
Infinite Forms

This is the age of destruction. The world is expanding, but the people are dying. Radiation from the earth causes a change to every being in the entire world. People suddenly able to absorb many kinds of energies into their bodies. But, what would happen if they did? Will there be any evolution to mankind? --- * Got inspired from some novels I've read. I've never used to write English before but I want to now... Got nothing to do much now, so let's have some fun writing.

Tranquil_Leaf · 现实
6 Chs

Earth Now

On Saturday March 2030, the world is welcoming the last apocalypse that has been on earth.

As for why that happens, it all begins with three disasters in the world. These disasters contain a unique form, which changes the natural energy of the entire world. Each disaster happen five years from each other.

The first disaster is a weather disaster. The unnatural degree and the change in the atmosphere was shifting from the natural order of the world. All seasons were changing. The area that was hot become hotter and cold become colder.

At first, people think that this was 'OK' if it was not affecting too much on their life. As long as they begin the measure protection on themselves, it was fine.

The second disaster is the disaster of the virus. Many kinds of viruses suddenly appear in the world one after another. It was taken place in every countries in the world but the good thing is that, the virus could be prevented after people try to protect themselves. But anyway, this disaster has taken thousand and thousand of human life every day before people could find the cured.

Some think that, the cause of the disaster is the work of God. Some think it's happening because of the pollution. Some think that the planet is evolving.

The third disaster is the disaster of growth. The sudden growth of the tree, the earth was breaking apart and expanding itself. This was the most horrible disaster of humankind. It's like watching the world fall apart and patch itself like an immortal. Humanity and the animal run away for their life to find the safe ground. The house, building, road, etc was falling apart.

After two years of this disaster, would it come to an end. Nearly 70 percent of lives in the world became the deceased. People start to build their homes, hunt for their survival and await for their next disaster.

"Aii, just when is this going to end?" A man with a tattered clothe and pale face sighed with one sound. "But at least the world is becoming bigger and the plant is growing faster than before. Let's say something guys, we have a long way to go there."

"Right Visal, and what's the point in having all of that when it's nearly the destruction of humanity. And who the fuck knows if we gonna have the next disaster." Another man with a look at the age of mid 20 and the clothing that made of the leaves was shouting. This man has a robust body, brown skin, black hair and also a fierce face.

"Hey uncle, he is just stating the fact. Also, we, people could not change the past, we can only do whatever we can to survive now." One of the woman in the group is speaking.

"Yes I know, but don't call me uncle. You are also 20, miss Selsa" Aunen said with a solemn face.

"Hehe, So, we are heading to Red Sand. I heard there are a lot of people there, right Anti?" Selsa asked.

Selsa was a woman with sharp eyes, long eyelash and a well-developed body. She's also giving a fresh feeling about her as well.

In this group of five people, there are three men and two women. The man name Anti replied, "Yes, I heard many people build their home there. They also sell many things we could use in our hunt. The last disaster was the worst one, it's like we're back to the primitive age now. Everything was filled by the earth and tree, with only some technology left behind."

The last woman in the group has an oval face and big eyes. Her name is Lita. The quiet Lita also joined the speaking, "After two years of the last disaster, we could finally live a normal life again. People say that each disaster begins five years after another. What do you guys think?"

"Hmm, I hope so. It means that, we still have three more years to live." Visal said.

"Hey, don't speak like we're gonna die. Idiot." Aunen spoke with an angry tone.

But at this moment, the earth starts to shake. The cloud starts revolving like a cyclone, the wind start to blow faster. The weather is going from hot to cold and cold to hot everywhere.

"What is going on?" Everyone was stunned. "Is this the next disaster already?" They all have the same question.

At this moment of fear and anxiety, the atmosphere around them is turning more violence. Afterward, it's like there is a vibration coming from the core of the earth, all people ear's turn numb.

Then, like the stillness of the water, everything calms down. It's like the time has stopped and the earth wants to show them what it wants. Nature unexpectedly becomes more beautiful.

The one who first awake from this stupor is Anti: "Why do I feel the energy around me? It's like I could absorb it and gather it somewhere in my body"

Afterward, everyone woke up. Anti asked, "Guys, do you feel it?"

"Feels what? The doomsday?" Selsa said in surprise "Woo, what is this feeling? It's the spiritual energy!"

"What spiritual energy. It's called mana, don't you ever play games before?" Aunen said.

The calm Nita also joined the conversation: "I think it's called spiritual ki, where you can absorb and cultivate. That was what I read in the novel." Nita spoke with a quiet voice.

"What are you guys arguing about? Should you guy be worrying about what's going to happen to us next or will there be any more danger." Visal shouted in anger "But anyway, what can we do if there is and I think all of you are wrong. This thing here is called elemental energy."

Everyone looked at him with a disdain gaze.

"Do you mind listen to what I say?" Anti felt that there is much more to this energy that they could have ever imagined. "This world now is very chaotic. So, if there is this energy now that we could use it on ourselves. Then everyone will be origin to create the path of what they should follow. I see that everybody has their own imagination. That's why what we could do is limitless. So, I will be calling it eternal energy, but you can call it whatever you want by the way."

Nita pondered and said "I feel that we should be safe for now, since this is the first time the earth gives something that is an advantage to us human."

"It's also a good way to describe the situation now. Then, should we be going to see what happening outside of here?" Salsa asked

While they were speaking, Anti noticed something, "Everyone, I hear our prey is coming."

It's like everyone understands the situation, they asked, "Which direction?"

"North, maybe 300 meters away from us." They are in the jungle, so to notice something so far away from themselves like that is an amazing instinct.

