King Ezekiel once said, "The pleasure of destruction comes from one's own senses." It was quite literally the dumbest thing the navy had heard come out the mouth of their King. It was so simple and obvious that many found it hard to follow in Ezekiel's ruling without him showing off his power. Yet one rat man somehow, as though he had the luck of someone surviving the Infinity Plane, extracted a deeper meaning in those words and followed it.
If one were to extract pleasure from destruction, one must use all of their senses to appreciate the destruction in front of them. Through appreciation one can gain a sense of pleasure unlike the others. This was the belief the rat man took to heart, as he rose in the ranks of the navy and became a captain of a ship.
Through destruction he finds his pleasure, so when he got word of a new possible law that could allow him to experience pleasure....
Without hesitation the navy men fired upon the ship.
Sound. The stomping and scurrying sailors that ran across the wooden deck like rats who have been discovered by humans. The creaks in each step, the thud of fallen sailors as bullets from a rifle whizzed past, penetrating the hull of the ship and the deck. Yet overpowering the explosions from the mighty rifles of the navy men, it wasn't the labored breathing of some of the gunmen that were forced to do the action. It was instead the screams of the running sailors.
Taste. The rat man tasted the air, as the taste of gunpowder and fear swam through it. So sweet was the taste to him, more satisfying than a sugar cube or any piece of candy. So bitter was the defeat that fell upon these sailors, as some tasted their own blood.
Smell. The smell of blood that reigned the air soon after, encased everyone in a state of fear and shock. For the rat man however he felt as though his own nose had been blessed. His snout that breathed accuracy in it's sense of smell. He smelled the fear protruding the sailors and even the uneasiness from his own men.
Touch. To touch is to feel. If you can feel emotions, can one say that the soul itself is the one touching their emotions that reside in their mind; or even touch the emotions that explode out of a man. Ah yes, the rat man could very much feel the emotion that exploded out of him as he turned around to witness the sight that appeared before him. Euphoria!
Sight. As the firing stopped, the rat man turned around to look at his work of art. Like a conductor, he took a glance at his orchestra and looked back to see the audiences reactions. There was no claps. Only dreaded faces, bodies with holes in them, and crawling sailors. The crux of it all was the color, red blasted across the pale brown wood of the deck. Red spilling from the blue and white of the sailor's uniform. The very sight made the rat man tremble from pleasure.
"Men! Board the ship. Take anything of value. If you find the captain or any person of interests capture them. Everyone else can die," the rat man said as he basked in the greatness of his accomplishment.
Within the ship however, when the bullets stopped Samuel and Captain Garret left the infirmary to investigate. "Captain Garret, all those bullets we heard, do you think..." Samuel said, "I don't want to like make you think the worst or anything, but is your crew."
"Dead. Most likely."
"Huh, you don't seem very phased about it. Shouldn't you be more upset."
"Why would I? People die all the time."
They moved through the halls of the ship, the closer they got to the deck, the more Samuel's suspicions were proven true. The smell of blood was ever familiar to him.
"Captain, isn't this your crew. You're in charge of them, you rule over them. Do you have no feelings for your people?"
Captain Garret stopped in the middle of a hallway, which caused Samuel to stop as well. "Sam, you don't know a single thing about the world. Don't talk to me about being in charge of people when you've never been in charge of anyone in your life," he began jogging, Samuel struggled to keep up. "Now when we get to the deck."
Captain Garret stopped once again, they had already turned to a hallway leading into the deck, the hallway had many doors, most leading into cabins, however there was only a single door open. "Damn it," Captain Garret mumbled. "Sam, the deck is right ahead, I want you to find Jordan or Doctor Kim."
Samuel nodded his head, "Okay, I don't know where to look, but I'll try. What are you gonna do?"
"Handle a certain disobedient son." Captain Garret seemingly disappeared before Samuel, but he felt an odd warmness followed by a cold breeze coming from the place Garret had disappeared from.
"That sensation," he thought. "Was that the infinity they were talking about." He smiled, "I got to see it. I need to experience it again. The infinity, I need to get him to tell me how to grasp it." he reached out toward the deck, but something put his arm down. "But I told him I would try to find Jordan and the doctor... Wait." A chuckle came out of him, "I'm free aren't I? I don't need to listen to him." He ran toward the deck, the blinding lights of the morning sun blinded him at first, but once he was on the deck he was in awe at what he saw.
However, several moments before Garret had disappeared, at the room with it's door wide open, a young man resembling the captain came out. His face was flushed and he had a cold wet towel on his forehead that stuck to him. He wasn't as tall as Garret, in fact he was shorter than Samuel. In fact what truly made him seem small was the long spear he had in his hand. The head of the spear was longer than his own, and the handle went past his head when the tip of the spear touched the floor.
