed and removed one of her arms from her bust, pointing it towards the corpse.

"I'll clean it up." A beam of crimson energy shot from the palm of her hand, obliterating the assassins corpse and leaving no trace, not even a drop of blood. Better control than was displayed in the anime, didn't destroy anything else.

"That solves that issue."

"Anna, I have a question. How would you like to go to school?" Anna looked at me in confusion, how little does she know?


"Somewhere you can learn new things and make friends."

"Apologies, Zetian, but how old is Anna?" I looked to the girl for her input.


"Alright, that's fine. I would advise however that you don't use your real last name when submitting her application."

"That makes sense. How does Anna Michaelis sound for a fake name?" Sona nodded her head.

"That is acceptable." Rias sighed, heavily aloud.

"I'm telling you Sona, you're too paranoid. There's no need for a fake name in a human school. Nobody here is aware of the supernatural." Serafall couldn't help but sigh, she knew Rias had pride... but to this degree of stupidity.

"Rias, the seventy-two demon pillars, aren't exactly unknown. A woman with the name of gremory, anyone with even a slight inkling to the supernatural already knows you're a devil." A nice and concise explanation.

"I... understand, lady Leviathan." Yknow, now that i think about it, I've got several questions.

"Sera-tan, what days do we work?" The hyperactive woman appeared in my face, bobbing up and down.

"We work Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays! Why?" I looked to sona who looked back in confusion.

"I'd like to apply for a teaching job on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in order to keep an eye on Anna. Make sure she's settling in well." The sitri heiress pushed her glasses upward.

"You would have to prove yourself a competent teacher who knows the curriculum." Oh, oh. This, is going to be fun.

"Tell me, who's ready for a two hour, in depth lesson on university level calculus?"

"Y'know, Ze-tan, I think Sirz-chan needs me!" Before she could escape, Ouroboros coiled around her and tightened.

"You're being taught too."

"Please... help."


That was quite fun to write.

Honestly, my favourite thing about Ouroboros is how simple of a nox Nictoris it is. It's just a never ending chain, but it's also one of the most useful nox nictoris.

Again, join the discord.