
Isekai indulgence and revenges. Episode 2: Meeting, Murder, Looting.

The moment the young man exited the cave he is greeted by a beautiful forest.

Breezing trees 3 times as big as he is with grass and rocks all around him.

A waterfall was to his right and every other direction was just forest.

He stepped on the grass, it shriveled and died..

he felt rejuvenated but sad of the loss of the calming moist grass.

altho the sounds of crunching were satisfying and made him feel even more relaxed.

after a few times of walking in random directions he managed to stop the grass from dying because he learned how to control the power of his ability.

Funnily it looked like a child was trying to draw a cat, when he noticed the shape of the areas of dead grass. Altho it would have: 3 tails, one long rounded ear, one triangle shaped ear, have a few circles inside of both the 'body and 2 feet' that wouldn't fit inside of its form and it would have no eyes or mouth.

The man's face had an expression of disgust aswell as being humored.

(If only we could understand what was inside of his head)

He walked away from the cave into the left side of the forest

Walking what seems to be the complete opposite direction of the waterfall.

... o no, it seems like he is..


Yes, quite smart, if he doesn't go to the waterfall then he won't see a naked women by mistake and it will avoid him from being insulted and called a pervert even tho its not his fault!



He kept walking partially draining grass and trees. via physical contact until he sees a group of people with two carriages , he casually tries to avoid attention by keeping a bit of distance until they see him.

The people he saw were.

A man dressed in light colored medieval clothing.

A woman dressed in a fancy yellow dress.

5 dead soldiers wearing grey armor.

And 5 men all of them wearing dark colored medieval clothing consisting mostly of the color brown, dark green, grey and blue.

Bandit 1 said: 'hold it' while the other bandits were being on guard on the young man and the two other people.

Bandit 2 said: 'who's this fella'

bandit 4 said: 'no idea but he aint going nowhere'

While bandit 5 and 3 were watching the man and woman at the other carriage.

The young man replied: 'look im not here for trouble, i just want to pass by and i will act as if nothing happend.

The Bandits looked at him in both confusion and distrust.

Bandit 3 says: 'look just finish him so he won't bring us any trouble later on and then we will continue with these two'

The young man was on guard with his left arm a bit more forward and his right are a bit more backward.

Bandit 1 comes towards the young man at speeds beyond what he expected.

Then the young man get's slashed from the right side of his chest but he touched the bandit.

After 2 seconds of nothing The Bandit suddenly looked scared, clenching his teeth while his eye veins became visible, his hair started to shrivel and his fingers looked thinner and dry while the skin of his body turned lighter.

He screamed in pain, tears falling down his eyes as fountains while shivering.

The young man who touched the bandit looked disgusted and scared as if he saw a monster.

Then the bandit stopped moving, the only things remaining was a brown colored husk, with shriveled eyes and thin fatless skin inside his clothes, Looking similair to a skeleton if it was put inside of a giant deflated ballon with a rusty color.

The other bandits started moving backwards while bandit 5 rushed to finish the young man off, but the young man's wounds were healed to suprise of the bandit.

The young man punched the bandit and then rushed towards the others. Tapping them and chasing them one by one, as if his life depended on it.

All of them screamed, some of them begging for forgiveness and screaming: ' mother' and or 'father' but in other forms.

'Phew that's all of them' the young man said.

The man and woman were scared but even so they said: 't-thank you, for saving us'

The young man stood there in deep thought... and then touched them both..

They screamed and shriveled just like the bandits from before while the man let out a final tear and asked ..w..wh-why.

'i can't let anyone know of these abilities because i want a peacefull life, away from having to deal with shit like this' the young man replied even tho the other man and woman were already dead husks.

After some time collecting some loot, he got his hands on a sword with a scabbard, a dagger which had a scheath, some sacks with what seems to be a form of currency, and a brown satchel to put everything in.

The bodies that were shriveled before were now nothing but dust and was slowly blown away into the grass, while some stayed on the path.

'Time to go to a town and see how common sense here works'

The young man said in a serious lowered tone.

We see him walking the path, once again his back facing the 'camera'

While the sun shines in his direction, with his right hand over his head.

I feel like something repetitive is happening every episode?

End of episode 2.


absorbtion bar: 20/100


Steel sword with scabbard.

iron dagger with scheath.



2 blue colored metallic coins.

50 silver metallic coins.

11 Copper colored metallic coins.


(Semi perfect) draining touch lvl:1/10

exp 40/20165

auto translation (cannot be leveled)

I just couldn't keep my cool.

I was so excited writing this part, that i accidently got through the story to fast without paying enough attention to detail.

Well that's for later then ;)

RAndomstoriesmakercreators' thoughts