He waddled over to the deck, with anger written all over his face. That anger however quickly turned into sadness as he saw the dead men sprawled across the deck and the navy men stabbing any men who barely could even walk. The sight made him bare his teeth and walk further out onto the deck.
"Huh," a navy man said, "looks like the rats are finally coming out," he pointed his empty gun at the spear wielding boy, "don't come any closer, unless you want to get shot-"
"Huh," the navy man thought as he saw his headless body fall backwards, letting go of the gun. "That's rude. Your captain is a rat right? That's an insult to him. Isn't that right," the spear wielding boy flicked the man's head off the head of the spear. He spun it around and away from him to get as much blood off of it without any splatting on him. The surrounding navy men stopped their murder, as they all began pointing their guns at the spear wielding boy.
When he stopped spinning his spear, he pointed it toward the group of navy men. His breath was labored, but he put up a bravado of confidence and strength. He continued his words from before, "Isn't that right rat bastard."
The rat man still euphoric clapped an exact number of 3 times, "Bravo, you're correct my boy. I admire your skills, you've brought me down a man though. You should join me, I'm sure the navy would love to have a fine talent such as yourself as-"
"Shut up." The spear wielding boy coughed, "I'm going to kill you." The spear wielder changed his form, from a ramming spear form to a throwing form. "I'll kill them all in one throw," he thought as he began to throw the spear. However the moment before he could let go of the spear, Captain Garret appears grabbing his hand. A puff of smoke protruding his mouth.
Just as quickly he had appeared a fist came flying to the spear wielder, knocking him down on his butt. "Junior! You're sick! What bright idea did you have coming here? Take on a bunch of pirates," he stopped talking to look at the navy men who had boarded his ship then looked back at his son, "Just to take on a bunch of navy men and risk your life."
"Dad! They killed our crewmates. I can't just-"
"Yes you can! This is the navy we are talking about. Every single detail is being recorded as we speak." Garret's son quieted down, receding to himself as the pains in his head returned. Captain Garret turned toward the navy men and walked up to the rat man, he looked down at him, his eyes pierced through the rat man disrupting his pleasure.
"Well if it isn't ex-Captain Garret. So this is where you went after bailing on his majesty. Your head is worth a million melones and the fact that your son over there just took off the head of one of men. I bet he'll get a bounty sooner or later."
"So? If you want my head then take it, but please, do not kill any more of my men. You can take everything else, just leave my crew alone."
The rat man looked at him confused, but he laughed after a brief moment. "Oh ho ho ho, the great Garret saying please, having a son really softened you up huh, my captain." The rat man put his hand on Garret's shoulder, looking him in the eye before getting scared to death by the glare Garret threw back. He removed his hand quickly, and cleared his throat.
"Ahem, we truly came here to receive a device that was reportedly spotted with one of your men."
"Truly," Garret mumbled.
"Yes truly, a device that can detect phenomenons. It directly breaks the law of obstructing a eunuch's duties of detecting them. If we can retrieve the device, we can just go on with our days and let bygones be bygones. We won't even report the whole truth to the navy either."
"No! I can't let you have it," a cry from Jordan came ringing in as he held onto the leg of a navy man with a huge compass like device in his hands.
"Let go already," the navy man said before kicking Jordan in the face, breaking his glasses. Other navy men followed behind him with many valuables such as jewels, melones, and some weapons.
With his face down and with navy men stepping on his back, Jordan screamed once more, "Captain! Stop them!" There was silence between them as Garret turned to look at his advisor on the ground. He did nothing, but stare. "Captain!"
"Oh ho ho ho! Captain, oh captain. Even your crew got softer, huh. Oh ho h-"
When Samuel watched in awe the swift movement of Captain Garret and his son, the only thought that encompassed his mind was, "They are strong people." Yet as he watched them be talked down by someone so much smaller and weaker than them. His mind soon begged the question, "why are they being conquered. When has the weak ever conquered the strong. Are they not strong enough?" The very thought brought back unwanted memories.
Anger and confusion grew within Samuel as he watched Jordan lay on the ground, and his captain doing nothing, but stare and beg. "I don't get it," he thought, "he grasps the infinity, but can't do anything. He has power doesn't he? So why is he just watching? That's not what a ruler should do. That's not something someone with the infinity should do."
It was a blur for Samuel, he didn't know when he had moved or when he got out of hiding. He only saw one thing, the opportunity to conquer. Just as quick as he moved, a warmth filled the air, followed by it was a cool breeze that sent chills down everyone's spines. With a swift fist, Samuel had struck the rat man in the face.
I listened to pornography while I was writing this chapter...The Travis Scott song come on now readers....