
Incest X Paradise

Warning: - This is a wish-fulfillment novel that has heavy incest so be warned. - I am doing this for fun so I may not have a consistent upload schedule. -If what you're after is a good story maybe trash-kun can hook you up on a better one because this ain't the novel. Tags: Heavy Incest, Bisexuality (female only), Lesbian sex, Threesome, Polygamy. Synopsis: In one of the biggest clans known in Japan, a pair of twins are born. Haru is a young man who has an incestuous relationship with his twin sister and dreams of making his clan one day. Akane a young woman who is a bisexual that loves her twin brother and is always a pro wincest, dreams of having a threesome with her brother and their daughter........ or daughter(s).

TickingTimeClock69 · 奇幻
10 Chs

Chapter 1: Twins

Japan to this day has many long-standing and powerful clans that have rooted themselves in politics, businesses, and the military. Bringing them to Japan's top, the untouchables.

One said clan has just birthed its heirs, a pair of twins, a day supposed to be celebrated...

"Hey Haru! Is the old man still angry for what we did last time?" said a beautiful young woman.

"I just got a reply from William and he said that father is really pissed, he even said 'I WILL FUCKING KILL THOSE FUCKING BASTARDS!!! THOSE UNGRATEFUL SONS OF BITCHES!!!!' and later on William found out that father really hired some ex-servicemen from America to track and apprehend us" replied Haru, a handsome young man.

"Hahahaha! He really is pissed!" she said

"Sigh... Why did you even do that, on his 69th birthday no less..." Haru sighed.

"He's just overacting I didn't even do that much, and it's his fault for forcefully engaging me to that toad face Peng surnamed Tawagoto," she replied.

"WHAT THE MOTHERFUCK AKANE! How do sucking my dick while they are singing happy birthday NOT that much!?" he said furiously.

"Don't worry bro I've got it worked out already. The problem now is my forceful engagement, what will we do about that?"

"Sigh... Don't worry about that Akane because if I ever see that Pengshit within a kilometer near you again..." at that moment you could see a flash of murderous and possessive glint in his eyes. "...his body would only be found hanging on top of Tawagoto main house's torii"


"I think I just got... wet"



Gintsuki, a clan that is well known for its solid connections and root in the Japanese military. Gintsuki Hirohito is the current head of the Gintsuki Clan and the father of Gintsuki twins Haru and Akane.

When Hirohito was in his 40s at one of his visits to Europe he meet a beautiful silver-haired Scandinavian woman in her late 20s. It was love at first for him but the same could not be said for the woman. At first, Hirohito didn't really leave an impression on the women but due to his persistent wooing for many days he finally secured a date.

For many more months, Hirohito tried to capture the woman's heart and finally succeeded, marrying her after 2 years despite his clan elder's wrangle, bearing twins as a result.

In actuality, this is not Hirohito's first marriage. His first marriage not only almost became a tragedy for him but also his clan. His first wife is from a subordinate clan belonging to a sub-branch of the family but little did they know at that time the clan's loyalty is already not theirs.

On the night of their honeymoon unbeknownst to the sleeping Hirohito, a woman's cold dagger glistened and reflected the moonlight while her other hand held his flaccid cock. The dagger is centimeters away from his limping flesh when suddenly Hirohito's pet fox jumped out under the bed bit the woman's calf resulting in a blaring scream while waking up the whole clan.

After further investigation of that incident, the woman is said to be ordered by her clan to end the lineage of the Gintsuki Clan. Because of that, the clan became wary and strict about picking Hirohito's next possible partners.


The birth of his children was one of the happiest moments of his life and also his bane. The day when the twins are born is also the day his most beloved wife died while trying her best to safely deliver her babies.

8 years had passed since then, Hirohito discovered he is blessed, his children are prodigies. Gintsuki Haru, his son, is so talented in Aikido, Judo, Karate, Kendo, and Iaido. Haru especially Excels at Kendo, there is one time he is invited to a spar by an 8th Dan Kendo Grandmaster, the result? The Kendo Grandmaster is comatose for 6 months because he underestimated Haru. Meanwhile, his daughter Gintsuki Akane is well-versed in Judo but she really shines on Naginata, Kyudo, and Yabusame but somehow she heavily focuses on Yabusame, only later in the future did he know why.

It's not always happy times do the twins bring. As talented as they were so do the problems they bring. Haru, at first sight, maybe easygoing and laid back but when you started to underestimate him he becomes a sadist basking on your despair when you realize your pride is nothing Infront of him. But the real problem happens when his sister is of concern.

One day while shopping for their school supplies for their first day of elementary school with their attendants and bodyguards when suddenly an earthquake happened while people are panicking and scurrying to find their loved ones a stupid idea bloomed in the twin's heads, they want to see if they can outrun their guards while there is an ongoing earthquake. As they run they stopped at a playground to catch some breath when suddenly a sketchy man walked up to them, touched Akane's shoulder, and tried to abduct her.

When the guards caught up to them it was already too late. All they can see is a middle-aged man with his throat slit, sprawled on the floor, drowning in his blood and an amputated hand shoved in his ass. As experienced as they were, their eyes had never seen as gruesome as the scene they saw at that moment. All they can do is puke at the sight in front of them while at the corner of their eyes a pair of children slept exhausted on a bench.

Akane is a mischievous and energetic child. She likes to play pranks, especially on female maids. Hirohito even suspected her to have lesbian tendencies. Even in Yabusame she only picks female horses.

And the biggest problem they brought is their closeness, they are awfully close, too close in fact. They always do things together and even requested Hirohito to use his connections so that they can always be in the same classroom with their sits next to each other in school. But the most shocking thing is that they were once caught peeping on the bathing maids while helping each other masturbate. When Hirohito got wind of what happened he knew things are getting out of hand so he has to step in. When he tried to talk and explain to his children that what they are doing is taboo and forbidden to your siblings or any family members he heaves a heavy sigh and thought that it is enough for now and dismissed them.

On their 16th birthday, Haru and Akane made a request to their father that they wanted to go horseback riding alone, Hirohito reluctantly agreed but never forgot to have a spy follow them. Later on, when he received the spy's report he gasps from shock, mouth wide open, face blank, blood drained from his body. A few moments later a loud booming shout of anger could be heard within the whole clan.

What he heard from the spy's report is that while the twins were horse-riding "normally", Akane is also riding her own kind of special mount, called her brother's cock.


""Father!"" the twins spoke at the same time while facing their father.

"Why?" said their father.


"WHY!!!!!!!!!!" Hirohito shouted furiously.

"Old ma..." Akane tried to say something.

"DID I EVER SAID YOU COULD TALK!" shouted their father.


"...just why"


"Father we truly love each othe..." Haru tried to say something.

"Smartass! If you didn't even love each other while FUCKING on broad daylight even while knowing I will send someone to keep tabs on you two, I'd be damned!"

"...just get out" Hirohito weakly said.

'I am already 67 years old, I really do need to retire'