While everyone is preparing for the ambush, something flash between the head of Anti. It has the size of the bee and the body of a ball made from metal. It's only one eye in the middle was made of diamond, which was closing now. And it was hiding in the hair of Anti that no one could even notice it.

[Ti, there is a life-form running toward here, 300 meters from the north.]

Its name is Toe.

Two years ago before the world breaks apart. Anti was the person who research on the artificial intelligence. By studying the brain of the human, his only breakthrough is Toe. His first robot.

Anti first artificial intelligent flaw is that, Teo could understand emotion. While it is good that it knows, it is bad because it was uncontrollable. By that, this means he would create another life-form, which is different from humans. His purpose is to create it to serve. So what would happen if the emotional robot suddenly kills someone, it would probably be another disaster.

But anyway, he could not bring himself to destroy someone with the feeling. Much less, it's like his baby. Anti put its core in the house, and not permit it to go outside. It's only duty is cleaning, cooking, reading with its mini-robot that he made for it to control. Sometimes, it helps Anti to analyze some of his work.

Toe call Anti [Ti], because it made them more intimate. Anti has a normal face, he is not too handsome or ugly. The most noticeable thing is his eyes, it was so clear and sparkle. Anti lives alone in the house and rarely go outside, he only work at home. No one even knows that he starts creating the artificial intelligence.

One day, during his research. The earth sank - the sea started pouring, it's like watching the apocalypse movie with the VR on. Everyone run for their life. Anti run to get the core of Teo and this was Teo first adventure outside this world.

Although, this disaster was fierce and killed many people at first. They found out that, the area that broke apart and already patched itself will no longer be destroyed. But it could take a month before that to happen.

Toe and Ti started their journey together to explore the world. As it was Teo first time outside the world, it was very exciting. They found out that, in a month after the newly formed earth came to existence. Nature was blooming and the tree was growing at the uncontrollable speed. It only stopped sometime after that, but they could still see their growth was faster than before.

Strange plant and fruit popped out everywhere. Anti told Teo to note all of the things they saw and created their name depend on the situation. The most crazy part was that. Apart from plant, animal is also growing faster than before. But human is still the same. The amusing point was, only the baby of the human could start to grow stronger, bigger and faster. People thought this affect only work on those with low intelligent beings and maybe this is the truth.

They continued on their journey, make friends and hunting together. One year later, their team increased to five members. And this has not changed since then.

"Aunen prepares the shield, Lita and Selsa prepare the arrow, Visal comes with me." Although Anti have Teo, but it could only help him with gathering the information, analyze the surrounding, etc.

It could not help Anti to become a leader to lead the formation in the group. It all depends on Anti way of doing.

After waiting for a bit, the sound of something coming is getting more intense. Then, a big wolf that is double size of what it used to become into their view.

Anti knitted the brow and asked, "Teo, scan this beast and tell me its stats."


[Animal - Big Wolf]

[Height - 140 cm

Strength - 2.4

Agility - 3.0

Constitution - 2.7]

"It's all one point stronger than us but this much is ok." Anti thought quietly and instantly "Bang!"

The wolf has bump to the shield of Aunen "Guys, slaughter it!" Aunen shouted.

Although this shield was made out of wood, but it's craftsmanship is very commendable.

The two women go around the circle and fire many arrows as they could. Then, the arrows hit their leg and body.

"ROAR!!" It abruptly run toward the archer.

But at this moment Visal comes to intercept it and follow by Anti from behind.

"Circle it Aunen, Anti..." Visal waved down the spear while shouting.

In this age, with the lack of materials. Only the spear, shield and arrow that made out of stone, bone of the animal, and wood could be available for them.

After a while, the wolf sustains too many injured. By its decrease in speed, it made its more easier to hunt.

With the help of the shield and their teamwork, no matter how fast the wolf is. It could not endanger their life. Finally, Anti's spear stuck it's eye and die.

"Everyone, do you have any injure?" Anti asked while taking his phone to take the photo of the wolf.

Aunen said, "Nah, just a bit of the injured from the impact of the wolf."

"Good thing everyone is fine beside him." Salsa chuckled and continued, "One more good news is, this wolf just come to us without any stealth. Maybe it was scared because of the sudden change of the earth and strayed away from its group. But even so, it could not hide from us."

"I wish, I had my phone that could charge itself like Anti. But at this age, it has no more usage besides taking the photos and notes. Everything is breaking down, it's not like what it was before." Visal spoke with the longing expression.

Salsa expression turn bright: "Anti, let's listen to some music."

"No, not the time for that useless thing," Anti said in the irrefutable tone.

"Can we not just loose ourselves from this stress. Besides it's gonna charge itself again." Salsa pouted.

While phone have a little usage for others, it's different for Anti.

Teo cannot transmit the image through the brain of people. People's brain is different from technology because it's made of flesh. Maybe a genius could find a solution in the future but not now. But it is a different story with the phone, which is also the machine. So, all the details about something, Teo would send it here.

Anti is only a person who dedicated to his work, which is the function of the brain. His only technology creation is the brain. He can only make it connected to other machines. But if you want to make him create all of those, he could not because he is only a person with one profession.

Teo can only communicate with Anti through voice because it's only the vibration. While Teo could speak, Ti didn't allow it or someone might freak out and create more trouble for him.

"Now we have more supplies, let's hurried to the village and check the situation" Anti stood up and prepared to go on their way.


After walking for more three hours, it was night. So, they decide to find a safe place to rest.

Dark clouds were building up without rest in the cloudy sky. A drop of rain eventually fell from above. It got blown out and finally landed in front of Anti. After a while, the rain was coming down.

Luckily, there are so many cave now a day after the world form itself.

'Teo, what's the situation with this eternal energy?' Anti thought asking.

I'm just bored don't mine me.

Tranquil_Leafcreators' thoughts