
Incest X Paradise

Warning: - This is a wish-fulfillment novel that has heavy incest so be warned. - I am doing this for fun so I may not have a consistent upload schedule. -If what you're after is a good story maybe trash-kun can hook you up on a better one because this ain't the novel. Tags: Heavy Incest, Bisexuality (female only), Lesbian sex, Threesome, Polygamy. Synopsis: In one of the biggest clans known in Japan, a pair of twins are born. Haru is a young man who has an incestuous relationship with his twin sister and dreams of making his clan one day. Akane a young woman who is a bisexual that loves her twin brother and is always a pro wincest, dreams of having a threesome with her brother and their daughter........ or daughter(s).

TickingTimeClock69 · 奇幻
10 Chs

Chapter 9: Fuck You!


[Yutah language acquisition successful]


'pheww... I thought I got some defective ability lol.'

Straightening her posture, puffing her enormously large chest she howled "YOU MORTALS PAY HOMAGE TO YOUR ANCESTOR AND KNEEL!"

'I really wanted to say that.'

Hearing the unbearably loud voice those that are fighting in the distance tried to look in its direction but...

"Hey! who the fuck-"

Midway in his speech a boy not even in the age of 12 got his enunciation cut as his blood pressure shot up, the raging storm of blood encase in his small body continues forth dashing through; his blood vessels—ruptures, muscles—shreds, organs—squelch.

The battlefield came to a halt, colors of green and red. The rays of dawn caress the strain of individuals; bathe with own life's claret.

"H-help p-please!" the boy spread on the ground his rugged hand clenching the rocks and rubles.



Suddenly the boy pauses his pleading as blood gush of his eye sockets severing his eyes from its place; mouth, ears, nose, asshole, urethral opening is like a dam hit by the cascading deluge—amalgamating blood and flesh.


His body exploded.

—Booom! —Booom! —Booom!

Followed by dozens of others.

"What The Fuck!" Akane shakily pointed her hand. "How did that happen?!"


"Oh goodness, what happened here? hehehe." Sera out of nowhere popped out of Akane's breast

"Happy to see you again, Sera" Haru cheekily greeted.

"Don't ignore me! And where the fuck you've been?"

"Hi Haru, how are you feelin'?" Sera smoothly faced Haru.

"It's been great, never felt better."

"Fuck You!" Akane dashes towards Haru and punched him on the stomach, the shockwave deformed the ground.


"C-coug! c-cough! Hahahahaha!"


The two couldn't stop themselves laughing at Akane's cute reaction.

"Fuck You!" Akane flicked two middle fingers at them and turn away.

"Haaaa... but seriously how did those people die suddenly?" Haru barely suppressed his laughter and asked.

"Hehehe- Oh that, Hmmm, You two must've forgotten to retract you divinities. You see most mortals cannot handle being in the presence of divinities. You understand now?" Sera said while smugly posing.

"You little imp is that the way you talk to your masters." he said while pinching her cheeks.


"Akane." Haru called Akane but she just ignored him and let him face her back.

"Come on, don't be so grumpy now." he tried to caress her fluffy fox ears but she just whipped his hand away using her tail.

"Ok I am sorry, I promise that it will not happen again and for the rest of the I'll follow whatever you say."


"For real." he replied

"Ok! Sigh... it's really a waste, those skills and abilities are. Some of them are soo interesting too."

"So your [Divine Will] is about stealing about skills and abilities?"

"Yes, but what's up with yours?! Sera what's going on here?! Is there some kind of favoritism going on here?! Why can't I steal his?!" she furiously asked Sera.

"Oh that, Hmmm... It's your fault, I said before that because of your mother's blessing you only need to imagine and wish what [Divine Will] you want, right? What you wished for is [I want to steal skills and abilities without any limit or capacity, even the most basics of abilities for example like breathing.] meanwhile your brother [I want to cut everything, literally everything.]. So it's all on you whatever you may have."

"The Fuck! Can I have a redo?"

"That blessing is a one-time thing, so no."



After minutes, Akane calmed down from her outburst Haru then spoke up,

"So Sera where are we now?"

"Oh, I almost forgot. Welcome to come Yutah!"

"What? Utah?" Akane interrupted.

"Not Utah but Yutah!"

"Hah? Ain't that the same?"

"Sigh... fine, suit yourself."

"So what are we supposed to do here?' Haru asked.

"I don't know, you could do whatever you want."

"Ok, so what about divinities?"


"Yes, can you explain more about that?"

"Sigh! Ok... Normally Gods are born from the fate of mortals; imaginations and beliefs. But you two are not of that system because you two can tap directly to excess fates of the universe, from the [River of Fate]. Gods use the fates to push the maximum of their divinities and gain more crowns in the process, crowns are those spikes when you project your divinity outside of your body, Gods could have up to 9 crowns..."

"But how do we get these crowns?" Akane excitedly said.

"Let me finish first, so the way to get the crowns is simple if you have the sufficient fates, with you two having practically infinite fates... Sigh, just push all the fate outwards to the projection of your divinities, so-"

"LET'S GO!" Akane again interupted Sera.











"...and that's nine, phew!" Akane wiped the sweat on her forehead and the divine projection around her could be seen having nine sharp streaks.

"Sigh, Congratulations." Sera said exhausted.

"It's your turn Haru!" Akane said excitedly.


"I don't think I will unlock mine." he said with a big smile plastered on his face.

"Why?!" Akane yelped.

"I just think it will be more fun this way." the smile got even bigger, stretching his handsome face taut.