
Infinite Source Mage

In the mystical realm where power reigns supreme, a once-mighty mage finds himself stripped of his greatness. Reincarnated as a young boy just after 7 years of his unknown cause of death, and then in a humble village, his path to glory begins in the most unlikely of places. With no parents to guide him and only an orphanage to call home, he sets on a goal to find the mysterious journey to reclaim his rightful place as the most powerful mage. ~~~~~ gender: male age: 9 (will age through chapters) hair colour: White (might change) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ajwoohin · 奇幻
48 Chs


Both Bell and Marc let out heavy sighs, a mix of relief and sorrow washing over them as they stood over the lifeless form of the man who had taken so much from them. Their vengeance was exacted, yet the emptiness left by their family's deaths remained. With blood-stained hands, Bell turned to look at Marc, his voice carrying a hint of concern, "Marc?" The weight of what they had done and what it meant for both of them hung in the air.

Marc inhaled deeply, his exhale betraying the weight he carried, "Alright, let's get outta here and go back to the princesses." Bell was taken aback by Marc's composed demeanor, his internal confusion hidden behind a facade of strength. A small smile crept onto Bell's lips, appreciating Marc's ability to shoulder the burden, and he quietly agreed, "Yeah... let's go."

As their making their way back to the inn, the kingdom trembled under the force of the ongoing battle between Juro and the man. Each collision of their blows echoed like thunder, shaking the very foundations of the land. Bell and Marc strained to keep up, but the sheer power of their fight proved almost impossible to follow, the aftershocks of their clashes rattling the ground around them.

Marc's frustration was shown as he grumbled, "Argh... I can't follow up."

Bell nodded in agreement, his heart heavy with a sense of his own limitations, "Same here..."

Deep within, he wrestled with his own insecurities, silently thinking, 'I'm still too weak... I can't even keep pace with their battle...'


The fierce exchange between Juro and the man continued, Juro's fierce determination was evident as he seized the man's arm, pulling him in with calculated force, and began a relentless barrage of punches. The air was filled with the sound of flesh hitting flesh, each blow punctuated by a spray of blood that danced like morbid confetti around Juro's form. His grin remained unwavering, a chilling display of his tenacity. But then, with a sudden shift in tactics, the man ignited his palm, flames licking at the air, an ominous feeling to danger.

Juro's eyes widened in alarm, and in a heartbeat, he hurled the man away, their connection breaking with a thud as the man collided with the ground. Swift as a striking viper, the man lunged back at Juro, his leg launching a trio of brutal strikes—face, stomach, and legs. Juro staggered briefly, recovering just in time to hold his ground. His words rang through the chaos, a testament to his resilience, before he was met with the man's unrelenting attack's.

A cascade of fireballs and blood projectiles launched towards Juro, each imbued with deadly intent. Juro's smirk remained intact, a confident defiance as he manipulated the wind, bending the very forces of nature to his will. A flick of his fingers sent a tempestuous gust that altered the trajectory of the projectiles, forcing them off their course. Like a maestro directing a symphony of destruction, Juro used his magic to counter the man's deadly offense.

And then, in an instant that defied the bounds of human agility, Juro was no longer before the man, but instead behind him, his presence a sudden whisper in the wind. With the most disrespectful audacity, Juro closed his eyes. A single leg struck out with astonishing velocity, a barrage of swift and merciless blows, a hundred impacts delivered in the span of five seconds. The man's body bore the brunt of Juro's unrelenting assault, each strike a testament to his potency.

Juro withdrew, his hand extended before him, the air around him charged with his formidable magic. With a calculated gesture, he initiated a deadly compression, an invisible vice that tightened around the man's form, relentlessly applying force until bone yielded to pressure. The man's body crumpled and contorted, a grisly display of force that ceased only when his form was utterly crushed, his life extinguished without mercy.

