
Righteous Lariat

After realizing who it was I was talking to so casually a moment ago, I quickly shook myself out of my stupor and glared at Feldway. To be honest, I was wondering if I was in some sort of AU-type world since I had never heard of Feldway or Twilight from what I had read in the Light Novel.

Granted, I only ever read through to Volume 12 but had died before I was able to read any further, and was going on under the assumption that the story would follow the web novel with only a few details changed, but I guess I was wrong.

After sorting out my thoughts I began to glance around for a weapon or something else I could use to fight this Feldway guy with since from his clearly still hostile tone, he wanted to continue just as much as I did.

"Heh! Tough talk from a coward who attacks an unprepared guest from behind! How much more energy do you have compared to me? Ten, Eleven times, and you still couldn't beat me in one shot!" I provoked him which made him grind his teeth in frustration.

"I tolerate humans as Veldanava-sama's creations, however, you seem to still misunderstand your place!" Feldway called back to be before fully unfurling all six of his pure white wings in anger and flaring his fighting spirit.

I bent down and began pouring fighting spirit into my legs and arms, ready for a tussle while I circulated 80% of my total energy reserves through my body, enriching my aura even further. I vaguely sensed someone yelling 'STOP!' but ignored it as Feldway disappeared from his spot and reappeared only a few meters ahead of me.

I smirked and poured all of the energy that I had been circulating into my feet for a massive [Holy Burst] exploding behind my feet as I launched off the ground. My sheer speed even took the cocky angel off guard for just a moment, though as he saw my trajectory, he smirked and didn't make any evasive maneuvers or put up any defensive barriers. After all, from his perspective, I was going to miss the 'tackle' that I was going for. It was clear to me, at that exact moment, that he had never seen a wrestling match in his life. I smirked as I put all of my Aura into my left arm and then filled it with all of my remaining energy from my [Holy Reactor].

"[Righteous Lariat]!" I called out as the angel's neck caught my arm.

In the nanoseconds that we were connected, I activated [Holy Burst] once again, delivering the maximum potential damage I could dish out. I felt the muscles in my arm tear and my bones fracture under the sheer weight of the energy that the angel possessed, but regardless if I had just crippled my arm, I got one up on the cocky angel bastard who looked down on me just a moment ago.

Feldway, having not put up any defenses, was caught completely off-guard and unable to defend himself and was sent flying while spinning violently and crashed through the remains of the building and down a small back alleyway, eventually landing face-first in a watering trough for some sort of pig-like animal.

I, on the other hand, had halted my momentum only a few meters in front of where I had originally been standing, fell on my knees, and held my shattered left arm with my right arm. I grit my teeth hard as I turned back towards Feldway with a defiant smirk on my face. I held no real hope that I had knocked him out cold as, like I said, he was at the very LEAST 10-11 times stronger than me and I doubted he was even serious when he attacked, so while it probably knocked the wind out of him, I doubted he was unconscious right now.

"That *huff* was for breaking my sword *huff* jackass!" I spat out, huffing and puffing from the exertion and pretending to not be in excruciating pain.

"Oof! Feldway really did deserve that tough..." Twilight said from beside me as he walked over and began to heal my arm.

"Thanks..." I said before I felt the world begin to go fuzzy and blurred. "I didn't know you knew the Shadow Clone Jutsu Twilight-" I stated before falling unconscious in his arms.

(3rd POV)

"You were right Ramiris, he IS interesting." Veldanava commented with an amused smirk on his face.

"Right! Right! That's Alaster for ya! Told you I found someone interesting! He's already living up to my expectations of him! Of course, he couldn't defeat me! I have a whole 47 special moves I could use to beat him with one blow!" The fairy said, floating (or more like squirming) around happily.

"I don't know Ramiris. That 'Rightous Lariat' of his was kinda cool." Another woman commented from the side. The woman's golden eyes peered into Alaster as her Azure hair fluttered behind her. She was every bit as beautiful as Veldanava was handsome. As she sauntered over to stand next to her brother she gave a light chuckle.

"I'll admit, it was impressive he managed to get in such a clean hit against Feldway when he is so weak, but I guess Feldway was getting carried away and wasn't taking it seriously." Another woman, the equal of the azure-haired woman in terms of beauty commented as she too slowly made her way beside Veldanava. This one was a young-looking girl with long white hair and icy blue eyes. Her skin was snow-white but still somehow maintained a healthy coloration.

