
Infinite Clone System Made Me Too OP!

[Ding!] [Your Clones have killed Young Master Dipsh*t! The reward is 500 Quintillion Clone Essence!] You may be wondering why you clicked on this book, and to tell you the truth, I don't know why either... But what I can tell the OP craving part of you is that this book will further define the definition of OP! You want OP MC? You got it! You want the MC to be Merciless and Evil? You got it! You want more than a hundred+ major realms and no nerfs?? Guess what, you f*cking have it! You want clone banaza!? You will find it in the confines of this book! Murder Hobo [Check] Fast-paced story [Check] Walking Loot Bags ready for the Reaping [Check] Clones [Check] No slowing down! No breaks from the Eternal Grind! No stopping the Infinite amount of Evolution of a Clone who absolutely loathes the deck of cards that he was dealt! Lucifer, a clone born from pure hatred for his main body! A clone was given a system that gives him clones!? Will he be able to make his way through the Path of Infinity and beat the sh*t out of the one who enslaved him!?!? Why don't you read and find out!! If you want peak, you have found it! So get the hell away from the synopsis and read this book!!!

Astral_Pandemonium · 玄幻
107 Chs

Greedy Li Yan

Chapter 88


Inside the Nature Dome, time passed like a warm spring breeze.

A total of 5 hours flew by in the blink of an eye.

"So, little benefit creator, how is that Mid-Sky Rank Qi Gathering Formation Array coming along?"

Lucifer peeked over the small shoulder of a short goth girl. Seeing that she was hard at work, he patiently waited for the end result to come into being.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before Li Yan put down the brush and inscription tool she had in her small hands.

Looking up at the greedy look on her brother's face, happiness overwhelmed the feelings in her heart.

For the first time in her life, she was useful to somebody…

This made her beyond overjoyed, but it also forced her to remember everything that she had experienced to make it this point.