
A Page Containing a Glimpse of a Modus Operandi! II

A page of Runic Ecritures!

The mere existence of this page caused Natalya's body to tremble as she grasped her Heartsplitter bow tighter, her gaze shining with lustrous light as she gazed at the existence before it.

It was a crimson gold Destiny Goblin actually kneeling reverentially towards this ancient page, his eyes only now coming from their stupor to stare towards Noah, Foidduit, and Natalya as he looked like an enthroned believer that was interrupted from a sacred prayer!


The Destiny Goblin roared out with immense force as one could it distinctly different compared to Foidduit, this Destiny Goblin having more than likely undergone great changes due to the ancient page it gazed at every single day the past millions of years- where one could see tiny wisps of the Essence of Reality coagulation around him and sinking into his body.