
In Z Finite

This is the story of Zarco, a young guy with a magic stone and not much else, and Caelum, a wingless "angel". "Caelum -That's stupid... Zarco -Eh, it is..." Ahem, anyway, a lot of action & adventure awaits them, as they are forced together on a journey in search of some magic stones of legendary power. "Zarco -Liar! We're currently doing a lot more of "trying to survive" than rock picking around here! Caelum -Yeah, that is pretty misleading." Ok, screw this, I am out, if nobody read this story it will be your fault. "Zarco -The hell are you talking about, you're the one who wrote this... Caelum -Since our writer is unreliable, I will finish this. This story at its core is just a fun rump, focused on action, adventure, and a lot of comedic dialogue and exchanges. If you had at least a chuckle reading this then you will probably enjoy the story. Zarco -Yo, thanks for reading till this point, we will meet again at the pages."

VamV · 奇幻
31 Chs

- Jail

Zarco was being led by two guards past the corridors of an underground dungeon, as he was carried by the guards he could see prisoners being kept in medieval conditions. There were many different faces behind those metal bars, ranging from regular humans to even a worn-out angel wearing an eye patch.


Zarco then started to uselessly trash around while yelling.

-LET ME DOWN! I don't like prisons! And torture even less! I heard it involves a lot of blood, I don't like it...


The guard, who had to endure Zarco's purposely childish and annoying behavior all the way here, just says.

-You're not supposed to like it. - While not even looking at him.


The guards stop upon reaching a pretty empty cell, in comparison to the others of course, this cell had only one prisoner, who sat down on the dark corner all alone.


The guard spoke as he opened the cell.

-Welcome to your new home.


He then quickly throws Zarco into the cell



- Say hello to your new "companion".


Zarco fell face down on the floor of the cell and after the impact, he started to slowly raise his head.


His attention is drawn to the mysterious person who just sat there... menacingly.


After a few moments of silently staring, the menacing person decides to break the silence.

-Hey you, why are you here?


Zarco quickly gets up and turns his back to the person, he starts to tap his clothes to clean the dust and dirt while he also fixes his hair.


After getting ready, Zarco turns around speaking loud and clear as he tries to hide his fear.

-Listen well! For I am the great Zarco! And in a matter of days, I will spread chaos and fear among the inhabitants above! I have the power to overthrow and create empires! If you dare approach me, you will drop dead in instants!


The person then gets up while saying.

-Oh, awesome, chaos and fear, very impressive, but…


Caelum walks out of the shadows while yelling.







-Why did you let yourself be arrested, you idiot?!



-Ah... ergh... distracting an entire army is difficult, ok?! And actually, it's all your fault!



-My fault?!



-Yes! If I hadn't spent the energy of the crystal saving your hide I would be fine!



-It's not my fault if you don't know how to use your own weapon properly!



-I had just stolen that thing, give me a break...



-What kind of fool are you? Did you really use an artifact of such power without even knowing how to handle it?



-Yep, that's called testing, you dolt!



-Dolt, what's a dolt?





Caelum gets closer to Zarco in an intimidating way, she was clearly annoyed.

-Careful, even though I do not know the meaning of that word I know by your tone that it is something pejorative.



-It's obviously pejorative, I'm offending you! What a dumb creature...


A voice from the next cell screams

-Can't the couple stay quiet?!


Zarco and Caelum scream in unison.