"Ah! Velzard! Velgrynd! When did you get here? Come to welcome Alaster too?" Ramiris called out casually.

"Well you were bragging about this human to us all the time and I thought about seeing if he actually was pretty capable. We came with Feldway but I didn't expect him to go ballistic like that." Velgrynd said with a sigh.

"Hehe~ Now now, Feldway is just jealous that brother was waiting on a human of all things. We even got Luminous to show up, which is rare." Velzard commented before looking towards Luminous.

"Don't look at me like that. I don't care about him, I was just here to make sure this asshole wouldn't keep lazing about my castle. I'll be leaving now." Luminous spoke while pointing to Twilight.

"Hey now, that's just mean!" Twilight stated while still holding the unconscious Alaster.

"You deserve it you know..." Sylvia added on.

"Eehhh!!!" Twilight screeched but everyone ignored him.

Suddenly Veldanava clapped his hands together to gather everyone's attention. "Alright then! This turned into a bigger affair than I thought it would and the man of the hour has already lost consciousness, so let's wrap things up for now. Ramiris will take Alaster-kun to the guest room and Twilight will fix up the broken buildings and roads with Feldway as punishment!"

"Ehhhhh!!! Even Veldanava-sama is picking on me!" Twilight moaned while Ramiris floated Alaster over to her and picked up his body into a princess carry.

"It's a good thing he's asleep. Men don't like being carried like that you know." Sylvia stated before turning and walking in the opposite direction of everyone else.

"Hmm? really?" Luminous asked, following after Sylvia.

After all, the two women weren't exactly close friends of the True Dragons nor were they subordinates of Veldanava. In fact, they only really interacted with them through their father, Twilight, and now that everything 'interesting' has ended, they would head back to their domains and continue with their daily lives.

"AH!!!" Ramiris suddenly shouted, getting everyone's attention. Even Sylvia and Luminous stopped walking away and turned around.

"If I call it Fairy Lariat, then I'l have a total of 48 Special Moves!" Ramiris thought out loud.

Everyone gained a sweat drop on their heads and thought the same thing. 'Aren't you just stealing his move?' before sighing.

Everyone looked at each other when they all sighed in unison and began to chuckle at how exasperated Ramiris and the whole situation had made them.

After several more moments, they were gone. It was only now that Feldway came rushing back to the location, ready to beat that insolent human from before to death, only to be met with Twilight who was busy magically repairing one of the walls he was blown through.

"Where did that human go!?!" He called out to Twilight.

"Ramiris took him along with Veldanava-sama back to their place," Twilight answered, interestingly. 'Damnit! The interesting guy got away... but I was able to feel some nice muscles when I was healing his arm...'

Twilight began to breathe heavily his face rapidly flushing as an indication of his excitement. Feldway, seeing this, and knowing of Twilight's lewd nature, uncomfortably shifted away from him before he wound up caught up in it. "I'm uh- I'm going to go to Veldanava-sama's side now so-" Feldway turned to run away only to be stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

A menacing aura came from behind him as well and he slowly turned his head to Twilight who was still taking deep and laborious breaths. "Don't go *huff* *huff* Veldanava-sama said you'd help me repair the damage and... *huff* I need your opinion on muscles..."

Feldway shuttered at the implication of what the man was saying and began to sweat profusely. "VELDANAVA-SAMA!!!" he cried into the afternoon sky.


Lore Bit: This is a new section to add bits and pieces of lore from the background of the chapter and to explore some of MY world building so that no one is confused about later changes to the story.

It always bugged me that Luminous had the skill called 'Lust' but wasn't shown to be extremely lustful. Mariabel got Greed because she was greedy, Dino got Sloth for being Lazy and Milim got Wrath due to being just so absolutely pissed off at Gaia's death, so what gives?

Due to this inconsistency, I'm going to make it so Twilight had the Lust Unique Skill and the reason Luminous wasn't lustful was that she inherited this skill from Twilight after his death. This would also explain why Luminous, despite knowing that Ultimate Skills existed and definitely being pissed off enough due to Nightrose being destroyed to have awakened it to an Ultimate Skill, wasn't able to at the time.

There really won't be a way to organically tell this information to the readers through the storytelling, so I thought of adding this segment in for the readers. What do you think? Should I do this o all my chapters?

Originally, this chapter was going to be about Alaster and Veldanava making a deal, however, I got so wrapped up with the introductions of all the characters and the quick 'fight' between Feldway and Alaster that I was all out of time. Look forward to the NEXT chapter for that.

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts