
Chapter 54

She caressed Sasha on either side of his head, gently running sharpened nails through his hair. Her touch appeared unassuming, but the moment she had a firm hold of Sasha’s face again—skin to skin—he began to scream.

Nathan could do nothing, not unless he shot one of the Muses, which also risked Sasha getting killed. And, if he moved in too close, he risked getting touched by one of them again himself.

When Desire finally pulled her hands away from Sasha, Nathan prayed that the incubus would get up, attack her, something, but all Sasha did was fall forward onto his hands and knees, shaking as the sound died from his throat. Sasha’s fallen body broke the barrier of the runes, nullifying the hold they had on Desire. She stepped from the trap without resistance, leaving Sasha where he lay.