
Where art thou, Universe Core?

As his clones went about doing a great deal of things, Noah's main body and a few clones were teleporting to multiple Galaxies from the mental images that he was receiving from the Cosmic Treasure.

With his past teleporting skills and now the Dao of Voidspace, the reality of him being able to warp to whatever location as long as he had a memory or image of it remained true!

Those clones would have the task of communicating and convincing the Cores of Galaxies as they shared their memories of what they had been doing and what was to come, the logical entities that were the centers of galaxies all agreeing without a hitch as always.

So all that was left was for Noah to warp to these convinced Galaxies and fuse them while continuing to test out the features of the Cosmic Treasure!

He had already produced the terrifying [Ruination Guider] Affix as he thought of many more that could apply to himself aside from just things like +10,000% to All Damage.