Juro's final act was to harness the power of fire itself, a blazing crescendo of magic that consumed all remnants of the man's existence, reducing him to mere ash and fragments. The sky, which had been an bloody crimson, gradually restored its natural hue, the battle's end reflected in the calming atmosphere.

Marc looked at the sky and noticed it was turning back to blue and exclaimed " Wow… He won. "

Juro looked at the kingdom and saw the aftermath of the chaos. He saw Marc and Bell running back to the inn and he saw Gohn's dead body on the ground. "Wow… Eee… Are those two really kids?" He muttered to himself. He glanced at the huge castle and noticed a lot of knights surrounding it. He also noticed a lot of dead people from the chaos.

Juro casually stretched his arms and yawned. "Time to go back." He said.

= =

Marc and Bell arrived at the inn and found it empty. They went up to their room and opened the door. They saw Ve and Ve's mom watching over the princesses and Juro lying on the top bunk bed. "You two are late, hehe." Juro said.

Marc: What the hell? When did you get here?

Juro: Magic ✨

Marc: Tsk.💢

Bell: Anyway, are the two girls alright?

Bell asked as he approached Ve's mom. He recognized her as the same girl he had seen not too long ago, that night when he had gone out of the inn for some fresh air.

Bell: May I ask what's your name, miss?

Venchia: Oh, you don't have to be so formal. My name is Venchia. And thank you... Thank you so much... for taking care of Ve...

Venchia kept thanking them as her eyes filled with tears. "I've always been a failure as a mother to her... I couldn't even keep her safe..." She sobbed. Ve noticed her mom crying and hugged her, saying "Mama... love... Ve loves mama!" Her mom hugged her back.

'Even though they're not related by blood or even the same race, they still love each other. Pft... What a cliché scene... Must be nice...' Bell thought to himself.


*Sniff, sniff*


Marc: Huh.....

Marc and Bell looked at the bed and saw Ayla and Hayla awake and tearing up by seeing Ve and her mom hug.

"Oh! Ah, I'm very sorry!" Ve's mom quickly got off the bed and bowed to the princesses.

"Pft, don't worry about it, you can sit down." Hayla said as she got up from the bed and asked Bell and Marc what had happened. They were nervous about how to explain it to her, but Juro intervened and said, "Alright! Enough chit chat, let's quickly get out of here." Hayla looked confused and looked out of the window. She saw the houses on fire and the chaos in the streets. "What?!! What happened!!!" She exclaimed as she looked at Bell and Marc. They quickly pointed at Juro. "E-eh… Huh!!! Me?! I was just saving y'all!.. Ehem… Anyway, we should probably go now. It won't be long before the king sends some powerful reinforcements and I can certainly say that if we get caught, it'll be a bother to get out of the situation."

Hayla sighed and came up with an idea. "Alright, let's go to our kingdom! The Enchanlet Kingdom! And uhh…"

Marc: Venchia…

Hayla: Venchia! You and Ve can both stay at the kingdom! It's much safer there and don't worry about money problems. I'll tell my father to have you assigned to a normal job in the capital so that you and Ve can both live there comfortably.

Venchia's eyes widened and she asked in confusion why she was doing all of this even though they had just met.

Hayla: Huh? Well, Ve is a very precious kid and you're very important to Ve's life. I'm sure you're a good mother, even Ve will agree on that. And I don't have any reason why I shouldn't help. I like making people smile.

Both Bell and Marc were a bit taken aback by how pure-hearted she was and they admired her.

Juro noticed their reaction and he sighed softly and smiled.



Name - Bell Aize

Age - 9

Gender - Male

Race - Human

Attribute - Mix mana

Title - Sinner

Old Title - 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝑴𝒂𝒈𝒆




Strength: 68

Speed: 60

Vitality: 77

Intelligence: 111







(Dark Regeneration)


(Dark Claw)

(Mix Mana Regeneration)

(Dark x Mana Leap)



(Ishka Village) Population: 200+

(kingdom of Nielism) Population 1.2M+

(Enchanlet Kingdom) Population 50M+

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