
Indra Otsutsuki in Boruto

After Indra died from the result of countless battles with Asura Otsustsuki. His chakra reincarnated in from generation to generation. But, After Naruto and Sasuke resolved their conflict, the cycle was over. Then, Unexpectedly, Indra Otsutsuki Reincarnated in the world of Boruto.

Augustus_Fernandes · 漫画同人
3 Chs


'Although killing an ex-Ninja in the village, they are letting me roam free.'

Indra noticed two Ninjas tailed him since he left Hospital, so he was sure he couldn't leave the village. Not that he planned to leave the village in the first place, but first and foremost, he needed to find where the Uchiha clan was located.

He had previously seen sakura with Uchiha Crest so he was sure they were in here and the curse of Uchiha won't let them get out of the clan system so he needed to find it.

'My Army, I need them.'

Indra placed his palm on his eyes, making him remember the current bloodline he held. He had a significant power drop after losing his Sharingan after death, and he didn't believe he possessed Uchiha blood even a single drop in his body.

Indra acted natural and wandered through the village as if he didn't notice the ninja behind tailing him. He stopped naturally just outside the Hokage's office, at least he made it look so.

His gaze stopped at the window, as he tried to peek inside but in vain.

While peeking, he noticed a couple of people walking out of the Hokage's building, he recognized both. They had passed by him a while ago and now they moved out of the office.

'A high-ranking Ninja of the village perhaps, and that attire is definitely suspicious.'

Orochimaru had a hood on him and dressed unusually for the people of the village. He rarely visited the village, and his records were too foul so being noticed by villagers was the last thing he wanted.

Indra looked at them while they left, this time memorizing the kid's face.

"Look I got Hokage's Card."

"So cool!" Another Kid's beside him.

Kids were unwrapping Ninja cards and one of them shouted in excitment when he obtained Naruto's card. Indra's attention diverted towards the kid, as he walked and passed by the group of kids.

Suddenly, Indra had around two dozen Ninja cards and vanished from the spot. The kids couldn't even sense what happened and by the time they realized, Indra was nowhere to be found.

Indra tossed the cards around, filtering through cards of powerful Ninja. Weak Ninja didn't interest him, and among two dozen cards, he obtained four 'SSR' Ranked cards.

Naruto Uzumaki

Sakura Haruno

Hinata Hyuga


Indra recognized two of them, Naruto and Sakura. He had never encountered the other two, he left it be. The thing he wanted was to know about possible high-ranking Ninja from this.

Indra truly wanted to meet Naruto, he had been getting an itching feeling whenever he sensed this chakra. And the Ninja behind him bothered him even more, although they didn't do anything about him stealing from kids.

Indra turned into an alley quickly. "Shadow clone." Indra performed quick hand signs. The shadow walked out of the alley, getting into Ninja's view while he swiftly slipped out.

While wandering around, he found himself in some weird unknown area, this happened when he sensed something strange. Although it was unexpected he was curious.

Now, he stood in a dark unknown area with no sign of people anywhere.

"Come out, I know you are tailing me for quite some time."

"You sensed me."

A girl walked stood before him, and what followed her was a chimera-like animal. It was a beast with a snake-like tail. While she had short purple hair and was aged around twelve.

"What does a kid want from me?" While his eyes leaned towards Nue, Sumire's summon.

"Nue feeds on chakra and is attracted towards dark emotions. Please, let him have some of yours."


Nue with a size almost double compared to Indra jumped on him. Its snake-like tail went with a bite, but Indra backflipped some steps back.

'I don't want to fight for now, and killing should be the last of my choice before I figure things out here.'

Indra stood upright on the wall while concentrating chakra on his foot. He closely looked at the creature and analyzed the girl before him, and no matter he looked at it she seemed ordinary.

Nue kept longing at him, he neatly kept dodging the attacks. Nue dashed right above him, this time his sharp teeth about to chew his nack.

Unfortunately, Nue disgracefully received a 180-degree kick on the neck, sending him crashing into the metal wall.

"I get you attempting to suck my chakra, but not everything can do it. Even if you manage to defeat me, sucking chakra is a totally different thing." Indra said.

"You don't have to teach us," Sumire replied furiously.

"Grrr... Grrr." Nue furiously groaned.

Next what happened was the last thing he expected to see. Two chunks of wood arose from the ground where Nue stood and at a rapid pace moved towards him. Indra didn't react when he saw wood style, and let the wood wrap around his body.

The snake on Nue's back stretched and bit Indra on his neck. Indra could feel his chakra being sucked out and transferred to Nue.

Nue's size grew at a rapid pace and he was almost about to be as big as a small-sized building when the wood holding Indra crumbled and a beam of lightning cut through Nue's snake tail.

"Fire style: Great fireball Jutsu."

Before Nue realized it, He was roasted in a massive ball of fire, being roasted alive.

"Nue!" Sumire yelled.

"Chidori!" Indra stood on Nue's head while his lightning-engulfed hand was at point-blank range against Nue's neck. Nue didn't care as four snakes grew out of his Cutten off the tail and longed towards Indra.

"Nue stop! Don't move." Nue followed her orders as the snake on his back retracted.

"Little Girl, How can he perform Wood style? Answer me or he is dead, and you will be next."

When Indra saw wood style, he let the wood wrap around him so he could test if she was telling the truth and when it sucked, he was sure of it. Other Ninjas might not find it unusual for someone to perform wood style, but he was not that.

To perform wood style, one needs to be born with a special chakra and that was not something possible to be born with. Only one person could perform wood style, His brother, Asura. And if someone could do it, he was sure it could only be Asura's reincarnation.

"Wood style, You couldn't possibly possess it. So how did this creature do it."